Chapter 1510 No Comments

At noon on the third day of Java's surrender, Chen Jianghai was eating in the restaurant.

Halfway through the meal, a person suddenly came to Chen Jianghai's side.

Seeing this, Wu Gang quickly stopped in front of Chen Jianghai, staring at the incoming person with extreme vigilance.

Chen Jianghai was a little surprised when he saw this uninvited guest.

The other party is Huo Jiaxiang's eldest son, Huo Zhengmian, Huo Rishan's father.

In the last introduction, Chen Jianghai only remembered his name.

The reason is also very simple, he is the father-in-law of diving queen Guo Xinxin.

"Mr. Chen, hello, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Huo Zhengmian said with a smile.

Chen Jianghai looked around, then smiled slightly, and said meaningfully: "Master Huo, it seems that we have a lot of fate."

Huo Zhengmian didn't care what Chen Jianghai said, and asked with a smile, "Mr. Chen, can I sit down?"


Chen Jianghai stretched out his hand.

Chen Jianghai knew that it was definitely no accident that Huo Zhengmian could meet him.

I just don't know why Huo Zhengmian is looking for him.

"Have you eaten, Mr. Huo?

Want to be together? "

Chen Jianghai asked.

Knowing that Huo Zhengmian must have come to him for something, Chen Jianghai is naturally in no hurry.

Of course, the other party has to take the initiative to speak about this kind of thing. If he asks, he will be in a bad position.

Huo Zhengmian was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Chen Jianghai to ask such a question.

"No need for Mr. Chen, I've already eaten it."

Huo Zhengmian replied quickly.

Of course, Chen Jianghai didn't force it, nodded slightly, and said indifferently, "Young Master Huo, then I'll be welcome."

After that, Chen Jianghai began to eat on his own.

Huo Zhengmian immediately frowned.

He obviously did not expect that Chen Jianghai actually left himself to eat.

This move made Huo Zhengmian a little unhappy.

Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to calm down.

Today, he is here to inquire about the news, and he is determined not to turn his back on Chen Jianghai.

Moreover, the old man attaches so much importance to Chen Jianghai, once he offends the other party, he does not know what the consequences will be.

Chen Jianghai didn't know if it was intentional or not, but he didn't eat very fast anyway.

Finally, Huo Zhengmian's patience was completely exhausted, and he simply said, "Mr. Chen, I want to ask you something today."

Chen Jianghai didn't answer in a hurry, but swallowed the food in his mouth unhurriedly, wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin, and then opened his mouth.

"Master Huo, I have a habit of not being disturbed when I eat."

Facing Chen Jianghai's attitude, Huo Zhengmian was really upset.

If this were normal, he would have turned his face and left on the spot.

Even if Chen Jianghai is the guest of honor of his old man.

You know, he also has a temper, and he is not small.

Holding back his anger, Huo Zhengmian looked at Chen Jianghai and ate everything bit by bit.

Seeing the other party honestly waiting aside, Chen Jianghai was a little amused, so he asked directly, "Master Huo, what are you looking for from me?"

"I want to ask, what did you and my father say in the study before?"

Huo Zhengmian asked directly.

After what happened just now, Huo Zhengmian no longer had much affection for Chen Jianghai.

This can be reflected in his tone at the moment.

Chen Jianghai smiled contemptuously.

With such an attitude, you still want to hear news from him?

No wonder Mr. Huo disliked Huo Zhengmian a little, and finally pinned all his hopes on his son Huo Rishan, and did his best to pave the way for him in the last days.

Among them, letting Huo Rishan marry Guo Xinxin is a very important step.

As the best diving athlete in China, and dubbed the title of the diving queen, Guo Xinxin has her own halo and has a very high popularity and reputation.

So much so that a wealthy family like the Huo family would say that she was married.

"No comment."

Chen Jianghai threw out these four words lightly, without giving the other side face at all.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's answer, Huo Zhengmian looked surprised.

Such an answer did not appear in Huo Zhengmian's consideration at all.

For a while, Huo Zhengmian stared at Chen Jianghai with wide eyes, not knowing what to say.

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"


Huo Zhengmian came back to his senses after a while, and asked with a stiff expression.

Chen Jianghai's expression was as calm as always: "If you want to know, go back and ask Mr. Huo."

This can be said to be quite rude.

When Huo Zhengmian heard this, his entire face turned red, and he only felt a burst of hotness.

After knowing Huo Zhengmian's intentions, Chen Jianghai would naturally not be polite to him.

No matter what Chen Jianghai said to Huo Jiaxiang, it was impossible for him to tell Huo Zhengmian.

Besides, what Chen Jianghai and Huo Jiaxiang talked about was a secret among secrets.

With Huo Zhengmian's words, Chen Jianghai could not tell him.

"Mr. Chen, you should know the status of our Huo family in Xiangjiang!"

Huo Zhengmian held back for a long time before saying such a sentence.

Chen Jianghai smiled lightly and asked unceremoniously, "Status?

Now that the Huo family is in Xiangjiang, how much status can they still have? "

With the rise of Li Shengli and others, the status of the Huo family in Xiangjiang, although not at risk, is far less prominent than before.

That is, Huo Jiaxiang's connections and status are there, barely supporting the family.

Otherwise, Huo Jiaxiang would not have cooperated with Chen Jianghai, and finally chose to give it a go, hoping to make a breakthrough.

It's a pity that Huo Zhengmian's vision is limited after all, and it seems that he can't see this.

Chen Jianghai's words made him both ashamed and annoyed. He just stared at him, but he didn't know how to refute it.

"If Mr. Huo has nothing else to do, I'll go first."

After speaking, Chen Jianghai stood up directly, and took Yan Fei to leave.

Huo Zhengmian's eyes were spitting fire at this time, looking at Chen Jianghai's back angrily, clenching his fists but unable to do anything.

The bodyguard beside Chen Jianghai kept staring at him.

It is estimated that he is going to do something, and the other party can do it immediately, and he will definitely not save him any face.

In the end, he could only reluctantly recite: "It's so arrogant!"


Soon, a month passed.

At this time, Siam and Java had completely fallen, and there was no room for struggle.

Chen Jianghai came to Xiangjiang this time, and it can be said that he made a lot of money.

Two of the four tigers in Asia, the monetary system is on the verge of collapse.

The 5 billion brought by Chen Jianghai has now become 20 billion.

In addition, the 5 billion that he helped to operate, although the entry time was relatively late, but also obtained more than 60% of the profit.

It has turned into eight billion dollars.

Another part is waiting for the opportunity to It is estimated that the total can reach tens of billions.

No matter how excited Mr. Huo was, Chen Jianghai was quite satisfied with the result anyway.

This time, Chen Jianghai made almost as much money as an autumn sea.

At the beginning, Yue Hongsheng approached Chen Jianghai for this after knowing that Chen Jianghai had transferred a large amount of money.

If he knew that Chen Jianghai was holding the 5 billion, he would directly conjure an Qiuhai for him, and he would not know if his mouth could fit.

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