Rebirth 2003

Chapter 194: The charm of "Magic Sword Eternity"

That evening, at about 9:30, many authors have just finished writing a chapter. The author’s happiness is limited. The way for everyone to relax is usually to browse the forums, watch funny videos, or Baidu’s light farts. Beautiful pictures to refresh your mind.


   Of course, there are also some authors who are used to chatting and joking in the author group after a chapter is coded to relax their lonely soul.


   Every great **** in the dark realm, many people have this habit.


Because they are all peers here, everyone’s popularity is also very high. Every day we chat together, forge a little friendship, mix up with each other in the online literature circle, and have a care, so that when you encounter something, you can even help. No one is talking.


   A few days ago, I was still speculating whether Wen Chou would also go to the digital station, but today Wen Chou’s new book was released at the starting point, so everyone talked about it and mentioned Wen Chou.


   Wankuqu: "What the **** is Wen Chou that guy playing? It's really like Long Kong said, originally planned to go, but was left by the starting point?"


Seething dust: "Who knows, he didn't reply when sending a private message to him, so he could just cut and slash the "Infinite Killing" of the fire, admiring his courage! If it is the starting point to retain him, I don't know the starting point has paid. What a price!"


   Big Tiger: "Now there are still a few top gods left from the starting point? San Shao and Dancing seem to have not gone, the goose test shows no sign of going, and the toad is still there. Who else shouldn't leave?"


   A dark hole: "Wen Chou must be counted! The new book has just been released, so it is impossible to post tens of thousands of words first. Then you can leave without signing a contract with the starting point?"


   floating around: "Aren't all sentient beings still there?"


(All beings, this author. Now readers should not know much. This person has disappeared in the online literary circle for many years. His first work is "Online Game of All Living Beings", which started at the beginning of the online game literary boom. Fame, in 2005 and 2006, he was writing his masterpiece "Dragon Domain". The popularity of this book was very high at the time, especially in terms of subscriptions, which created the highest subscription record at the beginning. It seems to be the first one at the time. Order broken works.)


   Squiggly: "The proud father doesn't seem to be leaving, right?"


(Grandpa Ao is also a wonderful god. Every book is very popular. He is good at describing various female characters. But there is one thing. It makes his book fans hateful, that is, he likes to write in one book. Most of the time, the eunuch! Not once or twice, almost every piece of his work can't be finished. The **** seems to have become a great pleasure for him to write books, so everyone gave him the nickname "Ao Gong Gong.")


   As everyone chatted, it seemed that there was a tendency to crooked buildings, and the passing lamb, nicknamed "local tyrant sheep", appeared at this time. Pulled the topic back again.


   A passing lamb: "It looks like Wen Chou, this new book is really amazing? The book review area is very acclaimed, but there are still people rewarding it. Now that there are five leaders, has this guy taken aphrodisiac?"


   East and West: "Wen Chou, this servant, if this book is still as popular as "Infinite Killing", his godhead should be a great one?"


   A dark hole: "You guys say... is it possible that Wen Chou Nao ended up writing such a hot book "Infinite Killing" just to write this magic sword?"


  Quankut: "Are you funny? Even if you want to write this book, you can save the manuscript first? Is it necessary to end the book that is making money?"


   Big Tiger: "I heard a few days ago that the book "Unlimited Killing" was claimed by Little Japan for nearly one million copyright fees. Haven't you heard of it?"


   Wankuqu: "Is it because Wen Chou finished the book for this reason?"


  A passing lamb: "It's possible!"




   The next morning, over there at Taiwan e Publishing House.


One of the editors receiving the manuscript, Yingying, came to work at the company at normal times as usual. First, she found the towel and wiped the floating dust on the desks and chairs, and then put the fried dough sticks and soy milk she just bought next to the computer. As an editor, it’s normal to have breakfast in the office area.


   Several colleagues have arrived. After Yingying pressed the computer start button, she began to eat fried dough sticks and drink soy milk, and she chatted with her colleagues about the TV series she watched last night.


   Parenthood, TV series, movies, etc., are women's favorites!


   It’s been some years since the broken computer started up a little bit slowly, and the computer started successfully after a fried dough stick was off.


