Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1559: 1 drink and 1 peck is a fixed number

Chapter 1559 A drink and a peck is a fixed number

What Chen Jianghai didn't expect was that rumors began to spread in Xiangjiang the next day.

The content of the rumors is also very simple, that is, the mainland is ready to help Xiangjiang through the current crisis.

Chen Jianghai did not expect that Xiang Jiang would be so anxious to spread the news.

After knowing this situation, Chen Jianghai secretly sighed.

If Xiangjiang can hold his breath and fight Sotts for a while, then Sotts will lose even more.

Only now, as soon as this news comes out, Sotts will be alert.

Although it won't stop immediately, it will definitely be a lot more cautious.

However, now Xiangjiang is obviously afraid.

It only has one idea now, and that is to end this battle as soon as possible.

Regarding Xiangjiang's approach, Chen Jianghai said it was completely understandable.

After these three or four months of fierce battle, the funds that Xiangjiang can use have basically been exhausted, which is really unaffordable.

At this moment, Fang Aiguo rushed in from the outside, and asked with a smile on his face, "Brother Hai, have you received any news?"

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and asked knowingly, "What news?"

"The top is about to shoot!"

Fang Aiguo raised his finger with a mysterious look on his face.

Chen Jianghai calmed down and said calmly, "Since you already know it's gossip, why did you come to ask me?"

This is indeed grapevine, and there is no direct evidence.

If Chen Jianghai directly revealed the specific truth, it would be too prophetic.

Moreover, Xiangjiang did not announce this in public, just to save his face.

While saving his face, Xiangjiang wanted to end the war as soon as possible.

Therefore, they will deliberately let people release gossip, the purpose is to make Sotts feel dangerous and dare not continue to act rashly.

This method is actually the same as the little trick Sotts had done before.

Spread unfavorable news first, causing Sotts's side to be frightened and timid.

At that time, those followers behind him will take the initiative to give up and continue to follow Sotts to short Xiangjiang for the sake of insurance.

As those powers waned, Sotts himself would become increasingly cautious.

After all, the power of Sotts and his Quantum Fund alone cannot shake Xiangjiang.

If he still wants to force it, he will inevitably cause huge losses to himself.

A mercenary like Sotts is absolutely unwilling to take such a risk.

After a stalemate for a while, if Sauters and his Quantum Fund fail, they will have to stop and take the initiative to end the war.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's answer, Fang Aiguo looked surprised.

Combined with the anomalies in Xiangjiang in the past two days and today's gossip, Fang Aiguo felt that this news should be 70% to 80% accurate.

Chen Jianghai has always expected things like God. After getting the news, Fang Aiguo rushed over eagerly. The purpose was very simple. He just hoped that it could be confirmed by him.

But what he didn't expect was that Chen Jianghai didn't say anything.

However, Fang Aiguo did not have too much entanglement, and quickly put this matter aside.

Because he is very clear in his heart that the most important thing right now is not this.

"Brother Hai, according to the current situation, if Xiangjiang wins, can we make a fortune again?"

Fang Aiguo gestured with his hands and asked excitedly.

Before Chen Jianghai followed Sotts to short, the journey went smoothly, and he made a lot of money.

This time, he did the opposite, and resolutely did more than Xiangjiang. Fang Aiguo believed that Chen Jianghai must lose blood.

Now, as soon as the gossip comes out, it is like a turn of events, and the situation has undergone a drastic change.

According to the current trend, as long as Chen Jianghai and Xiangjiang can withstand it for a period of time, they don't even have to wait until they are shot.

When Sotts retire, they will be able to make money in return.

You know, Chen Jianghai bought a lot of stock index futures.

At that time, as long as the Hang Seng points are higher than 7,500 points, then Chen Jianghai will make a lot of money.

Chen Jianghai said calmly: "I can't tell right now, I will know everything after the results come out."

That being said, the smile on Chen Jianghai's face could not be hidden.

He said so, almost tacitly.

"Brother Hai, tell me the truth, did you receive any inside information a long time ago?"

Fang Aiguo couldn't help but asked with wide eyes.

Chen Jianghai shook his head and said solemnly, "I don't know anything, so don't guess at all, kid.

These two days are the most critical time, absolutely must not cause trouble for me. "

Fang Aiguo quickly patted his chest and assured, "Brother Hai, I know what to do."

When it comes to business, he is not at all vague.

This matter involves so much money, Fang Aiguo dare not relax at all.

Now the major banks in Hong Kong and most of the rich have also discovered anomalies.

No matter how powerful Sotts and the others are, Chen Jianghai and Xiang Jiang can quickly take all the empty orders.

At the same time, on the stock market side, the Hang Seng Index is also constantly rising.

This series of anomalies made many people realize that something was wrong.

Coupled with some gossip that was exposed today, many people who plan to short Xiangjiang with Sotts and then make a windfall are nervous.

Is the mainland government really going to take action?


If this is really the case, then they helped Sotts short before, so it's not a loss!

And you will lose a lot of money.

Still that sentence, every drink and every peck is my own decision, and I can't blame others at all.

Now that you have done it, you must honestly bear the consequences.

This news soon spread to the whole Xiangjiang.

The citizens of Xiangjiang were all excited after hearing the news.

Regardless of whether the news is true or false, Xiangjiang's actions cannot be faked.

At this moment, Xiangjiang looks full of makes anyone who wants to short Xiangjiang feel a little trembling.

What they are afraid of is not the determination of Xiangjiang. What they are really afraid of is that the Hong Kong side has really received the commitment of the mainland government to be so resolute.

The stability of the stock market and foreign exchange market has given Hong Kong citizens a lot of confidence, who were originally uneasy.

It was at this moment that they realized that as long as they persevered, victory was coming soon.

Faced with such a situation, the citizens of Hong Kong can be said to be extremely excited.

The grievances that had been suppressed for two or three months were all released at this time.

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