Rebirth 2008: I Can Make Money Reading

Vol 2 Chapter 393: The plight of domestic large aircraft

This year, the Muyang family did not go back to their hometown for Chinese New Year.

Song Xuelu was pregnant, and Muyang's parents didn't want her to run around. After Muyang's car accident, the two families had some psychological shadows. The father-in-law came from his hometown, and the two families spent the New Year in H City together.

And Muyang has nothing to do in H City. He doesn't want to waste time. He still lives in the Xinghai Building. He spends most of his time studying 3D drawing software in the company. When he is tired, he accompanies his wife for a walk in the company.

The company is on holiday and the employees have gone home, so the headquarters base is very deserted, with only the sporadic staff on duty.

Xinghai Group reimburses employees for the New Year's return trip. Employees don't have to worry about the New Year's fare to go home. From the company to the airport and train station, there are company cars every day, and those who can go home will return.

There are also some local employees in H City, who come to the company when they have nothing to do. The company has many entertainment facilities, and now no one is robbing them, so they can have fun.

Local employees also undertake the task of being on duty during the holidays. They take an hour or two every day to walk around the company on an automatic bike for inspection. The rest of the time is free to arrange, and it is enough to stay for six or seven hours, and it will cost 500 yuan a day. , it feels so cool.

Mu Yang was addicted to studying 3D drawing software, a few days passed quickly, and it was New Year's Eve.

This year's New Year's Eve dinner, the two families had a New Year's Eve banquet at the villa.

Chickens and ducks and other poultry are kept in the Xinghai Group's farm, so there is no need to go to the countryside to purchase them. Song Jian was worried about this at first, Zhang Ping said, "You have only been here for two days, and you are not familiar with the situation here, A Yang. The company has a farm, and there are everything there, chickens, ducks, fish, and even sheep, all of which are supplied to the company's canteen."

After knowing that he owned his own farm, Song Jian drove to have a look when he had nothing to do, or went to the 101st floor of Xinghai Building to see the scenery, or went to the company's employees to play golf with local employees, and lived a very comfortable life every day.

From New Year's Eve to the second day of the new year, Mu Yang was busy answering the phone. Finally, on the third day of the new year, his uncle called him to tell him about the dividend this year. He said that this year's dividend was a bit large, mainly because the business was booming in the fourth quarter of last year. .

Since Muyang held a wedding in his hometown, the cultural and tourism company in his hometown has developed very fast. Young Reservoir and Food Street have become new tourist hotspots in Greentown, and have formed a good reputation. Fish, go to Greentown Xinghai Food Street", "Sashimi to Lujing Food Street" and so on.

Today, the fish raised in Young Reservoir are no longer sold, but are only supplied to food streets.

Today's food street has grown from more than ten restaurants in the beginning to more than 30 today. There are also dozens of snack bars, famous for sashimi, grilled fish and fish hot pot. There are dozens of ways to grill fish. The meat is soft and tender, and after eating it once, I want to eat it a second time.

The cultural tourism company has opened a shuttle bus from Greentown to Food Street, which runs every half an hour, and the fare is cheap.

Xinghai Group invested in the development of local enterprises, expropriated land, provided thousands of jobs, and promoted the development of the local economy.

In addition, green city residents, county towns and other tourists who come here are all consumer groups.

In 2011, the pre-tax profit of Xinghai Cultural Tourism Company reached 20 million yuan.

In 2012 last year, the pre-tax profit of Xinghai Cultural Tourism Company reached 50 million yuan, which was only after Muyang's wedding.

According to the dividend distribution rules previously formulated by Muyang, Muyang's uncle's family can get a pre-tax dividend of 7.5 million yuan, three aunts and three uncles each 2.5 million yuan, and another 2.5 million yuan from the company's profits as family funds.

Mu Yang didn't go home this year, so the 10,000 yuan he promised to distribute to the village elders was still distributed, and Mu Yang's uncle and third uncle were responsible.

Now, all the villagers in the village have moved into new country villas, and many villagers have bought cars to spend the New Year happily.

