Rebirth 2003

Chapter 296: Someone wants to cut Hu

? This Monday’s regular meeting is not a big deal. It is basically the usual topics. For example, the vice-principal Sun emphasized that the sanitation work in the junior high school must be done well. Some teachers have performed well recently and deserve praise. Some other teachers have been a little lax recently. The attitude is not quite right; for example, the dean of academic affairs Chen Jian criticized at the meeting that the atmosphere of early self-study or evening self-study in certain classes was very bad, and the classroom was noisy.


  In the end, the key issue is the preparations for the upcoming New Year's Day party.


   Several class teachers who have not yet determined to submit the program were criticized by name. The grades of the programs submitted by certain two classes were too low, and they were required to call back to prepare the program report for approval.


   Some people in the conference room were drowsy, such as Lu Yang; others were frightened or depressed, such as those class teachers who were criticized by name and several teachers who had performed poorly recently.


   For the junior high school of the Third Middle School, this Monday's regular meeting is indeed just a regular meeting, not surprising, and not much different from usual.


   About the time, at the Shanghai Giant Game Company, the meeting at this time was really discussing an important matter.


   Private companies are not like schools. The junior high school of the Third Middle School where Lu Yang is located holds regular meetings once a week, while the heads and minds of big companies like Giant hold meetings every morning.


   At this morning's meeting, the assessment ordered by the boss last Saturday, the results came out.


   In the game department, leader Li, who is in charge of the project evaluation, is reporting the evaluation results of their group to the boss at this time, and more than ten participants listened quietly.


Team Leader Li: "President! Dear managers and colleagues! Last Saturday afternoon. My team and I received the president’s order to evaluate the feasibility of adapting the work under the name Wen Chou, the platinum author of the starting point Chinese website, and adapting to online games. According to these two Working overtime to collect data and analysis, the evaluation results are as follows: 1. Starting point Chinese website is the leading website in the emerging online novel industry. It is roughly estimated that it accounts for more than 70% of the online novel reading market. The website has registered authors, and currently about 100,000. Signed authors, about 2,000, these are about 2,000 signed authors. According to the standards of the Internet novel industry, there are about 1,800 authors in the third line, and about 150 people in the second line. .In the front line, there are about thirty or forty people, and about ten people in the top position! The president ordered our group to evaluate the starting point of the Chinese web author-Wen Chou, which belongs to the best of the top authors! Because according to our survey, the starting point A few months ago, on top of the ordinary A-level author contract, a platinum author contract was launched. And Wen Chou is one of the only five platinum authors."


  Speaking of which. Team Leader Li paused, pursed his mouth a little thirsty, and then continued: "Second, according to the data collected by our group, Wen Chou published his novels on the Chinese website of Qidian since October 2003. He "The Doomsday Wasteland" is probably the lowest popular among all his works, but even so, this novel was successfully published in Taiwan before it was serialized online; his second novel is..."


   After reading the manuscript for a long time, Team Leader Li talked about the "Magic Sword Eternal" currently being written by Lu Yang.


"Wen Chou is currently serializing "Magic Sword Eternity", which can be said to be the representative of his peak popularity since he started his career. Currently, the number of clicks and readings on the Chinese website of Qidian has exceeded 15 million. Paid reading, the average is about Thirty thousand people. We asked a senior person in the industry. The senior person told us that the average number of subscribers of about 30,000 people is already the top score in the industry. Looking at the number of piracy, it is still dozens of times or even higher. More than a hundred times. If you count the fascinating number of books accumulated by other ugly works above, this number may be doubled! It is worth noting that this work has just set a new record on the website for five consecutive months. To the first place on the website’s most competitive monthly ticket list! To sum up, the final evaluation result of our team members is-you can try to invest, buy the right to adapt, and it is recommended to purchase copyright fees ranging from 1 million to 1.5 million Time! My report is over!"


   After Team Leader Li sat down, everyone whispered in the highly modern conference room.


It seems that there is only one "Zhu Xian" in the industry that has adapted online novels for online games, and the game "Zhu Xian" is currently under development and has not been released. No one knows that after it goes on the market, What kind of results can be achieved.


   The boss took a sip of tea, his eyes swept across the faces of everyone in the meeting room, he coughed, and asked, "Leader Li’s assessment is very detailed. I have already said it. Let’s talk about your opinions!"


A deputy director first said: "President! I personally think that this matter should be watched slowly! After the "Zhu Xian" of the perfect side is released, after seeing their results, we will decide whether to buy the copyright of this author. , I think it’s safer!"


