Rebirth 2008: I Can Make Money Reading

Vol 2 Chapter 434: Ichiro Yamamoto who was cornered

There is also a domestic robot listed company in China, that is Shen Yang Xinsong Automation Company.

It was listed on the Growth Enterprise Market on October 30, 2009. At present, it has a complete industrial chain integrating independent core technology, leading products of key components and industry system solutions.

The company has been rated as "Robot G's First Engineering Research Center", "GUO's Certified Enterprise Technology Center", "National 863 Plan Robot Industrialization Base", "GUO's First Postdoctoral Research Base", "The First Batch of 91 Innovative Enterprises in China" ", "Hua Guo Famous Brand", "Hua Guo Famous Trademark", drafted and formulated a number of national and industry standards... In terms of honors, there are too many.

The company currently has a R&D and innovation team of three to four thousand people. At the same time, it has strong technical strength relying on the Shen Yang Automation Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It has industrial robots, mobile robots, special robots, collaborative robots, and medical service robots with independent intellectual property rights. There are more than 100 kinds of products in five series.

Xinghai Group's industrial robot research team of more than 100 people has only developed one XH1400 arc welding robot so far. In terms of product scale and category, Xinghai Group really cannot compare with Xinsong Company.

However, Xinsong is still the younger brother in front of the four major brands of industrial robots, and he is not even ranked internationally. After all, in addition to the four major brands of industrial robots, there are other international brands of industrial robots.

In terms of industrial robots, Xinsong is mainly low-end brand robots, which cannot compete with the four major brands of industrial robots.

In fact, even if Xinghai Group produces arc welding robots, it will not form fierce competition with Xinsong. Xinsong has many product models and is not limited to industrial robots. Even if there is no arc welding robot business, at most 5% of the business That's all.

Xinghai Group is targeting the arc welding robots of the four major brands of robots. It is best to drive OTC out of the country, and then seize orders for overseas OTC arc welding machines, and establish the world's number one position in arc welding robots.

Now, Xinghai Group is engaged in scientific research projects, and if it has not completed mass production and sales, it will not disclose research and development information to the outside world.

Moreover, the Xinghai Group has kept the technology secret very well, and it is extremely difficult to expose it. Of course, it does not mean that it will not be leaked.

In fact, the OTC company still inquired about the research and development progress of Xinghai Group's industrial robots through some channels, and the company's executives were very panicked when they learned about it.

The top executives of this company are all islanders, and only the grassroots management will use Chinese people.

"According to the informant's feedback, the Xinghai Group has developed its own industrial robot, and it is applied to the arc welding robot. I think, needless to say, it must be aimed at our OTC arc welding robot." OTC technical director said with a serious face.

"Are you sure? What's the progress?" asked Ichiro Yamamoto, the general manager of OTC Huaguo, sitting on a chair with a sad face. In the past two years, his head has more gray hair, and his whole body is also old. a lot.

"It has been determined, but the specific progress is still unclear. We only learned about it through peripheral personnel, and we cannot peek into related technologies."

Ichiro Yamamoto asked solemnly: "Everyone, what countermeasures are there?"

Several high-level executives in the conference room were silent, and they withdrew from the Huaguo market sooner or later, feeling very helpless.

The Xinghai Group is too strong, leaving no room for it.

Price war?

This measure is of no use. OTC and various arc welding machine brands have already lowered their prices. Xinghai Group has not lowered their prices, but instead raised them. In the past few years, sales have remained buoyant, and a machine is rare in the second-hand market.

"We seem to have overlooked a problem. With the strength of the Xinghai Group, they are fully capable of occupying the entire market, but they have not expanded their production capacity and have maintained a certain market share. You say, what are they worried about?" Technical Director ask questions.

"It's definitely not a lack of funds. Xinghai Group is not short of funds, or the personnel team can't keep up. In the early days, I believed that the personnel could not keep up, but it has been so long."

"Are they worried about triggering the anti-monopoly law? Isn't this a bit funny?" The technical director said something that even he couldn't believe it.

"How much market share does Xinghai Group occupy now?" Yamamoto Ichiro asked Sales Director Akai.

Akai thought for a while, and said, "Shouldn't the 50% triggering of the anti-monopoly law be correct?"


