Rebirth 2003

Chapter 232: Give me one more press

In the afternoon, Lu Yang sat in his office as usual, with a book of "The Secret History of the Tang Dynasty" in front of him borrowed from an old teacher, with a cup of tea in his hand, as if he was reading a professional history book, but his heart was Thinking about the new book.


   The title of the new book, he has already decided, and he hasn't used the magical "Dragon and Snake Romance". He can't copy that book, so he doesn't want to use that book's name.


  After pondering for a few days, I finally decided to name the new book "The Fierce National Magic".


By his current fame, the name of a book is not important anymore. You can click on the general content of the story in the title of the book, even if it is kind. Some great gods’ new books take a very literary name, and readers will still buy it, even from the book. The name of the book does not tell what the content is.


Lu Yang was thinking about the plot of the story this afternoon. Should he follow the general plot of "The Romance of the Dragon and the Snake". He still has some impressions of the general plot of the "The Romance of the Dragon and the Snake", especially in the early stage where Wang Chao was learning boxing with Tang Zichen in the park. Very impressed.


   In the age of modern guns, it is difficult to write Chinese martial arts in a powerful way, but with a sense of reality.


   In many readers’ inherent concepts, the martial arts, or boxing technique, is so powerful that the opponent will knock you down with a single shot! After more than ten or twenty years of hard training, one bullet can turn the sweat of a martial arts master into dust and smoke for a month or two.


  The sincere way set by Shenji in "The Romance of the Dragon and Snake" is very good. It allows people to predict the danger in advance. There are opportunities for martial arts and firearms. The power is also great, but it is in "The Romance of the Dragon and Snake". The setting is that the protagonist never uses a gun, just to use boxing to deal with all dangers.


   This book is destined to be a difficult work to write.


   Last night, Teng Hu sent him some secrets of Bajiquan by email. There are many well-known types of boxing that have not been collected. Lu Yang was a little grateful that the book was prepared early. The preparation of "Magic Sword Eternity" was less than three months old. Otherwise, if he rushed to write this book, this once classic work would definitely be broken in his pen.


   After two o'clock in the afternoon, he was the only one left in the office where Lu Yang was. The other teachers either went to class or went to other offices to chat, probably because Lu Yang didn't speak much. Let them feel that it's boring to stay in the office!


   Lu Yang was so happy that he could think about the new book in peace. However, there are always some who are curious and like to chat with some taciturn people. For example, Liang Hongyun, the wife of Vice Principal Lu.


   As the wife of Deputy Principal Lu, who is the most powerful in the junior high school. Liang Hongyun is very leisurely every day, dressed elegantly and dignifiedly, with a gentle and virtuous appearance, always smiling. At this moment, she put two hands in the pockets of the suit and trousers, smiling and pacing into the office where Lu Yang is.


   As mentioned earlier, if not nearly 40 years old, Liang Hongyun is definitely the most beautiful female teacher in this school. The height of a few six meters is not tall or short among women. The body is neither fat nor thin, but the hips are not as big as those coquettish women, but the shape is good-looking, the **** are not flat nor heavy, not big or small, it is medium and upper, the key is that the face is beautiful, nearly forty years old, The face is as delicate as milk, with almost invisible pores, and the eyebrows are picturesque.


In Lu Yang's impression, she smiled when she saw anyone. She had never seen her angry. When she was fine, she liked to chat with people. In her previous life, she often talked to Lu Yang when she was alone. Sometimes Looking at her with smiling eyes, Lu Yang would have the illusion that she was interested in him.


   smiled and walked into the office where Lu Yang was located, Liang Hongyun's soft voice sounded: "Mr. Xiao Lu! Are you reading? The top students are still working so hard! Some teachers will be scared when they see it!"


   Lu Yang turned around to see her, and replied with a smile: "It's Teacher Liang! Come sit down! What are the other teachers afraid of when I read the book?"


   Actually, Lu Yang knew what she meant. At least a dozen teachers in the junior high school of this school were not well-educated.


In 2006, many schools existed. Teachers with inadequate literacy levels were the most unpleasant, the college students who graduated from regular normal schools. The sense of crisis could not be eliminated. This is also the habit of old teachers squeezing out new ones. One reason for teachers.


Liang Hongyun leaned against the edge of the desk next to him with a smile, and said, "No! I won't sit! Sitting in the office is a pain every day. By the way, Teacher Xiaolu! Where is your home? I heard that you are all from a province and city, you should also be from a province, right?"


   This is obviously a habitual posture. Lu Yang no longer thinks about the new book for the time being, and chats with her. How can she say that she is also the wife of Vice Principal Lu, let alone a charming mature woman.


   Lu Yang: "Well, I'm from Wuhu, a province. Teacher Liang is from Yangzhou, right?"


   Liang Hongyun: "Huh? Teacher Xiaolu, how do you know that I am from Yangzhou? Who told you?"


   Liang Hongyun came with interest, always looking at Lu Yang's face with smiling eyes.


   Lu Yang: "Hehe! I guessed! Isn't there a saying that Yangzhou has beautiful women! Teacher Liang is so beautiful, I guess it should be Yangzhou!"


