Rebirth 2003

Chapter 281: Resign with Lao Sun

After staying for one night, Lu Yang returned to K city in Y province with simple luggage the next day. The Dragon Clan and Xingyu Internet Cafe, which he founded and operated for three years, is no longer his own. When he left, Lu Yang deliberately passed by that street, looking at the Dragon Race and Xingyu, where guests came and went from time to time, Lu Yang felt a little sad and reluctant, but no matter how reluctant, the road always goes forward. Vanke stocks are ready to sell. Now, let alone these two Internet cafes?


That night, when Lu Yang was in the small room with the codewords, he received a call from Wang Lin. When he saw Wang Lin's name displayed on the screen of his mobile phone, Lu Yang's heart jumped. Could it be the right to adapt the movie or The game adaptation rights contacted the buyer?


   "Hey! Is there any good news to tell me?" Lu Yang quickly answered the phone, and asked these words expectantly as soon as he opened his mouth.


   Wang Lin: "If it is good news to help you pass the meaning to several film and television companies and game companies, then there is indeed!"


   Lu Yang's heart sank, the smile on his face faded a little, and he said a little disappointed: "No one has expressed interest yet?"


   Wang Lin: "No, I'm calling you this, mainly to tell you that "The Gate of Rebirth" is about to be completed. Then, in accordance with the industry practice, a tea ceremony will be held. Do you want to come over?"


   Did not hear the news that he wanted to hear, Lu Yang couldn't hide his disappointment, and said with no interest: "Forget it, I have taken a lot of leave recently, so I won't come to this reception."


Wang Lin: "Oh! Don't worry too much! With your reputation, as long as you can maintain it, or wait for our movie to make money. There should be companies that will try to adapt yours, don't worry! Take your time !"


  Wang Lin didn't know the real reason why Lu Yang wanted to operate full copyright recently. Of course, Lu Yang knew it a few years later. The adaptation of his own work into a movie or even a game is very promising. By that time, the copyright fee for the adaptation will also be doubled or three times, but can he wait? Will Apple wait until he has all the money ready before releasing a smartphone?


   It seems. Have to think of other ways!


   When he finished talking with Wang Lin, this thought flashed through Lu Yang's mind, thinking: Is it really necessary to ask for another long vacation? Will Lao Sun kill people?


But. Even if you take a long vacation and you don’t have that network, what can you do? Those game companies directly go to the door to promote their work? Whether I can see the other person or not is unknown, but I just watched it like this. do nothing. Not even better.


   That night, Lu Yang thought about it a lot. Even when Yuer talked to him at midnight, he just casually lied on the bed and was still thinking about it.


   The next Monday, after attending the regular meeting, most of the teachers returned to their offices. Lu Yang slowed down as usual and walked at the end of the crowd. Tong Yaqian and Xu Xiaoman also walked with him habitually. When the two girls talked to him, he also responded absently, as if he heard Xu Xiaoman say: "Lu Yang! You dare to say anything! Many people in the school are watching you, don't you? Don’t you know? Recently, many colleagues have been discussing in private about your copyright operations..."


   Xu Xiaoman said a lot of helplessness, Lu Yang responded with an "Oh", and Tong Yaqian also followed him with a few words. He was still an "Oh". Now, both girls noticed that Lu Yang was absent-minded.


   Tong Yaqian hit Lu Yang's arm with her hand, and after summoning Lu Yang back to God, she frowned and asked, "What are you in a daze? Xiaoman and I are talking to you!"


   Lu Yang: "Oh."


"Oh" again, Tong Yaqian raised her eyebrows with anger, and subconsciously wanted to kick Lu Yang. Xu Xiaoman was also dumbfounded. And when Tong Yaqian was about to lift her right foot to kick Lu Yang, Lu Yang suddenly said A single sentence wiped out all the dissatisfaction of the two women.


   Lu Yang suddenly said, "I am going to wait and resign with Lao Sun."


   It turns out that Lu Yang had been thinking about this from last night to this morning, and he actually wanted to resign...


Tong Yaqian opened her mouth slightly, trying to persuade, but she didn’t know where to persuade. She knew that Lu Yang had to go to work recently and had to write. It was very hard, so if she wanted to persuade, she couldn’t say anything. I know that Lu Yang wants to resign this time, not because of hard work part-time.


Xu Xiaoman didn’t know so much. When Lu Yang said that he wanted to resign from his old grandson, he said anxiously: “Lu Yang, what are you talking about? They said in public that you will be promoted after your internship is over. When you say that you resign, don’t you give up all your previous work? What a shame, right?”