Ichiro Yamamoto slammed the table and said angrily:

"What should it be? Didn't you seriously investigate the competitor's market situation? You didn't even figure out the competitor's situation. OTC has occupied the market so easily these years, so that you forget that we still have competitors."

Everyone saw Ichiro Yamamoto getting angry, and then looked at Akai's slightly embarrassed face, and didn't want to explain anything.

"Yes, it is indeed my problem, the statistics are not accurate enough." Akai bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

Ichiro Yamamoto took a deep breath, feeling that it was wrong to get angry. This is not a problem with the sales department or the technical department, but that the competitors are too powerful.

"Seriously investigate, if it really exceeds 50%, I think we should be able to sue Xinghai Group for violating the anti-monopoly law. However, in the land of Huaguo, I don't have any hope of winning. Huaguo ZF supports Xinghai The development of the group was not a few years ago.”

Ichiro Yamamoto said, after hesitating for a while, he said, "If Xinghai Group is really worried about triggering the anti-monopoly law and then controlling the production capacity of arc welding robots, we can indeed survive. However, after Xinghai Group aggressively entered the arc welding robot market, Our global orders will be significantly reduced."

Ichiro Yamamoto didn’t say anything else. If the market share exceeds 50%, it refers to one operator. If the Xinghai Group licenses technology to peers, and the market share of the three operators does not exceed 75%, it will not trigger the anti-monopoly law. .

As a result, OTC companies really have no way out.

Now, Ichiro Yamamoto had to think about retreating.

Unless it is said that it can cooperate with Xinghai Group.

At the end of November, the development and debugging of XH1400 was successful. Mu Yang really jumped out of the industrial robot project. He didn't know the thoughts of OTC company's top management. Even if he knew, how to develop arc welding robots was Zhou Chen's business.

Mu Yang spent a few days leisurely with his two babies at home, and then devoted himself to a new scientific research project.

Before New Year's Day, he had only one R&D focus, and that was CNC machine tools.

The company has made major breakthroughs in servo motors, bearings and screw rods, and numerical control systems, laying the foundation for manufacturing top-notch CNC machine tools.

As the saying goes, industry is the brightest flower in the history of human civilization.

Among them, materials science and ultra-high-precision machine tools are also known as the "mother of industry".

In the field of ultra-high-precision machine tools, it is mainly dominated by countries such as the island country, the German country, the beautiful country, and the Swiss, especially the companies in the island country, which are in the top position in this respect.

It is said that the industrial master machine (NC machine tool) is important, but many people can't tell where it is important.

It is not to say that the market size of CNC machine tools is about 100 billion US dollars globally, which is not much for the country.

In the final analysis, it mainly depends on the role it plays.

In the field of modern industry, machine tools undoubtedly play an extremely important role, as small as a screw, pots and pans, and as large as the development of satellite aircraft carriers in the aerospace field, they cannot be separated from the machine tool;

It can be said that without CNC machine tools, we cannot be an industrial power.

The service life of machine tools is very long. It can be used for ten years. If it is well maintained, it will not be a problem to use it for thirty or forty years.

Many machining factories are still using machine tools from the 1970s and 1980s, most of them are from the 1990s, not only in small factories, but also in large enterprises.

The service life is very long, the replacement is slow, and the annual market size is small, which is why it is different from fast-moving products.

Therefore, the market size is small, but it does not mean that it is not important.

On the other hand, CNC machine tools are really easy to do, but high-end CNC machine tools are much more difficult than we imagined.

Accurate to 1 micron, or accurate to 1 nanometer, directly determines my

Whether their products can earn a hundred yuan, or a thousand yuan, or even ten thousand yuan.

The improvement of the precision of CNC machine tools is a process of long-term technology accumulation and continuous iteration.

It takes more than 20 years for each order of magnitude improvement in machining accuracy.

Even, the country regards industrial mother machines as more important than semiconductors, chips and lithography machines.

The backwardness of semiconductors is nothing more than a larger mobile phone and a smaller card. As Huawei said, it does not involve survival issues, but cost issues, process issues, and time issues. However, if the industrial master machine falls behind, it means that the efficiency of the entire manufacturing industry and the added value fall behind.

