Rebirth 2003

Chapter 760: Song Xiangrong

  &Nbsp;   Haiding Branch of Beijing Police Station.     The director, the deputy director, the section chief, the deputy section chief, the team leader, the team leader... a group of brains are having a meeting in the conference room. There is only one topic for the meeting. Do you want to arrest the Shanghai Rongqin Group? Chairman Song Xiangrong.     Lu Yang asked the lawyers to send the video and audio recordings, and everyone present had already watched them. After watching them, a very serious question posed before them—Should we arrest Song Xiangrong? Or, just ask Song Xiangrong to come and assist in the investigation?     The identity of Song Xiangrong lies there. The chairman of a multi-billion-dollar listed group, such a person, does not want to catch and let go.     Once arrested, the social impact will be great! What's more, it is certain that government officials who had good acquaintances with Song Xiangrong will certainly not be few. If Song Xiangrong is arrested, the final investigation result will be misunderstood. Then the pressure on the Haiding Branch will be great!     The atmosphere in the conference room was a bit tense. The director never expressed his opinion. The two deputy directors held their own opinions. The section chiefs, team captains, and others were clearly divided into two factions. The hardliners believed that Lu Yang let the lawyer The video and recordings sent are extremely authentic, and Song Xiangrong should be immediately apprehended.     The steady faction thinks that only a video and a recording may not be able to convict Song Xiangrong. Therefore, they said that Song Xiangrong should come to assist in the investigation. They can even send a few police officers to Song Xiangrong’s company. Ask at home or at home before making the next decision.     Meeting! There will definitely be opposite opinions, otherwise there will be no need for a meeting!     Just when these heads and brains were at a loss and couldn't agree on opinions for a while, the door of the conference room was knocked twice.     "In!"    The Secretary did not lift his eyelids, and spit out a word without any feeling*. Then the door of the conference room was opened, and a twenty-five or six-year-old capable policewoman walked into the conference room with a white mobile phone in her hand. The eyes of the conference room were all looking at her. The chief finally raised her eyelids. He couldn't see the joy and anger looking at the policewoman who had just entered the door.     "Xu! We are in a meeting! What can't you wait to report?" Deputy Director Wang sitting on the left hand of the Director frowned.     The policewoman glanced at the leaders in the conference room, carefully paid attention to the Secretary's face, corrected her face, and reported: "Gong Bureau! Leaders! A colleague just noticed one Everyone thinks it is related to the topic that the leaders are discussing, so let me come in and report to the leaders!"    Say this. Many people in the conference room frowned. Gong Ju, the director, suddenly put down the signature pen in his hand and leaned back on the chair. Slightly raised his face and asked: "What's the matter? Say it!" The Secretary spoke, and everyone else kept quiet tacitly, but all eyes were on the policewoman.     The policewoman looked a little nervous and didn't have time to think about it, so she turned on her mobile phone and said: "We just had a colleague found out that a video and recording appeared on **! The video we just watched is exactly the same as the recording! Then we looked for it again and found that many websites on the Internet have reproduced this video and recording..."    The voice of the policewoman Xiao Xu reporting It's not big, but after she finishes talking. There was silence in the conference room, everyone looked at each other, and finally all eyes were on the director.      Director Gong maintained his original posture for several seconds. Then suddenly he laughed. Unclear eyes swept over the people in the meeting room. An unexplained smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Do you think there is still a need for discussion?"    ; Deputy Director Huang, who held steady opinions before, suddenly sighed, put down the pen in his hand, and said helplessly: "What else is there to discuss! The influence of that young man. Everyone has seen it these days!" A lot of attention! Although I haven't been online to see the situation, I must have spread it all over the Internet. Who are the netizens across the country! Tens of millions? Or hundreds of millions of netizens know it, presumably they are all watching our actions! If we still take gentle measures against Song Xiangrong at this time. Don’t doubt it! Our branch will soon become famous throughout the Internet, and the negative impact will be too great!"    The deputy director sitting on the left hand of Director Gong smiled , No statement, no need to make a statement! Because he had taken a tough attitude before.     The opinions of the two deputy directors have been unified, and naturally there is nothing else to say.     Director Gong stood up with his hands on the conference table in front of him, and said in a final word: "That’s it! An arrest warrant will be issued immediately! Zhao Gang led the team to bring Song Xiangrong back! All following procedures, strictly follow Go through it! As long as the evidence is true, you can do what you should do!"    After speaking, Director Gong took up his own folder and signature pen, and strode out of the meeting room.     ……    Shanghai, in the study room on the second floor of a luxurious European-style villa, behind a red sandalwood desk, Song Xiangrong wears an elegant dark suit with a pair Tortoiseshell glasses, with thick eyebrows condensing a pair of eyebrows, reading a document there, the study is very quiet, the shadows of the trees outside the window, the dappled sunlight through the branches and leaves softly sprinkle on the brown high-end carpet of the study, the breeze is faintly swaying The brown floral curtains by the window.     