   Lu Yang shook his head and said, "I didn't intend to stay here all the time. I decided to finish this internship period. There are too many things to be busy now. It seems that I can only move ahead."


Xu Xiaoman wanted to persuade him again. Tong Yaqian took her arm and shook her head slightly. Although she was reluctant to leave Lu Yang, she came here for an internship to be with Lu Yang, but every time she went to Lu Yang Yang stayed there and saw that he was late at twelve o’clock in the evening and was still awake. Sometimes she woke up after two or three o’clock in the morning. There was still no figure of him on the bed, but in the small room next to him, he was still awake. With the fine rain of keyboard tapping, if she was a woman who liked Lu Yangqian, she would definitely not feel distressed, but she was not, so she was always worried about Lu Yang's body, worried about staying up all night like this for a long time, and getting a strong body. Will also be overwhelmed.


  The three of them walked more slowly as they spoke. At this time, the leaders and teachers who had just ended the meeting had almost all returned to their offices.


   Lu Yang: "I went to talk to Lao Sun!"


   Tong Yaqian nodded, feeling complicated but still squeezing out a smiling face, and said: "Go!"


Lu Yang nodded and speeded up his pace to go to Vice Principal Sun's office. Behind him, as Lu Yang was walking away, Xu Xiaoman put his arms around Tong Yaqian's shoulders, and whispered, "You just let him go like this? You are stupid! Are you afraid that he will return to Cao Xue?"


  A girl like Xu Xiaoman who is both good in character and academics can't be a fool. She has been doing an internship here for so long. She lives in a dormitory with Tong Yaqian, and Tong Yaqian has a relationship with Lu Yang. She had noticed it a long time ago, and later she even found out to her shock that Lu Yang had not broken up with her former girlfriend Cao Xue. Knowing this situation, Tong Yaqian was still willing to be with Lu Yang.


   When I heard the news at the time, Xu Xiaoman felt bad all over. What age is this, there is still such a situation of one man and two women? She still doesn't know the existence of Rui Xiaoxiu.


   Otherwise her view of the world and love will be subverted more thoroughly.


   After getting familiar with Tong Yaqian, Xu Xiaoman once carefully asked Tong Yaqian this question, but Tong Yaqian told her: "You haven't gotten this far. You won't understand."


   If you don’t say it, of course I won’t understand!


   Xu Xiaoman thought this way, but knew that Tong Yaqian meant that she would not tell her.


   This incident really subverted Xu Xiaoman's view of love. Before, she never expected that Tong Yaqian, such a beautiful and talented girl, would know that a boy has a girlfriend. Also be with each other. Even if the other party has not broken up with her ex-girlfriend, she can bear it?


Since then, Xu Xiaoman’s senses towards Lu Yang have become very strange. He despises him in his heart, but he feels a little admired. Fortunately, Xu Xiaoman is not an emotional girl, no matter what he thinks or thinks. Lu Yang's, every time I see Lu Yang. She still tried to behave as before.


   She is a little curious, this man and two women. What will be the result in the future.




Knocked on Vice President Sun’s office. When Lu Yang walked in, Vice President Sun was drinking tea. On the sofa opposite the desk, there was Bi Xuedong, the secretary of the Academic Affairs Office who had recently followed in his footsteps. Lu Yang came in. Everyone laughed, and Vice Principal Sun said with a smile: "Haha! Of these new teachers, Mr. Lu is probably the most diligent in my office. How about? Mr. Xiao Lu is here to take a long vacation today, right?"


Bi Dongxue: "Hehe! I can't see it! The principal, you only warned him a few days ago. It's only a few days now? No matter how interesting Mr. Lu is, he won't come to take a long vacation so soon! Isn't Mr. Lu? "


   The following sentence naturally asked Lu Yang.


   Lu Yang seems to have three black lines hanging on his forehead. Is it too embarrassing?


   was about to say resignation, here Vice President Sun and Bi Dongxue both laughed at him so much, Lu Yang couldn't imagine the face of Vice President Sun and Bi Dongxue next.


Lu Yang showed embarrassment on his face. He smiled in a jealous manner, but he didn't immediately deny it, or say that there was something else. In Vice President Sun’s office, Vice President Sun and Bi Dongxue smiled and couldn’t stop laughing. Both of them had a bad premonition. Is this guy going to take a long vacation again?


   The two looked at each other, Lu Yang still didn't speak, but just smiled wryly, Vice President Sun reduced the smile on his face, coughed dryly, and sat down tightly, winking at Bi Dongxue who was sitting on the opposite sofa.


Bi Dongxue worked in the hands of Vice Principal Sun for so many years. As soon as he received Vice Principal Sun’s look, he immediately understood. He also coughed pretendingly, frowned and asked Lu Yang: "Mr. Xiao Lu! You are not! Will you really come to take a long vacation again, right?"


