Chapter 1516 This is already very fast!

The next day, Chen Jianghai returned to Xijiang on a private plane, and then went straight home.

"Wan Qiu, I'm back, let's see what gift I brought you!"

As soon as he got home, Chen Jianghai said loudly.

"Just come back, what gift do you bring?"

Looking at Chen Jianghai, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Lin Wanqiu was also quite excited and smiled.

"Daddy hug, dad hug!"

She hadn't seen her father for more than two months, and Huanhuan was so excited that she kept shouting.

"Okay, Daddy hugs!"

Chen Jianghai quickly opened his arms, embraced the baby girl in his arms, and kissed him fiercely.

Even when eating, the little girl was hanging around Chen Jianghai's neck, and she didn't want to come down at all, and didn't even care about a bunch of gifts and toys.

Seeing this scene, Lin Wanqiu and the others didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This daughter is really too sticky to Chen Jianghai.

An An stayed at home with his wife and daughter for a whole day. Chen Jianghai got up early the next day, ate a hearty breakfast and went to the company.

I haven't been to the company for so long. Now that I'm back, I'm definitely going to show my face.

The company has Yue Hongsheng in charge of the overall situation, but Chen Jianghai is not too worried about affairs.

Moreover, during his time in Xiangjiang, Yue Hongsheng would report to him about the operation of the company basically every day.

Overall, the company is following the development path set at the beginning of the year.

As soon as Chen Jianghai arrived at the office, Yue Hongsheng hurried over: "Mr. Chen, you are finally back."

Chen Jianghai smiled and said, "Hongsheng, thank you for your hard work, let's talk about the company's situation!"

Seeing this, Yue Hongsheng nodded quickly, and then reported the overall operation of the group.

In general, Qiuhai's development is quite stable now.

Several new products that have just been launched recently are also very popular now.

In addition, several new products are also being intensively planned and developed.

Since the division of the group department, Chen Jianghai has not interfered too much in the new product.

He knows that if a company wants to become bigger and stronger, it will definitely not work on its own.

Now the group has a department responsible for new products, and there are relevant persons in charge, so you only need to grasp a general direction.

As for the specific work, all the people below will do it.

In this way, they can give full play to their subjective initiative as much as possible, and at some point, they can surprise themselves.

If he sees any major omissions or problems, Chen Jianghai will point it out.

Occasionally there is a small problem, and Chen Jianghai will not be in a hurry to point it out.

Only through suffering and failure can a person truly grow up.

If they have been smooth sailing, maybe they will lose their vigilance because of this.

This is something Chen Jianghai absolutely does not want to see.

The development trend of Qiuhai Group during this period is very stable, which also reflects Yue Hongsheng's ability to control.

Although he has been lamenting his lack of ability, in fact, Yue Hongsheng's progress is well known to Chen Jianghai.

You must know that with Qiuhai's current rapid development speed, Yue Hongsheng can still manage in an orderly manner during the time he left, which is enough to show his ability.

And he always carried a heart of awe, always being extra cautious.

If on the other hand, he is a person who is easy to be complacent, Chen Jianghai would not rest assured to put him in such an important position.

All in all, as the big housekeeper of Qiuhai Group, Yue Hongsheng is undoubtedly extremely competent and the most suitable.

However, there are still two things that need to be decided by Chen Jianghai himself.

First, a reporter from the province said that they wanted to interview Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai frowned and asked, "What are you interviewing me for?"

Yue Hongsheng quickly replied, "Mr. Chen, didn't we Qiuhai donate a lot to Hope Primary School?

Now the number has reached 20, and the provincial reporters are here for this. "

Hearing this number, Chen Jianghai frowned slightly, showing a trace of dissatisfaction.

It's not that he thinks there are too many schools, but the number is really too few.

"It's been a year, why are there only 20 Hope Primary Schools?"

Chen Jianghai asked directly.

Facing Chen Jianghai's question, Yue Hongsheng was slightly taken aback, and quickly explained: "Mr. Chen, this is already very fast!"

"According to your requirements, every Hope Primary School is built according to the highest standards, and it is also equipped with libraries, gymnasiums and other places!"

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai also reacted.

It is still in the 1990s, and the level of infrastructure is far less powerful than later generations.

At the speed of later generations, as long as Party A's funds are in place, it will only take a few months for a school to be built.

Most of the construction companies in China now use a relatively small number of machinery.

In this case, the construction period will indeed be a lot longer.

"I won't go to the interview, you can go there on my behalf."

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said indifferently.

Regarding these interviews, Chen Jianghai naturally has no interest at all.

Qiu Hai built Hope Primary School mainly to benefit the local poor students.

It is hoped that children in these impoverished areas can also enjoy high-quality education and avoid losing too much compared to other children at the starting line.

As for the rest, Chen Jianghai really didn't think much about it.

He doesn't want to be on TV frequently because of these things.

Sometimes people will be annoyed if they show up too much.

In general, Chen Jianghai did this without asking for anything in return, nor did he want to be too much in the limelight.

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Yue Hongsheng said with a bitter face: "Mr. Chen, they are here for you."

"You just say I have something to do and don't have time."

Chen Jianghai reached out and patted Yue Hongsheng on the shoulder, and said with a smile.

Seeing Chen Jianghai's attitude again, Yue Hongsheng was very helpless.

The bosses of other companies are eager to be in the news every day, preferably in the headlines.

They even come up with all kinds of tricks, just to create momentum for their own business and gain popularity.

Chen Jianghai is good, I wish those reporters would never come to him.

Yue Hongsheng also knows that the current Qiuhai no longer needs Chen Jianghai to promote it.

Qiuhai's series of products have completely established a firm foothold in the market, and it is enough to base everything on products and services.

Moreover, Chen Jianghai made a decision, and he couldn't change it.

Chen Jianghai has always been used to keeping a low profile, and Yue Hongsheng also knows this.

In this case, he can only come forward.

After reporting this, Yue Hongsheng followed up and said the second thing.

This matter has something to do with Zhao Rongxin.

The great cause of heaven and earth in Zhao Rongxin's hands has been in the limelight recently.

Speaking of Zhao Rongxin, many people may have forgotten.

He was Chen Jianghai's apprentice in Linghai before. He was very sincere and pragmatic, diligent and dedicated, and his ability was remarkable.

At that time, Qiuhai was not short of Jianghai gave Zhao Rongxin a new place.

Chen Jianghai is targeting the monitoring equipment market, and Zhao Rongxin is undoubtedly a very suitable candidate.

After Zhao Rongxin came to Jinmen, according to Chen Jianghai's request, he acquired Tiandi Weiye.

The development has been good in recent years, especially some time ago, the reputation of Tiandiweiye has become famous.

All government departments in Pingshan have been replaced with monitoring equipment from Tiandiweiye.

In this way, it can be said that it has made a good advertisement for Tiandi Albert for free.

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