Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1451: Some happy, some sad

The first thousand four hundred and fifty-one chapters are happy and sad

Now the liquor business is quite good.

If you expand production, you can definitely grab more markets.

This is of course no problem for sealed wine.

Chen Shuyao really couldn't figure it out, why did Chen Jianghai let her control the output?

Is it because you are afraid that the scale of the bottled wine will expand too fast and cause problems?

"Jiang Hai, I don't understand what you mean?"

Chen Shuyao directly stated her doubts.

Chen Jianghai quickly explained: "Now the liquor industry is being restricted. I estimate that the sales volume of the Huaxia liquor industry in the past few years will not be very good."

"What we need to do now is to stabilize the sales channels.

Doing this is a success.

Anyway, our current reputation is enough. "

After listening to Chen Jianghai's words, Chen Shuyao was puzzled.

"Jiang Hai, where did you get this news?

I do not know how? "

Chen Jianghai smiled and said, "If you read more newspapers, you will know this information."

In this day and age, newspapers are the greatest means of dissemination of news.

If you want to know what kind of environment the domestic economy is like, there is absolutely no problem in reading newspapers.

Chen Jianghai doesn't need to read newspapers. He knows the trend of history better than anyone else.

At least in the general direction of everything, Chen Jianghai knows it clearly.

In the history of Huaxia Liquor, Qinchi, Kongfu Yanjiu, Kongfujiajiu and other brands were very popular at the beginning, even hot and in the limelight.

But in the end it all declined.

There are many reasons for this.

But the most important point is that the above began to control the liquor industry.

As for the reason, it is also very simple, China's current food is not enough.

Since 1996, agricultural output has been declining every year, which is related to the country's food security and has attracted great attention.

In the 1990s, it was an extremely serious question whether China could feed its billions of people.

The liquor industry is precisely the industry that consumes the most food.

More liquor is made, which means that the food stock will be greatly reduced.

It is precisely in consideration of such a problem that the state has begun to introduce relevant policies to restrict liquor.

Of course the effect is quite obvious.

It is precisely because of the introduction of these policies that the possible food crisis was well resolved in that era.

Chen Jianghai clearly remembered that it was from this year that the above began to continuously restrict liquor advertisements and limit the production capacity of liquor.

At the same time, the government encourages consumers to drink beer, wine and other alternatives.

These alcoholic beverages, which consume little food, have a much lower tax rate than liquor.

That is to say, from this time on, Huaxia's annual liquor production dropped from the peak of 8 million tons this year to 5 million tons in 2,000 years.

And this number is still falling, until it has dropped to 3.5 million tons to be considered stable.

If the bottle-sealed wine rashly expands the scale to 150,000 tons at this juncture, it is simply asking for a dead end.

Therefore, Chen Jianghai must stop it.

According to the original history, since 1997, wineries have closed down all over the country, and the entire industry has been very depressed.

It was not until 2004 that China's own grain production started to stop restricting liquor.

Don't worry about the food issue, the central government has lowered the consumption tax on liquor by 5 percent, while opening production restrictions.

Under such circumstances, Huaxia's liquor industry quickly returned to its previous level.

What the bottled wine needs to do now is to play steadily and stabilize the market.

As long as it can last until 2004, it may not be impossible to wrestle with Maotai.

After all, in the process, many competitors will die for various reasons.

The one who survives to the end is the winner.

Especially after the original market of these companies is all ceded, there is definitely a lot to do if they survive.

"What exactly is going on?"

Chen Shuyao still didn't quite understand and couldn't help asking.

Chen Jianghai simply replied: "According to the information I have received, the state will implement total control of liquor."

"Total control?"

Chen Shuyao's tone was very surprised.


Chen Jianghai explained, "That is, the total amount of liquor in each province in the country must be fixed every year, and it will decrease every year."

Hearing this news, Chen Shuyao really couldn't believe it.

"The above actually intervenes in market production. This is unlikely, right?"

Chen Shuyao asked with a frown.

Chen Jianghai replied: "Naturally, we will not forcefully intervene, but will use other methods, such as increasing tax rates and strict advertising standards, to reduce the production of liquor in disguise."

"At the same time, in order to protect their own enterprises, all localities will definitely introduce corresponding regulations, which will greatly increase the sales cost of foreign liquor."

"Under so many conditions, the only way for liquor companies is to reduce production.

Otherwise, it is a question of survival! "

"Is your news reliable?

Why is this happening? "

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said was so terrifying, Chen Shuyao felt anxious and asked quickly.

Now that the bottled wine is gaining momentum, in Chen Shuyao's view, this is a good time for vigorous development.

But under such circumstances, Chen Jianghai said the above words and taught her how to be willing.

The source of the news, Chen Jianghai did not say, but said: "The reason for the reduction in production is very simple, because of the problem of grain reserves.

The country is afraid of insufficient food, so it can only choose to curb the production of liquor. "

Hearing this, Chen Shuyao also understood something.

This is because the state has implemented macro-control to ensure food supply.

And she completely believed what Chen Jianghai said.

It seems that in the past two years, the development speed of the liquor industry will definitely slow down greatly.

In fact, in Chen Jianghai's view, the current policy is not too ruthless.

By the two thousand years, the annual output of Huaxia liquor had dropped to five million tons, and the country was not satisfied at this time.

At that time, the ad valorem consumption tax on liquor was already as high as 25%.

After consultation with the central government, it was decided to increase the specific consumption of 50 cents per catty again.

That is to say, for every pound of liquor sold by 97 liquor companies, not only will they have to pay a consumption tax of 25% of the price, but also a consumption tax of 50 cents.

Such a policy is absolutely unacceptable to any liquor company.

After two years of doing this, Huaxia's liquor production plummeted to more than 3 million Several companies are happy and some are sad.

Some people are disappointed and some people are proud.

Different from Aihong, a liquor company, beer has shown a blowout development at this time.

In just ten years, the number of beer manufacturers has increased by nearly ten times, and the output has increased by nearly twenty times, directly ranking first in the world.

"Jiang Hai, I have bad news to tell you."

Chen Shuyao's tone at the moment was suddenly a little lost.

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