Another deputy director who usually doesn't deal with him sneered and said: "Do you think it is safe to do our industry? When others succeed, you will follow suit? Not to mention that the cost of purchasing the adaptation rights will be greatly increased at that time. , Will other authors wait for us? Will other companies wait for us? You don’t know why the president urgently ordered Leader Li to evaluate this project as quickly as possible? Shanda is already evaluating it! Once Shanda has the final evaluation result It is positive, and they will sell the right of adaptation to Shanda immediately! You must know that the starting point Chinese website is a website under Shanda~! How will we compete with Shanda then?"


The rebutted deputy director said angrily: "Do you also know that is a company owned by Shanda? You also know that Shanda is evaluating this project? That author is a contracted author of Shanda's website. If Shanda wants to buy it, he will sell the adaptation rights. Give us?"




Team leader Li, who had completed the assessment report, deliberately coughed twice at this time. After attracting everyone’s attention, he pushed the frame of the glasses with his hand and reminded: "I want to add, according to the understanding of our team, the starting point is Chinese. Net currently only signed the electronic copyright of all contracted authors, and the right to adapt the game is still in the hands of the author. If we move fast enough, we can fully sign the "Magic Sword" under the ugly name below before Shanda. eternal"!"


   The deputy director who retorted earlier had a smile on his face, and he glanced provocatively at the deputy director who spoke first.


   The deputy director whose face was interrupted by Team Leader Li became ugly, and he was about to continue his defense. The president had already tapped his fingers on the table, looked at the director, and asked blankly: "Director Ho! What about your opinion?"


Director He glanced over the faces of the two deputy directors, contemplated for a moment, and said: "My opinion is that the copyright can be purchased! A novel that can attract millions of fans is obviously a classic. There should be no problem with the plot, plus the inherent fans of this novel, if we buy the game adaptation rights for this novel, we can expect that at the beginning of the game’s release, there will be at least hundreds of thousands of book fans. , This is precious! At the starting point, it is far more than any game designed by our own architecture!"


   After listening to the opinion of the director of the game department, the president pondered for a moment, but still did not make a statement. His serious eyes swept across the meeting room and everyone's faces, and he asked, "Are there any other comments?"


   This is actually a nonsense!


   Among those present, there are only three directors in charge of the game department. Others can be said that they are not professionals in the game field. Three directors and three professionals, two of whom said they can buy the right of adaptation. Who else would oppose it at the scene?


Seeing that there are no other opinions, the president nodded and said: "Manager Wang! You are responsible for the purchase of the copyright! Be sure to get the right to adapt the novel before the evaluation result of Shanda comes out! As for the cost, time is running out. , You can improve appropriately! Are there any questions?"


  Manager Wang: "Guaranteed to complete the task! Please rest assured, the president!"


  President: "Well, that's it! That's it for today's meeting. Let's do things, everyone!"




   This is the end of the meeting.




   No one thought that Wen Chou's book fans were looking for Shanda, and the evaluation result of Shanda had not come out yet. Instead, the giant had finalized the result and wanted to stop Shanda Hu! To know the starting point is a subsidiary of Shanda!


  The task that the president personally explained, Manager Wang of the copyright department did not dare to neglect. After walking out of the meeting room, the first problem was in front of him.


  ——How to contact the author named Wen Chou!


  Shanda is evaluating this project. At this time, if he directly contacted the starting point Chinese website and someone's website gave him Wenchou's contact information, he would definitely be alarmed by Shanda. At that time, this task may have not started yet, and it will be over.


  How did you explain to the president at that time?


   After thinking for a while, he walked into the game department, found the leader Li who was doing the evaluation this time, and asked whether he had collected the contact information of the author.


As a result, Team Leader Li regretfully told him: "Manager Wang! We are on the order of the to evaluate whether the author’s work has been adapted into a game. There is no need to go deep into investigating the author. Contact information."


   Manager Wang scratched his head with a headache, and asked unwillingly: "Lao Li! Really?"


   Leader Li shook his head.


   Manager Wang: "Then can you get the contact information of that author?"


Team Leader Li smiled, and when Manager Wang was inexplicably smiling, he said: "This should be possible! I contacted a senior person in the online novel industry in this assessment, who used to be a senior at, and is now in charge of another newly opened novel. Website, he should know the contact information of that author!"


   Manager Wang's eyes lit up when he heard the words.


   There is a way! (To be continued...)


  PS: Thank you, Feng Ge, for the reward of 100 points. Originally wanted to add something more, but only now did the third chapter come out. I hate myself a little bit! Too incompetent! Sorry to ask for anything, everyone despise me!


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