Only the rustling sound of Song Xiangrong's pen on the document can be heard in the study. This quiet and peacefulness is the best enjoyment for an elderly person like Song Xiangrong!     In these years, the enjoyment that young people chase is sensual, beautiful, and beautiful. For a level like Song Xiangrong, quiet and leisure are the best.     Isn't there a saying so!     ——Those who wait for leisure can’t be idle, is it waiting for idlers?     Unfortunately, the quiet atmosphere in Song Xiangrong's study was completely destroyed by the female secretary who suddenly broke in.     "The chairman of the board of directors! It's not good, it's not good! Something happened!!"    The female secretary who suddenly broke in was full of panic and anxiety.     Song Xiangrong pursed his lips and raised his head slightly, his eyes hesitantly asked in a deep voice: "What is it? The sky has fallen? What happened?"    In the past At this time, facing his reprimand, the female secretary was able to adjust her emotions quickly, but today is the exception. The female secretary still looks panicked, and quickly came to Song Xiangrong's footsteps, and stretched the phone in her hand to Song Xiangrong. , The phone screen was on, the female secretary tapped the phone screen twice with the phone's thumb, and a video and recording began to play.     Song Xiangrong watched and listened with a calm face. As the video and recording played, his face changed a little bit. After the video and recording on the female secretary’s phone were all played, he picked it up tiredly. The tortoiseshell glasses on the bridge of the nose, picked up the glasses cloth on the desk and wiped it gently. After a few seconds of silence, he asked in a low voice: "Who sent it to you? How much does the other party want?"     The female secretary was stunned when he heard the words, and the chairman of Dare Qing thought that who had sent this to blackmail the money!     Take a deep breath, the female secretary looked at Song Xiangrong with a complex expression, and also whispered: "Chairman! This is posted on the phone **!"     In a simple sentence, Song Xiangrong, who hadn't seen a panic before, suddenly froze his hand wiping his glasses, as if he had been subjected to a hold technique suddenly, and he remained motionless.     Set a time for two breaths, Song Xiangrong turned his head little by little and looked at the female secretary beside him. The female secretary noticed some unnatural twitches in the corner of the chairman's eyes. Just when she was flustered, Song Xiangrong, who turned her head just now, seemed to be struggling, suddenly slapped her face severely, the speed was too fast for her to dodge.     "Chairman, you?"    Unprepared, the slapped female secretary stepped back, subconsciously stretched out her hand to cover her slapped cheek, staring in amazement With Song Xiangrong.     Where is Song Xiangrong still in the mood to control her emotions? In furious, he suddenly looked grimly and brushed all the documents, pen holders, furnishings and other objects on the desk to the ground. Unfortunately, the carpet on the ground was too thick, and the things that were blown off would roll at most. Go away, nothing breaks.     "Trash! Trash! You are a bunch of trash! This little thing can be done like this? You say you! How do you end it now? How do you end it? Ah? Ah? You say it! You Say it!"    In the blink of an eye, Song Xiangrong, who has always been calm, seemed to suddenly incarnate into another person, and the whole person looked frustrated.     Faced with such a manic Song Xiangrong, the female secretary turned pale with fright, and couldn't help backing up a few steps until she stopped by the door of the study.     After Song Xiangrong vented for a long time, when Song Xiangrong was panting and unable to continue to be angry, she mustered the courage to ask: "Dong, Chairman! What should we do now? Do you want me? Think of a way to suppress the public opinion on the Internet?"    "Can you do it?"    Song Xiangrong stared at the female secretary with unresolved anger.     The female secretary gave a bitter smile and whispered: "It’s better than doing nothing! And, with the influence of the chairman, even if we can’t delete all the videos and recordings on the Internet, You can delete * to succeed! As long as the chairman of the board of directors gives me the highest authorization, no cost!"    "Are you sure?"    Song Xiangrong finished listening, his eyes were fierce It's a little lighter, and his expression is quite normal.     "Not sure."    The female secretary answered with a wry smile, but Song Xiangrong did not get angry again this time, but closed his eyes tightly and sighed with a raised face With a sigh of relief, she said to her, "I lost control just now, don't take it to your heart! Do you want the highest authorization? Yes! How much resources and money need to be used, just let it go! I only have one request! ——I must suppress most of the negative remarks, videos and recordings on the Internet in the shortest time! The sooner the better!"    The bitter smile on the female secretary’s face became stronger , But still led away.     When the study door closed Listening to the female secretary’s footsteps quickly moving away, Song Xiangrong fell tired and sat on the chair, his eyes still tightly closed .     Like the police in Beijing, he has also seen Lu Yang's influence on the Internet in recent days. It is incredible that a reward of one million can attract so many people's attention. (To be continued)    ps: Thank you for rewarding 200 points in the heart of Qin, thank you-cut the emperor for rewarding 300 points, thank you for rewarding 1988 points again when you wake up, thank you for monthly pass .

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