Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1552: Now! immediately! immediately!

Chapter 1552 Now! immediately! immediately!

After the two calmed down, Chen Jianghai cleared his throat: "Let's talk about what we need to do next."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Fang Aiguo immediately pricked up their ears.

They were afraid that they would miss Chen Jianghai's words if they were distracted.

In Fang Aiguo's heart, this matter can be said to be a knot-like existence.

Today, this knot is finally opened.

Chen Jianghai raised **** and said, "We mainly shot from two places.

First, to be patriotic, you have to spend some funds to help the Hong Kong government, stabilize the stock market, and pull up the stock index. "

"Second, in the foreign exchange futures market, go long in Xiangjiang and take all the short orders."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's words, Fang Ai immediately said, "Okay, Brother Hai, I know what to do.

To put it simply, it is actually doing everything Fang Aiguo did in reverse.

After saying that, he went straight out.

Afterwards, Chen Jianghai set his eyes on Yan Fei and instructed him:

"Xiaoyan, contact all the newspapers in Xiangjiang and spread the news that the Dragon Fund is controlled by Qiuhai."

"At the same time, tell them that Qiuhai will bring the Dragon Fund to rescue the market in an all-round way."

Excited Yan Fei quickly said: "Mr. Chen, I will contact the media in Xiangjiang now."

After Yan Fei left, Chen Jianghai called Huo Jiaxiang.

"Elder Huo, it's time for us to act."

Huo Jiaxiang, who was on the opposite side of the phone, replied ok, and then hung up the phone.

What Chen Jianghai asked Huo Jiaxiang to do was to buy the high-quality land that Xiangjiang was selling everywhere at this time.

The purpose is also very simple, that is, to stabilize the real estate prices in Hong Kong and bring confidence to the citizens of Hong Kong.

Coupled with the two things that Chen Jianghai asked Fang Aiguo to do just now, it is enough to temporarily stabilize the entire Xiangjiang.

After Huo Jiaxiang hung up the phone, he asked his subordinates to start buying land.

Before that, if Huo Jiaxiang wanted to buy land, it would be very troublesome.

But now, buying a house and buying land is very easy.

As soon as Huo Jiaxiang opened his mouth and the funds were in place, the land was immediately transferred to his name.

Now the real estate in Xiangjiang is a bit scary.

Many want to sell their land and exchange them for US knives.

Now in Hong Kong, US knives and gold are the most valuable things.

As for other things, it may be depreciated at any time, and the risk is very frightening.

Chen Jianghai didn't know what kind of surprise his decision would bring to Sotts.

At this time, Fang Aiguo had come to the next room.

After entering the door, he shouted to the crowd full of fighting spirit: "Now! Immediately! Immediately! Buy me all the empty orders on the market."

Hearing Fang Aiguo's order, everyone present was stunned.

They even wondered if they had heard something wrong.

"Boss, what did you say, buy an empty order?"

Someone couldn't help but ask.

Fang Aiguo replied without hesitation: "You heard right, we are going to do more this time, to fight Sotts."

Hearing such a news, all the people in the room opened their mouths.

They couldn't believe that they would hear such a sentence from Fang Aiguo's mouth.

Not short this time?

My God, what the **** is going on here?

Instead of attacking Xiangjiang, we will fight against Soros!

Omg this is crazy too!

Am I dreaming?

The whole room was fried in an instant.

Fang Aiguo didn't have time to explain to them, so he shouted loudly: "Why are you still standing there, don't waste any more time, hurry up and move me.

Hearing the boss's words, the operators didn't dare to talk any more, and quickly started their work with full attention.

I just don't know how Xiangjiang will react when he hears the news tomorrow.

More importantly, how will Sotts react after learning the news?

At this time, most of the citizens of Xiangjiang were praying for a miracle to happen.

They believe that when Xiangjiang has reached this point, it is already exhausted, and it is only a matter of time before it completely falls.

If there is no external help or miracle, then the future of Xiangjiang will be bleak.

Especially the news about Julongji today made all the citizens of Xiangjiang completely into despair.

In the face of such a powerful opponent, the citizens of Hong Kong really don't know how to survive this crisis this time.

For a while, some middle-class people who still had a little expectation began to take active actions, and they were ready to exchange all their savings for US knives or gold tomorrow to avoid losses.

As for those working-class people who have no savings and go to work honestly, they toss and turn and sleep all night.

The sun will rise tomorrow, but they don't know what the Xiangjiang tomorrow will look like.

Maybe it really sank overnight, and then the wealth accumulated over the years was looted by Sotts and the greedy guys behind him, leaving only a mess in the end.

And with the closure of a large number of companies, these people are likely to fall into a state of unemployment, and the future is bound to be bleak.


Early the next morning, many sleep-deprived people got up exhausted with panda eyes.

Life is hard, but it has to go on.

During this period of time, they hadn't had a good night's sleep.

As usual, they washed up and went to work.

Looking at the quiet streets, many people wondered if they had gone to the wrong place.

It is really embarrassing that the prosperous Xiangjiang in the past has become what it is now.

When they came to the newsstand, many people subconsciously reached out to buy a newspaper.

However, after thinking about the current situation, they finally gave up.

There will definitely not be any good news in the newspapers, so there is no need to take the initiative to find discomfort.

At this moment, a person next to him suddenly stared at the newspaper in his hand and shouted, "Look, there's something big!"

In this case, the people around him immediately surrounded him.

After looking at the newspaper in the man's hand, they hesitated for a moment, then immediately took out the money from their pockets, bought a copy of the same newspaper from the newsstand, and browsed it quickly.

Today's newspaper headlines can be said to be very lively.

"The Dragon Fund is finally out! 》

Regarding this dragon fund, Sotts said that this is his trump card.

And in private, there are different opinions about the legend of the Dragon All in all, this is a mysterious force that controls a huge amount of capital, even people like Sotts pay great attention to it. He calls it a powerful ally.

Now that the Dragon Fund is finally unable to hold back, what should Xiangjiang do next?


Seeing this title, the first feeling of most Xiangjiang citizens is that Xiangjiang is going to end.

But after they read the whole report, they were all shocked, and then they were extremely happy and ran to tell them.

The content of the report was the exact opposite of what they thought.

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