Foreigners make rockets, we make bazookas, others make antennas, we make Teletubbies.

The popularity of smart terminals is inseparable from the work of high-end machine tools. The lack of high-end beds will even delay the pace of entering the era of the Internet of Things.

The role of other aspects is too important for our big manufacturing country.

For various reasons, this is also the reason why Mu Yang wants to solve the country's top CNC machine tools by himself.

If Mu Yang didn't hang up, it would be difficult for him to change this situation.

At present, most of the components and software of Xinghai Group's CNC machine tools are independently developed and produced, such as the machine tool body, column, spindle, feed mechanism and other mechanical components of the main engine, the software programming of the CNC device, the servo motor and system of the drive device , electrical systems, and cooling, chip removal, lubrication, lighting and monitoring of auxiliary devices.

Of course, the lighting, tools and monitoring hardware of auxiliary devices are outsourced, and the hardware of data devices such as printed circuit boards and CRT monitors are also outsourced.

For CNC machine tools, the data device is the core, and the hardware can be outsourced, but the software part, such as the storage of input information, data conversion, interpolation calculation, and realization of various control functions, etc., is the core.

In addition, there is a drive system, such as the completion of positioning, processing operations of straight lines, plane curves and space curves, etc.

After all, it is the program and algorithm, and this part is also completed by Mu Yang.

The rest will be completed by the R&D personnel of the project team.

CNC machine tool laboratory.

Several algorithm engineers saw the chairman operating the software system in person, and when they found a problem, they directly modified it on the connected laptop. Although they were algorithm engineers, they still couldn't understand some logic of a series of data and algorithms.

In other words, he understood the superficial meaning of each paragraph of text, but he did not understand the specific functions and meanings of the connected text content.

It’s not that they are not good at it. If these algorithm engineers work in Warwick or other Internet companies, they will also be a group of geniuses, with an annual income of one million.

"Can you understand?" Mu Yang asked the staff next to him with a smile while operating.

"I understand some, but most of the logic still doesn't understand." An algorithm engineer said embarrassingly.

"To be honest, I don't understand a lot. Chairman, your calculation is too advanced."

"Well, if I didn't know how powerful you are, the chairman, I would feel what I have done all these years."

In the past few days, these employees have become acquainted with Mu Yang and know that the chairman is an all-round genius, and a genius among geniuses.

Mu Yang laughed: "It's normal if you don't understand, some algorithms and operation logic are really troublesome, I can only give you a general introduction."

“First of all, we need to understand how the equipment works, let’s talk about the tool change program. When starting the tool change, the spindle must stop running first, stop the signal feedback, and check whether the tool is ready to be clamped and whether it has passed the test...

Of course, this is only relatively simple. The main reason is that I have added a lot of new algorithms, which you have never seen on the market, so it is normal to say that you cannot understand them. "

Mu Yang eloquently said that there are many kinds of tool change programs, and which one to choose under any circumstances must be programmed.

Algorithm engineers are required to understand the operation process of the machine tool, otherwise, if they don't even understand the logic, they cannot program.

Maybe there are engineers who are familiar with machine tools who can write logic, but don't know how to write programs.

Algorithm engineers get it wrong too.

This is just one of the requirements. The more complicated ones also involve electrical, hydraulic, monitoring, fixtures, images, etc., which require a very strong logical ability to straighten out.

People who are not good at mathematics may not be able to understand relatively simple logic.

For example, if Messi wants to pass the ball to his opponent, he can pass the ball to ten teammates. The problem is, under what circumstances, which teammate to pass the ball to, it is very complicated to express it in a program.

In addition, Mu Yang also used his new algorithm, which is why these employees couldn't understand it.

"Oh, so that's it. Chairman, you are an expert in mathematics. Did you use your own algorithm?"

"Idiot, didn't the chairman say just now that a new algorithm has been added, who else could it be except the chairman created it himself."

"Yes, yes, fascinated."

Among these algorithm engineers, the oldest is not yet 37 years old, and the youngest is also 30 years old. They are all older than Mu Yang, but in front of Mu Yang, they are like a group of elementary school students.

Of course, from the outside, Mu Yang is a primary school student. Two of these algorithm engineers are already bald, and they all look 40 years old.