   Own computer, I know it myself, Yingying knows that the computer is not available at this time, and if you want to let it run, the master computer is like this, the response is always half a beat, and if you act in a hurry, it will easily crash.


  Finally, after waiting for almost two minutes, the fried dough sticks were all eaten, and only half a cup of soy milk was left. While sipping the soy milk, she logged in to her mailbox. This is the first thing you do every morning when you go to work!


   If there is a manuscript submitted, she must reply to the author as soon as possible, and then pass the manuscript to the first reviewing editor. Otherwise, it will affect the review speed of their publishing house.


   The short review cycle is a great tool for them to grab manuscripts from those big publishing houses!


   Soon, the mailbox was successfully logged in, and there were a few newly submitted manuscripts in it. Depending on the submission time, it should have been submitted last night.


A smile appeared on Yingying's face when she saw a new manuscript coming over. For a receiving editor, failing to receive the manuscript would be incompetent. It will not only affect the monthly bonus, but also lose her job over time. .


   clicked on the inbox and looked over at random, Yingying's eyes suddenly lit up, and a familiar author's name appeared behind the title of one of the manuscripts.


   "Wen Chou, the author of "The Magic Sword Eternal"


   This is the subject of the email submitted by Lu Yang.


   Wen Chou!


   This author’s manuscript was told by President Fan that once the other party submits it, it will be handed over to him for direct review!


   Because she was not mentally prepared, Yingying even whispered just now, causing the male editor who was chatting with her to look sideways in the next office area.


  Male editor: "Yingying! What's wrong with you? Are you okay?"


   Yingying did not lift her head, and exclaimed excitedly: "That Wen Chou submission came!"


  Male editor: "Huh? Really? I'll take a look!"


  Yingying's words. I was heard by a few editors nearby. Two of them came to Yingying's back with the male editor and followed the direction of Yingying's fingers. Sure enough, I saw the manuscript signed by Wen Chou.


  Male editor: ""Magic Sword Eternity"? Fairy knight? The title and subject matter of this book are good! I don't know if Creativity has that "Unlimited Killing" wonderful!"


  Another male editor: "Let's pull it down! Can creative ideas like "Infinite Kills" come up casually? It would be nice to have half the creative ideas of that book!"


It happened that at this time, Fan Huacheng, the owner of the publishing house, came in from outside. Early in the morning, he saw several editors surrounded by a fire in his heart, but finally heard them mention the name "Unlimited Killing". His heart just moved. He stopped, frowned but didn't immediately get angry, and asked: "What did you guys say when you gathered together? It seemed to mention "Infinite Killing" just now?"


   A few male editors surrounding Yingying suddenly heard the boss's voice. All were shocked, everyone knows that the boss hates lazy employees most.


   The panicked few people have not yet figured out how to answer, the excited Yingying has stood up suddenly, and excitedly reported to Fan Huacheng: "President Fan! Good news, good news! That Wen Chou has contributed to us again!"


   heard the news. Fan Huacheng raised his brows. There were accidents, but it was precisely because of the accidents that I felt pleasantly surprised.


Not long ago, the author Wen Chou suddenly announced the end of the book "Unlimited Kills". Although he knew that the other party was afraid of lawsuits, he had just paid a large amount of copyright fees on his behalf and the other party quickly finished the book. He was still very depressed. .


at the same time. I'm not sure if the other party's new book will be voted for them. After all, after some authors have problems with their copyrights, they will not find the reasons for themselves. They will think that the reason why the other party dares to ask for copyright fees is that the publishing house that publishes the book is not strong enough to cause some people to dare. Home bully.


   Fan Huacheng is not sure whether Wen Chou thinks that way, or whether he will submit his new book to those big publishing houses.


   But it's all right now. Soon after the other party finished "Infinite Killing", they submitted the manuscript of the new book to them, indicating that the other party is still willing to cooperate with them! This is good news!


   At this time, the only worry in his heart is that the quality of this new book is completely incomparable with the previous "Infinite Killing".


   Many famous figures in the physical world often have this situation, let alone an online novel author who is known for his update speed?