Muyang has changed his hometown, changed the economic development of the whole town, the whole county, and even the entire Greentown area, with huge influence.

Originally, the whole town consisted of two streets, but now the expansion has more than doubled. The real estate company went to the town to collect land to develop real estate, build buildings and sell them.

The development of Food Street and Young Reservoir has also driven the development of hotels and homestays.

In Muyang's hometown, many villagers use country villas to set up homestays, and a room does not cost much a night, which is favored by many tourists.

(This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 393 The Dilemma of Domestic Large Aircraft

Cultural tourism companies are developing well, and food companies have been greatly affected as the price of snail noodles falls.

Later, Fang Shijing, the general manager of the food company, loved Muyang's guidance and began to pick up big bags and get nothing. Now it has been launched for more than half a year, and it is booming.

Muyang said at the time that the significance of large-packaged snacks is far from the need for food, but also a "flavoring agent" to promote social interaction. It is the most suitable for gift giving.

He is strict about food safety and would rather make less money.

Promote the development of local cash crops, such as sweet potatoes, plantains, longan, lychees and other local crop specialties through large-package retail.

Big-package retail is on fire. The food company’s revenue last year was about 1.6 billion yuan, 600 million yuan more than last year. It seems that the revenue has increased by 60%, but the pre-tax profit is only 10% higher than last year, which is hindered by snail noodles. .

Muyang also told Fang Shijing that if he wants to push a food company to go public, he must first do a good job in food safety control.

Fang Shijing is under a lot of pressure, mainly because the cultural tourism company has come from behind, and maybe the revenue and profit will surpass that of the food company next year.

According to the agreement,

A year later, Muyang awarded 1% of the shares of the two companies to the two general managers and 0.2% of the shares to the management.

The two companies have been developing for nearly three years, and Mu Yang is less involved in management, and both of them presided over the management and development, which is what they deserve.

Of course, without Muyang's help in publicity and guidance, the two companies would have developed just as well.

For every 1% of the shares, the value is at least 10 million yuan.

Muyang also said that if the company develops well, he will continue to reward shares.

Moreover, the year-end dividends of the two have risen from 1% of the initial company's pre-tax profits to 3% this year, and their worth has skyrocketed every year, and the two are very motivated.

Secretary Wang Xiaomin, because of her outstanding work performance, her management level was raised to M2, and she is a rising strong woman.

After the New Year, the company will officially go to work on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year.

On the second day of work, Muyang received a call from the leader of Shi, saying that Academician Wu Hui, chief scientist of GU0 Shanghai Airlines and chief designer of the C9*** passenger plane, wanted to visit him and asked him if he was free.

Mu Yang did not know Academician Wu Hui, but he knew C919.

Shanghai Aircraft Corporation was established in 2008 and is headquartered in Shencheng. It is the main body of the implementation of the national large aircraft major special project of medium and large passenger aircraft, that is, the research and development of C9*** passenger aircraft.

Anyone who knows civil aviation knows that the country's civil aviation aircraft is either an Airbus A320 or a Boyin 737. Of course, there are other models.

However, they are all imported passenger planes.

In order to solve the gap of national civil aviation aircraft, Shanghai Airlines was established, and C919 is the core plan.

It can be said that the C919 plan is a major strategic decision for my country's independent innovation capability and enhancement of the country's core competitiveness.

It is the will of the country and the will of the people to let China's big plane fly into the blue sky.

The big leaders above often inspect and pay attention to and visit the company, and the C919 has become a piece of their heart.

However, the development of the C919 was not smooth.

The engine used in the C919 is a leap-engine from CFM International, which is the most mature civil aircraft engine on the market, with reliable performance and powerful fuel-saving performance.

The reason why Huaguo chose this engine is that only with it loaded, the practicability and economy of Huaguo C919 can be theoretically spelled out with Airbus and Boyin, otherwise it is a loss-making business.

Many key components of the C919 are also from abroad, but many are domestically produced, which is already a very big breakthrough.

But in any case, the engine of the core components is still imported.

It is now 2013, and it has not been restricted yet. Shanghai Aircraft Corporation signed a cooperation agreement with CFM.