   "No!" Lu Yang smiled and shook his head.


   is not just fine!


   Hearing this answer, Vice President Sun and Bi Dongxue both breathed a sigh of relief. It would be too embarrassing today if it was another long vacation. Unfortunately, Lu Yang quickly added another sentence to let them understand what it means to be too happy.


   Lu Yang: "Principal! I'm here today... to resign."


   Speaking of the word resignation, Lu Yang was a bit unable to speak, so he hesitated for a moment. The smiles that had just recovered on the faces of Vice President Sun and Bi Dongxue suddenly froze on their faces.


   It’s not a long vacation... That’s great, but resign? You might as well ask for leave!


   Bi Dongxue carefully glanced at Vice Principal Sun’s face, a little afraid to speak, Vice Principal Sun only felt a puff of anger coming from his lower abdomen to his heart, and his heart was choked! Who is the principal and has met such an intern? Obviously he is very capable, but takes a long vacation every few times. He has tolerated it, and now he resigns? At this time, Vice President Sun went up and slapped Lu Yang to death.


  I just told him in public that he will be converted to a full year right after the internship is over. How many days have you said this sentence? Is this coming to resign? What else does he want? Can you be the principal directly for him?


After forcibly suppressing and suppressing the anger in his heart, Vice Principal Sun did not suppress it in the end. The fat slap suddenly slapped on the desk, his chest was up and down, and he took a few breaths before he bit his teeth and stared at Lu Yang and asked in a deep voice. "Lu Yang! Why are you resigning? Give me a reason! A reason that you said in the past! No one has offended you recently, right? You want to ask for leave. I gave you three weeks. I was also free from other teachers. The pressure of gossip, I am so tolerant of you and indulge you, how do you repay me?"


   Bi Dongxue consciously closed his mouth and didn't mix up at this time.


Lu Yang lowered his head slightly. During the months of internship here, Lao Sun did not say to him that at this moment, facing Lao Sun’s questioning, he was really ashamed. However, compared to his plan, the internship was really true. He couldn't continue. With a little apologetic, Lu Yang raised his head and said to Vice Principal Sun: "I'm sorry, Principal! I have something to do recently, but I have asked for leave too many times recently, so I am sorry to ask for leave again, so , I can only resign with you, sorry! I have failed your cultivation."


After Lu Yang's explanation, the office of Vice President Sun was completely silent. Lu Yang did not speak any more, Bi Dongxue did not dare to speak, Vice President Sun could not see that he was staring at Lu Yang with joy and anger, and no one could see what was in his heart. idea.


   After a while, Vice Principal Sun suddenly said: "What are you going to do again?"


Lu Yang: "Maybe you don’t know the principal, I...I recently had a plan to sell my film and television adaptation rights or game adaptation rights. Now I’m encountering a little difficulty, I want to go to those game companies to recommend it. ."




Bi Dongxue on the sofa was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, Lu Yang, an intern, had such a big tone. He wanted to sell himself to another company to make movies and TV, and even wanted to adapt it into an online game. He recently worked at the Academic Affairs Office every day. Did not hear the following teacher discussing this matter.


  Vice Principal Sun obviously hadn't heard of it, and his face changed slightly when he heard Yan. The gaze at Lu Yang was no longer so gloomy. An index finger clicked on the desk unconsciously, and Vice Principal Sun began to ponder.


   Just when Lu Yang was about to ask the principal for principal Sun said: "How many days do you want to take a holiday this time?"


   Lu Yang: "This...I'm not sure. It may take three or five days, or it may take half a month, or even a month. The time is uncertain. This is also one of the reasons why I and you resigned."


   Maybe I figured it out, and Vice Principal Sun finally showed a smile on his face, and said, "Is this matter urgent? Can I ask for leave after New Year's Day?"




   Now, both Lu Yang and Bi Dongxue were surprised.


  Old Sun dare to grant him a long vacation this time? Are you really afraid of the teachers below rebelling? (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thanks to Lizhi Township and Aku, you are so handsome for rewarding 100 points, thanks to soldiers and horses Yuan Shuai for rewarding 588 points, thanks to h Anqijixi for rewarding 1888 points, thanks to the leader Lan? People once again rewarded 60,000 points, thank the leader Pan Niu for rewarding 100,000 points again, and congratulations on Pan Niu becoming the first leader of this book. Thank you all for your monthly pass. Well, today's monthly pass is among the top ten in the classification. I beg you for more monthly pass support! Now the tenth position is in danger and will fall at any time, please, everyone! u

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