"What's the name of the new book? What subject? Forget it! Hurry up and send the manuscript to my mailbox! I'll go and read it right away!" Fan Huacheng blurted out and asked about the book's name and subject matter, but then urged Yingying to put the book quickly The manuscript of the book was sent to his mailbox.


   As an employee, Yingying naturally didn't dare to defy his orders, not to mention that she originally planned to send it to him immediately.


   After Fan Huacheng gave his instructions, he quickened his pace and hurried into his own office, and Yingying also proficiently forwarded the submission email to Fan Huacheng's mailbox.


   At this time, two of the three male editors who had been behind her just now returned to their seats, and only the male editor who had been chatting with her was left.


   After Yingying forwarded the manuscript to Fan Huacheng, the male editor who had a good relationship with Yingying whispered to Yingying.


   "Yingying! Forward this email to me, okay?"


   Yingying glanced at him with a smile on his face, nodded, and whispered: "Okay! Go back and sit down. If you are seen by Mr. Fan or Secretary Xia, you will be scolded again!"


   "Okay! Thank you Yingying! I invite you to dinner at noon!"


The    male editor thanked him happily and quickly returned to his seat.


   Yingying did it twice, and sent a copy of Lu Yang's submission email to the male editor, and then began to forward the other submissions to several preliminary editors.


For her, almost half of her work this morning has been done. If it is usual, she may have to go to those book stations in mainland China to find out if there are any new books suitable for publication. But at this time, her mind is all in Wen Chou. Above the manuscript of this new book.


   Everyone has curiosity, especially women!


   smiled and opened the e-mail attachment of Wen Chou's submission, which contained the content of the manuscript of the new book.


The male editor next to    is also opening this attachment at this time.


   Then they started to read Wen Chou's new book almost at the same time, Chapter One, The Disappearing True Qi...


   Whether a story is good or not, for orthodox literature, it may need to be analyzed from the perspective of the article's conception, inheritance and transformation, but for an online essay, those are all clouds!


   Can readers be substituted into it, can it give readers a sense of comfort, or can make readers want to stop, that is the highest standard for judging the good or bad of an online article! Others say a thousand words and ten thousand, all shit!


  The story of "Magic Sword Eternity" has at least tens of thousands of words at the beginning. After accomplishing the above points, Yingying and the male editor next to them opened the manuscript, and after only a few minutes of reading, they gradually became immersed in this novel story.


The protagonist is a prince, who is a superior status, but he is more annoyed than a mortal. In a world where the power is respected, he cannot practice. No matter how many hours a day he meditates, the true energy he cultivated will disappear for no reason. , No one can help him solve this problem, even his father and the immortals around him can't figure out where his true anger has gone.


Father and brother are fighting for their mother's feud, working hard day and night, he wants to contribute, but he is helpless, father and brother, everyone wants him to be a happy ordinary person, but he just wants to be his father and brother. Contribute.


   What a simple feeling, but he can't cultivate. There is still such a dream torturing him every night. I don't know what the sealed giant sword in the dream has to do with him?


  Unwilling to be a person who is completely useless to his father and brother, Qin Yu seems to be overwhelmed. He wants to walk a path that no one has ever walked before. He actually tried to become a super strong only by cultivating the flesh.


I really did that, cruel self-training, carrying boulders on my back, walking in the mountains every day, just to make my body Silent efforts, never let my father and brother know, only Not to let them distract him.


  As a prince, his daily life is hundreds of times harder than a mortal.


   At the same time, a mysterious world where fairies walk everywhere is slowly unfolding in front of readers.


Yingying and the male editor next to the manuscript of the first episode of 65,000 words finished reading almost at the same time. After reading, the two of them did not have the first time to talk and communicate. One finger was in a daze with a cigarette between his fingers, and the other held his hand. The soy milk cup that had been drunk in it, staring gaze still stayed on the computer screen.


   is not as stunning as "Infinite Killing", but has a more attractive magic!


   At this moment, in Fan Huacheng's office, there was a crash, and the sound of the water cup falling to the ground was broken, which shocked the entire office area. (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thanks to the confused people! ! ! 、Where I am in the vast universe and my eyes are so easy to reward 100 coins, thank the team of Thor for rewarding 588 coins again.

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