In the following years, the test flight plan of 0919 was not only delayed for three years, but also experienced bumps on the road to obtain the airworthiness certificate.

It is very unfortunate that on January 15, 2021, the beautiful country also announced a group of countries against China (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 393 The Dilemma of Domestic Large Aircraft

The list of companies' "sanctions" seems to include Huaguo Shangfei. The meaning of the beautiful country list is that no beautiful country investors are allowed to invest in Huaguo Shangfei, even including the allies of the beautiful country.

That is, the planned adoption of the leap-engine failed, and other engine options had to be adopted.

In the end, Shanghai Flying Company had to adopt the domestic long 1000 engine.

Of course, the domestic engine is in the research and development process, and it is unknown whether it can be successfully completed. Anyway, it will not be completed by 2022.

As for the C919 after changing the engine, there is still a long way to go for a test flight, at least to get an airworthiness certificate, or even to get an order for sales, that is even further.

It can be said that it is too difficult for the country to build a civil/aviation aircraft.

Mu Yang read the news about C919 in later generations and felt that he was not optimistic.

Mu Yang agreed to meet him. On the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, the leader of Persimmon introduced him. Wu Hui only brought two entourages to Xinghai Group.

Although the other party is an academician, Mu Yang has given enough respect. After all, they still bear the hope of a large national aircraft. Their task is very heavy and they are worthy of respect.

The two sides were polite, and Wu Hui faced Mu Yang and said respectfully, "Mr. Mu, this visit is very disturbing.

I heard that you are working on additive technology, I hope to find the answer in Xinghai Group. "

"Academician Wu is very polite. You are responsible for the country, and I hope I can help. Xinghai Group is indeed developing additive technology, but it is only a staged success, and it is still too far from real success." Mu Yang Shake his hand and take them to the conference room for a seat.

From Wu Hui, Mu Yang learned about the development progress and difficulties of a lot of large aircraft.

He also learned that the aluminum alloy and aviation titanium alloy of C919 were purchased from Xinghai Group, and it was recommended by Academician Wu to use Xinghai Group's products.

Wu Hui also wanted to visit the advanced production workshop of Xinghai Group. Mu Yang hesitated and took Wu Hui to visit the workshop.

As for the core area, there are still some core research projects, and Muyang couldn't tell him. I admire Academician Wu's contribution to the country, but it is impossible to say anything to him without reservation.

During the visit to Xinghai Group and from Mu Yang's words, Academician Wu was shocked and found that Xinghai Group has many technologies that can solve some problems of C919.

Therefore, Wu Hui sincerely invited Mu Yang to come to the company for guidance.

In spite of the kindness, Mu Yang agreed to take a trip to the Shanghai Flying Company. At the same time, he also wanted to know the actual situation of aircraft building and gain more experience. It was also for himself. Usually, it was impossible to go in and see.

On February 19th, Mu Yang came to Shencheng Shangfei Company.

Wu Hui personally received Mu Yang. The research and development of C919 is relatively urgent, so he will take Mu Yang to the workshop and laboratory to have a look.

The two put on their helmets, and just after walking half a circle in the workshop, a very unpleasant thing happened.

And, inexplicably.

"Academician Wu, don't bring unrelated personnel into the core workshop. As the chief designer, you should pay attention to confidentiality measures."

Suddenly, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes walked over. He only glanced at Mu Yang, who was wearing a helmet. He saw that he was not wearing company uniforms, but the clothes were of high quality. Just a reminder.

Of course, the main reason was that he couldn't get used to Wu Hui, so he finally caught an opportunity for the other party to do something wrong.

"This is the VIP I invited, please respect it, and technology does not belong to your jurisdiction."

The middle-aged man paused, looked at Wu Hui, and just sneered: "Technology is indeed not within my jurisdiction, but technology is kept secret, shouldn't I remind me."

Mu Yang felt that the person in front of him was a bit strange, and he had a big fight, so he turned to Academician Wu: "Academician Wu, who is he?"

Wu Hui felt a little embarrassed: "Shangfei company report/record, Mr. Mu, don't worry about him, it's not his responsibility."

