Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1538: This scene is a bit big

Chapter 1538 This scene is a bit big

Early the next morning, major media reporters gathered around the hotel where Chen Jianghai was staying.

Chen Jianghai did not come forward, but Mu Hongzhong and the others accepted the interviews with reporters with great interest.

With so many well-known entrepreneurs in mainland China appearing at one time, this topic is really worthy of attention.

More importantly, Chen Jianghai and the others came this time.

In the eyes of reporters, this can be done as an exclusive interview.

Just as the entrepreneurs were being interviewed by reporters, an extended Rolls-Royce parked in front of the hotel.

When they saw the license plate, the reporters immediately thought of the owner of the car, and they rushed up.

They're curious to figure out, how could the owner of this car be here today?

In other words, who is the person sitting in this car?

Soon, the answer was revealed.

Huo Jiaxiang got out of the car and waved at everyone.

Chen Jianghai did not expect that Huo Jiaxiang would appear in person today.

It was originally planned that they would meet in private tomorrow.

This time, Chen Jianghai couldn't sit still any longer, and hurried down to greet the respected old man.

What the reporters did not expect was that it was not only Huo Jiaxiang who got off the car.

Li Mingnan, even appeared today.

With the appearance of these two, reporters also talked a lot.

Huo Jiaxiang and the two came today, is it for Chen Jianghai or this group of mainland entrepreneurs, or for other things?

More importantly, the two richest people in Xiangjiang also appeared here. Is it a coincidence or intentional?

Could it be that these rich people are all here today to talk about business?

In all honesty, Xiangjiang in this situation is full of turmoil and turmoil, and it is not a good time to invest.

Of course, some reporters vaguely guessed a possibility.

These two rich Hong Kong tycoons probably rushed over because Chen Jianghai said yesterday that they would fight against Sotts, and then prepared to express their attitude.

Because many reporters already know that there is a cooperative relationship between Chen Jianghai and Huo Jiaxiang, which is very close.

Huo Jiaxiang and Li Mingnan ignored these reporters and walked directly to the door of the hotel.

When the two arrived at the door, Chen Jianghai just appeared.

Looking at the two, Chen Jianghai greeted them with a smile.

"Jiang Hai, today's scene is a bit big!"

Huo Jiaxiang said with a smile.

Li Mingnan also hurriedly echoed: "Jiang Hai, you are so flamboyant, you are really not afraid of small things!"

Chen Jianghai had already guessed the meaning of the two old men, and smiled lightly: "You two, don't make fun of me! Let me introduce you to you."

Later, Chen Jianghai introduced these rich people in China to Huo Jiaxiang and Li Mingnan.

Mu Hongzhong and the others naturally knew about Huo Jiaxiang and Li Mingnan, two well-known seniors in the world of Xiangjiang.

Especially Huo Jiaxiang, and even the idols of several of them.

It is really a blessing to be able to meet these two seniors here today.

At the same time, seeing Chen Jianghai chatting and laughing with the two of them, several rich people are also envious.

Among the domestic entrepreneurs, they are regarded as the top existence.

However, compared to the two old-fashioned Hong Kong rich people in front of them, they still lack confidence.

In front of the Hong Kong media, these tycoons talked directly.

The content of their conversation is also very simple, mostly about the current situation.

The reporters present quickly turned on the recorder and recorded all the conversations of these people.

Whether it's useful or not, just record it first.

Seeing more and more people outside, Chen Jianghai simply suggested: "Everyone, why don't we go in and sit down and talk?"

Naturally, everyone has no opinion on this proposal.

There are a lot of media in Xiangjiang today, and Chen Jianghai also gave them enough face.

Otherwise, according to Chen Jianghai's temper, he would not have stood at the door for so long to take pictures of them.

When I came to the conference room, a group of people started chatting.

Chen Jianghai and the others went in, and the reporters were guessing that they must be talking about the financial turmoil.

If the reporters heard the conversation between Chen Jianghai and the others, the reporters might be dumbfounded.

At this time, Chen Jianghai and the others were chatting about their daily life, and they were very harmonious.

As for foreign exchange, everyone is not worried at all.

First of all, they really don't know much about this piece, and it's useless to ask too much.

Second, it was because they believed in Chen Jianghai, so there was no need to ask.

For the foreign exchange market, just leave it to Chen Jianghai, there is definitely nothing wrong.

Otherwise, they would not follow Chen Jianghai all the way to Xiangjiang.

Although I don't know how much money Chen Jianghai used, the point they took out was definitely far from enough.

At the beginning, Chen Jianghai did not intend to ask them to pay, but under the leadership of Mu Hongzhong, everyone still mobilized some funds.

Although not much, it also shows an attitude.

On the other hand, Mu Hongzhong actually mobilized the most funds, and Chen Jianghai also felt deep trust in him.

After chatting for a while, a few people inadvertently negotiated a business deal, and they are ready to start cooperation after this decisive battle against Xiangjiang.

In fact, when talking about business between the rich and powerful, it is not like the TV series.

When they got to this point, they felt that they could cooperate directly, and if they felt that it was not possible, there was no need to talk about it.

As for interests, as long as everyone can make money, there is no such thing as pretense.

Because everyone has a steel scale in their hearts, it is nothing more than resource sharing, whoever contributes more will have more profits with the natural knot.

Chen Jianghai and Li Mingnan had already negotiated cooperation this time, but this time he did not participate.

After chatting for a while, the group sat down for a meal.

After the meal, Huo Jiaxiang and Li Mingnan went straight home.

As for the remaining big bosses, they decided to shop around.

It's hard to come to Xiangjiang, and if you don't take a good look, isn't it in vain?

Chen Jianghai didn't leave the hotel, he still had some things to do.

After everyone left, Chen Jianghai returned to his room and asked Yan Fei to call Fang Aiguo.

Yan Fei hurriedly called Fang Aiguo's phone, and Fang Aiguo's voice soon came.

"Brother Hai, are you ready to start?"

Fang Aiguo asked impatiently.

Chen Jianghai didn't talk nonsense, and simply ordered: "Start borrowing Hong Kong coins."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's Fang Aiguo and Yan Fei were dumbfounded.

Isn't Chen Jianghai coming to Xiangjiang to deal with Sotts?

If you borrow Hong Kong Coins, what is the difference from the previous behavior?


Fang Aiguo couldn't help but ask, "Brother Hai, what do you mean by that?"

Yan Fei next to him also looked surprised, staring straight at the big boss.

He wanted to know how Chen Jianghai would answer.

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