Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1567: 1 breaking news

Chapter 1567 An explosive news

"By the way, you go back and stop by the company."

Chen Jianghai followed and explained.

Speaking of this, Fang Aiguo thought about it and said, "Brother Hai, why don't you give me the position of my company?"


Chen Jianghai was not surprised by Fang Aiguo's answer, but he couldn't help but ask.

Fang Aiguo's reason is also very simple, that is, he is currently in charge of the capital team, and he is not in the company all the year round.

To put it bluntly, it means to care about other people's thoughts, and don't want to bring bad influence to Chen Jianghai.

Hearing Fang Aiguo say this, Chen Jianghai warmed his heart.

This is my good brother, always thinking of him.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly: "Isn't it just asking you to do something when you go back this time?"

"Brother Hai, I know you're good to me, but it's really not necessary."

Fang Aiguo said seriously.

Chen Jianghai thought about it for a while and didn't intend to force it.

And as a good brother, he will also respect Fang Aiguo's choice.

"Okay, go to Hongsheng and see what to do."

Chen Jianghai nodded and said.

"Okay, Brother Hai!"

Fang Aiguo quickly nodded and agreed.

Fang Aiguo has his own ideas, and Chen Jianghai will naturally not stop him.

What's more, what Fang Aiguo said is also true.

It is precisely because of this factor that Chen Jianghai did not put Fang Aiguo in the management.

Now that Fang Aiguo has come up with it himself, it will be fine.

In fact, at the beginning, Chen Jianghai was a little worried that Fang Aiguo would think about it, but now it seems that he thinks too much.

"By the way, the last time I went back to Linghai, I saw the canteen in your house, and the shotgun was replaced."

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said.

"Brother Hai, it's not much to thank you!"

Speaking of this, Fang Aiguo was obviously a little proud.

Since following Chen Jianghai, his family's life has been getting better and better.

Originally, they opened a small shop at home, but at this time it has also been upgraded to a small supermarket.

If Fang Aiguo's parents were not afraid of spending too much money, Fang Aiguo would have planned to upgrade this small supermarket into a large supermarket.

However, with the increase of experience, Fang Aiguo no longer wanted to upgrade the supermarket.

Parents are also getting older, and their abilities and energy are limited.

It's good that they can take good care of the small supermarket safely, and there is no need to increase the burden on them.

Today's Fang Aiguo has followed Chen Jianghai to earn money that was unimaginable before. Even if his parents do nothing, their family can live comfortably for several lifetimes with this money.

"Go back to spend more time with your parents, and go to the group to have a look when you have time."

Chen Jianghai reminded with a smile.

Fang Aiguo quickly nodded and said, "Brother Hai, I understand."

Chen Jianghai said: "The world is changing with each passing day. You have to study more to avoid falling behind."

When it comes to learning two words, Fang Aiguo has a bitter look on his face: "Brother Hai, you should know that I just finished junior high school."

"so what?"

Chen Jianghai raised his eyebrows, and his expression suddenly became serious, "It is said that it is good to live until you are old and learn, and there is no end to learning. Read more newspapers and books, and be more cultural, isn't it?"

Seeing Chen Jianghai so serious, Fang Aiguo was stunned for a moment, and then he understood his painstaking efforts, and nodded hastily in response.

Chen Jianghai pointed to the newspaper on the table: "These are the latest news developments in China. There is no harm in taking a look at them."

In this day and age, wealth is basically in the newspapers.

It's always good to read more newspapers.

Fang Aiguo didn't say much, just picked up the newspaper and read it honestly.

After watching for a while, he suddenly raised his head and said, "Brother Hai, the name Qin Chi sounds familiar!"

"That's right, you fought with us for King Biao, you forgot?"

Chen Jianghai replied with a smile.

Fang Aiguo patted his head and said with a sigh: "Yes, yes! No wonder I feel so familiar.

I just didn't expect that the most advanced automated production lines in China that they advertised are actually manual lines! "

Fang Aiguo was very surprised when he told the news.

You know, Qiuhai's factories are basically semi-automated now.

Fang Aiguo was a little surprised to suddenly see such a famous company still using all labor.

It can only be said that Fang Aiguo thought too much.

At present, there are very few domestic enterprises that can use full automation.

Qiuhai did not, not because there was not enough funds to carry out reforms.

The scale of Qiuhai is really too large. If you want to convert it into a fully automatic production line, it will take time to replace it one by one.

And automation is not imminent now, so considering the interests of workers, Chen Jianghai deliberately slowed down.

After all, once fully automated, the number of workers on the assembly line will be greatly reduced.

Of course, the salary that can be left will be improved, but other people who transfer jobs need to make appropriate arrangements.

For these workers, this is definitely a huge challenge, even brutal.

Even if Qiuhai Group has the ability to absorb these surplus labor, it must be trained and employed.

Some workers won't even be able to adapt.

Of course, in the near future, Qiuhai automation will definitely be put on the agenda. Chen Jianghai has already planned to have a brief talk with Yue Hongsheng after he goes back this time, and then let him blow the air, so that the majority of Qiuhai employees can have a good time. Prepare your mind.

Presumably with the initiative and enthusiasm of Qiuhai employees, there will definitely be a wave of learning.

This is definitely a good thing for the improvement of the quality of employees of the entire Qiuhai Group.

Chen Jianghai was actually somewhat impressed by the news that Fang Aiguo said.

Qin Chi was named the best company in China's corporate image this year, and the boss of Qin Chi went to the capital to receive the award excitedly.

At this time, the "Economic Information Daily" suddenly published an explosive news.

A reporter's investigation found that Qinchi's base in Dongshan can only produce 3,000 tons of raw wine every year, which cannot meet the market at all.

Therefore, Qin Chi purchased a large amount of original wine from other wineries in Sichuan Province and transported it back to Dongshan for blending.

As for the actual situation of the most advanced liquor filling lines in China that Qin Chi boasted about, there are more than a dozen operators around each line.

The inner lid of the wine bottle is specially knocked in by a person with a wooden hammer, not the pure and modern liquor filling technology that everyone imagines.

This report has now spread all over the Almost in a very short period of time, it has been reprinted by countless newspapers, making it well known to the passers-by.

Boss Qin Chi, who has been touted by the media, doesn't know how to deal with such a situation.

The only way he can think of is to send someone to the newspaper to do public relations, expressing his willingness to pay millions of yuan to acquire these reports.

It's a pity that with so many news media across the country, he simply can't block the audience of Youyou.

Qin Chi, the king of the previous generation, died in a very unexpected way.

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