"Academician Wu, since your leaders are not welcome, then I won't bother you more." Mu Yang smiled, feeling very unhappy to be despised by others.

He came to Shangfei to help them solve their problems, but Shangfei's narrative/record didn't know.

Such state-owned enterprises have the greatest right to write/report.

Wu Hui didn't tell the story/remember himself (this chapter is not over yet!)

Chapter 393 The Dilemma of Domestic Large Aircraft

If you want to come, I don't want to tell the other party, but I didn't expect to be messed with by the enemy.

But for Mu Yang, he didn't want to get involved in this kind of internal struggle, and it had nothing to do with him.

The middle-aged man said lightly: "If you want to go, let's go, we are a secret base here."

Mu Yang just smiled. He ignored people of different levels, didn't bother to refute them, and left.

Wu Hui directly raised his index finger and pointed at Ge Shu/Ji. He was so angry that he couldn't speak. He looked at Mu Yang further and further away, and quickly caught up with Mu Yang and apologized to him:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mu."

Mu Yang stood still, turned to face him, waved his hand to show he didn't care, took off the helmet and gave it to him, and said flatly: "Forget it, I think if your main problem is not a technical problem!

You have multiple academicians to assist you, and you have many experts. It is an internal team problem. According to your situation, it is too difficult to deliver the aircraft within ten years. "

"Hey, I didn't expect this to happen. I'm very sorry. I guess that **** didn't know it was you, or he wouldn't dare to do this."

Wu Yu sighed, why didn't he know.

But so what, laymen commanding experts, this is a common problem of state-owned enterprises.

Mu Yang said lightly: "It doesn't matter whether you know or not. I don't take it seriously. Academician Wu, let's talk about it next time."

When Wu Hui heard the words, he knew that there was no chance.

TMD, a good bowl of soup was smeared by a mouse poop.

If he is a person, he will lose his temper, not to mention that he is the chairman of Xinghai Group. It is already good that Mu Yang doesn't care about the villain.

"Hey, fine then, I'll send it to you."

Mu Yang nodded, and Wu Hui said good things to Mu Yang along the way.

After sending Mu Yang away, Wu Hui went directly to Ge Shu/Ji's office with a look of anger: "Ge Shu/Ji, it's okay, I'll take care of the technology, you're in charge of the rest, and now I finally invited Mr. You drive away."

"Which Mr. Mu?"

Ge Shu/Ji didn't see it clearly just now. The other party was wearing a helmet, so he couldn't confirm it. Besides, he hadn't seen Mu Yang himself. Anyway, it would make Wu Hui embarrassed in front of the guests.

"Xinghai Group Shuyang, who else do you think!"

Ge Shu/Ji realized his own problem, but, yes, he didn't admit his mistake: "So what, do you think he has the ability to help us solve technical problems, building a plane is not as easy as building a car."

"Our titanium alloys and aluminum alloys are purchased from Xinghai Group. Xinghai Group has many world-first technologies. Mr. Mu himself is a top scientist. They are currently studying additive technology, which can help us solve complex problems such as central wing lines. Airframe problem, if not..."

Before Wu Hui finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ge Shu/Ji.

"Has Xinghai Group's additive technology been solved? Since it is being studied, it means that it has not succeeded. Moreover, these parts are not key parts for aircraft."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you, if something goes wrong, you have to be responsible."

Wu Hui felt that communicating with someone who didn't understand technology was an insult to his IQ, and in terms of lip service, he couldn't fight the other party, and the other party clearly embarrassed him.

The two have conflicts in private, and they often quarrel in meetings.

When making a work report at the end of the year, Wu Hui was thrown the blame and quarreled again. Unexpectedly, Ge Yong became even more aggressive and directly embarrassed him in front of VIPs, but he had to see who it was.

This matter must be reported to the big leader to see if he can handle it.

Moreover, Mr. Mu is also right, if the internal problems are not solved, it is too difficult to build a large aircraft successfully.

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Chapter 393 The Dilemma of Domestic Large Aircraft

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