While operating, Mu Yang roughly explained the two algorithms to these employees.

The other employees in the laboratory are busy with other things, and they don't want to get close to learn the book-like stuff that day, it's too much headache, and they can't learn it.

"I don't need to say more about the importance of CNC machine tools. You must pay attention to it. Whether the top-notch domestic CNC machine tools can rise up depends on you. Our country has been oppressed by foreigners for too long." Mu Yang said seriously.

There are many brands of CNC machine tools. According to the industry brand ranking, there are MAZAK, TRUMPF, DMGMORI, MGA, AMADA, OKUMA, MAKINO, and GROB. Lauber et al.

Island countries accounted for 4 seats, followed by Germany.

For example, domestic Shen Yang machine tools, Dalian machine tools, and Jier machine are relatively well-known in China, but they can only be ranked outside the top ten in the world.

Like Mazak, the island nation was founded in 1919. It has accumulated technology for a hundred years, and it has developed decades more than my country's machine tools.

Any high-end technology requires a long period of research and development and precipitation, and gradually climbs up from low to high, rather than overnight.

Of course, even if Mu Yang, the hacker, can shorten a lot of time, he still starts from the basics.

Shen Yang Machine Tool was established in 1933, but in that era of complex environment, until 1978, the development was extremely slow, and the output value last year was only a few hundred million yuan.

It can be said that Yamazaki Mazak is the leader of CNC machine tools, with an annual revenue of about 4 billion US dollars, beating Trumpf, Mag, Amada and other manufacturers, ranking first in revenue and far ahead of the second place.

The market size of the global CNC machine tool industry is US$100 billion, and it will easily break through to US$140 billion in the next five years.

The Huaguo market is very large, accounting for 25%-30%, second only to the island countries.

However, it should be noted that most of my country's machine tool industry is concentrated in the low-end field, and efforts are still needed in ultra-high-precision machine tools.

From Yamazaki Mazak, related companies in our country can learn a lot, such as technological innovation, emphasis on workers' status, focus, and so on.

In a word, it will take a long time for our country to catch up with companies in island countries, Europe and the United States in the field of ultra-high-precision machine tools.

Even by 2022, this status quo will not change much, it can only be said to be slightly better.

Mu Yang briefly mentioned the general situation of international CNC machine tools to these algorithm engineers.

Other interested employees heard the chairman talk about these topics and listened closely.

"The islanders are really good at CNC machine tools," said a mechanical engineer.

Mu Yang nodded: "Yes, we have to admire him, and we need to learn from each other's strengths.

For example, Yamazaki Mazak, they did not rest on their laurels in the development process, but actively carried out technological innovation and kept up with the cutting-edge development of the times.

As early as the late 1990s, it began to build intelligent factories, integrating information technology and Internet technology on machine tools.

If you think about it, the economy only recovered in the 1990s, and even the Internet developed relatively slowly. We use it in our daily life, and people have already thought of applying it to machine tools. "

"On the other hand, they attach great importance to the training and improvement of workers' skills. Simply put, the company attaches great importance to the status of workers.

This approach can greatly mobilize the enthusiasm of workers, and achieve a win-win situation for employees and the company. "

"Chairman, our company has done a good job in this I don't think any company has done better than us."

Mu Yang said: "We can only say that it is not bad, there are still many areas for improvement.

But in other domestic factories, even most of the machinery factories, the workers do not live well. They don’t get overtime pay for overtime work, especially food. To put it harshly, in some factories, livestock eat better than people.

In high-precision machine tools, if the workers are not in a good state, the parts are processed casually, and the quality inspectors inspect them casually. It is normal for the quality to fail. Therefore, in terms of quality control, many areas need to be improved.

Many enterprises in our country promote 5S management, which is also a management method introduced from the island country. In some factories, the boss may not understand 5S, or the understanding is relatively shallow. He thinks it is just a form for outsiders to see, which is useless. .

Since our company was first established with dozens of people, we have paid great attention to the application of 5S, so that everyone can develop a good habit. After a few years, it has become a culture of our Xinghai Group. It is much easier to manage. . "

Everyone listened carefully to Mu Yang's words, just like listening to a story, and learned a lot of new things.

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