   This is obviously holding Liang Hongyun. With the experience of the previous life, Lu Yang knew she was from Yangzhou for a long time, but Liang Hongyun didn't know this! So, listening to Lu Yang guessed it this way, she smiled so that her eyes were narrowed into two slits, revealing a mouthful of fine snow-white teeth.


   gently waved his hand and slapped Lu Yang on the shoulder, still unable to stop smiling.


"You! Seeing that you are usually honest, you can even verbalize! But you guessed it! I am indeed from Yangzhou. By the way, Teacher Xiaolu, do you have a girlfriend? Do you want me to introduce you to you? A beauty from our Yangzhou?"


   Lu Yang: "Hehe! If Teacher Liang is so beautiful, I will take it!"


   Liang Hongyun gave Lu Yang a white smile and said with a smile, "I'm old! Are you still kidding me? But I think you look good. I heard that you can still be a literary and martial artist. You must have a girlfriend long ago?"


   Liang Hongyun is nearly 40 people, rolling his eyes can still feel charming.


   Unknowingly, the time for a class just passed. When the bell ringing outside the class, Liang Hongyun smiled and said to Lu Yang: "Teacher Xiaolu, you are busy! I have something to leave now!"


   Lu Yang: "Mr. Liang, go well!"


   Then, Liang Hongyun walked away in style.


   is really a beautiful woman with charm.


   Soon after the class bell rang, the teachers returned to the office. The office that had been quiet for a class time became lively again, and Tong Yaqian limped back to the office holding the lesson plan. Her desk was opposite Lu Yang. When she entered the door, she glanced at Lu Yang. Seeing Lu Yang looking over, she pursed her mouth and smiled. She sat on the seat, lowered her head and took out her mobile phone. Press the button on the phone for a while before putting down the phone.


   Then Lu Yang's cell phone rang. Lu Yang took out the cell phone and saw the text message she had just sent.


   "After work, I'll go to your place, my ankle is still not good, help me press `once again."


   After reading the text message, when Lu Yang raised his eyes to look at her, he saw her sitting there serious and sorting out the lesson plan. It seemed that the text message was not sent by her.


Lu Yang thought of what happened in her bedroom that afternoon, and his heart was a little hot. It was almost a month since I came here for an internship, and I haven't done that kind of thing for almost a month. If it weren't for Xu Xiaoman's reply that afternoon To the dormitory, I am afraid that he and Tong Yaqian happened.


   Only the last step is left now, will you finish it tonight?


  I can’t think about this kind of thing. If I don’t think about it, it doesn’t matter if I don’t do it for a month or two. This afternoon, Lu Yang couldn't help but think about that in his mind, and his eyes were constantly looking at Tong Yaqian who was sitting across from him.


  Sometimes, when he watched more often, Tong Yaqian’s white cheeks would climb into a blush, and then either glanced at him or kicked him lightly under the table.


   more and more flirted with Lu Yang's passion.


   In this tormental waiting, the bell for school in the afternoon finally rang. Lu Yang took a look at Tong Yaqian and left the office first.


   came out of school, first packed a few dishes and three pieces of rice in a small restaurant, then returned to the place where he rented, and sent a message to Tong Yaqian on his mobile phone.


   "Come and eat!"


   Then about ten minutes later, Tong Yaqian knocked on his door.


   "Have you cooked?"


   The first sentence after entering the door, Tong Yaqian asked this.


   At this time, Lu Yang had already packed all the packed meals with dishes and placed them on the dinner table.


After the meal, Lu Yang cleared the table. Tong Yaqian was already sitting on the sofa in the living room with a small bag. Only one-third of the Chinese Chinese booze was left, which was also placed on the coffee table in front of the sofa. Lu Yang wiped it with a dry towel. The water stains on his hands came out of the kitchen without talking, but just looked at him with a smile.


   For Lu Yang, this is naked seduce! She smiled and walked over and sat down at her feet. Tong Yaqian had already taken off her The two snowy little feet were placed horizontally on the sofa like an artwork, just on her right ankle. There is still a little purple-red bruise.


   "Don't call it pain!"


Lu Yang smiled and said as he picked up the boiled wine and poured some on the palm of his hand, then rubbed the palm of his hand, and then began to press the mole on Tong Yaqian's ankle. Compared with the first time, this time by pressing the mole, Tong Yaqian no longer has it. She grinned in pain, but she still frowned, gritted her teeth in secret, and moved her eyebrows. It took more than half an hour before the expression on her face eased. Lu Yang pressed her ankle from her ankle slowly. Go up, follow her two snow-white calves all the way up.


   "What are you doing?"


   Tong Yaqian shrank her calf, bit her lower lip lightly, and chuckled, Lu Yang ignored her, with her hands running along her thighs, she had already touched her round buttocks.


   The wonderful touch made Lu Yang take a deep breath subconsciously, Tong Yaqian's eyes also narrowed slightly, her cheeks gradually flushed. (To be continued...)


  P: Thanks to Ling Zimu for giving 100 points of coins, and thank you for the monthly pass of wahaha oolong tea and book friends 110301180035281.

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