Chapter 1573 The greatest wish

He suggested that Chen Jiangshan could consider the acquisition of Asia with Gu Yanping.

Chen Jiangshan actually knows a lot about the brand of Asia.

I think there was a branch in Asia in Changxi at the beginning.

For this reason, Chen Jiangshan was worried for a while, and even made a special call to communicate with Chen Jianghai, asking him to give some advice.

Chen Jianghai told him not to worry, this so-called Asia branch may be a fake, even if it is real, there is nothing to be afraid of, because it is a paper tiger at all.

Chen Jiangshan also confirmed this fact after investigation, otherwise he didn't know what to worry about at that time.

Now it seems that Chen Jianghai must have known at that time that Asia would not be able to support it for long.

It didn't take long for the seemingly prosperous Asia to break out into a full-scale crisis.

By now, Asia has almost come to the point where it exists in name only.

Many supermarkets carry the brand of Asia, but they are actually counterfeit goods.

During this year, Chen Jiangshan also ran to many places one after another.

Outside many Asia shopping malls, there are even people holding signs to collect debts.

It is not difficult to imagine how bad Asia's current business situation is.

"Jiang Hai, Asia's business is so bad now, why should we buy him?"

Chen Jiangshan didn't quite understand.

In his view, Asia is now a mess.

If anyone buys it now, isn't it self-inflicted?

Chen Jianghai said with a smile: "Actually, there are many ways to acquire, and we don't need to accept Asia in its entirety.

To use an old saying, choose the good ones and follow them, and just discard the bad ones. "

Now Meihua Supermarket has launched its own brand.

Everywhere I go, it is well-known and has been affirmed and loved by the people.

Acquiring the brand Asia does not actually do them any good.

In fact, what Meihua needs most is the various channels in Asia.

For example, its huge supply channels and sales channels.

This is an important condition for Meihua Supermarket to go further and achieve a qualitative leap.

As for Asia's own debt and brand, it can be completely abandoned.

Hearing this, Chen Jiangshan immediately understood.

During this time, he has learned a lot of business knowledge, and naturally he understands the truth.

After Chen Jianghai made such a move, Chen Jiangshan can be said to be suddenly enlightened.

He really didn't think that he could do this.

Chen Jiangshan was very emotional, if it wasn't for Chen Jianghai's reminder, he would have never imagined it.

The current business of Asia is too bad, no one will move the idea of ​​buying it.

Acquiring Asia means taking on its huge debt.

However, Chen Jianghai took a different approach. He only acquired various channels in Asia. As for the brand and debt, he completely ignored it.

This concept is quite advanced for the current market.

Ordinary people can't touch this level at all.

After all, no one could have imagined that such a famous brand would not be acquired for its brand.

After getting advice from Chen Jianghai, Chen Jiangshan also knew what to do.

The two brothers then briefly chatted about family matters before hanging up.

Chen Jiangshan, who hung up the phone, did not delay for a moment, and eagerly went to find Gu Yanping.

Naturally, the sooner this matter is done, the better, so as not to have too many dreams at night.

For the next few days, Chen Jianghai stayed at home honestly, accompanying Lin Wanqiu every step of the way.

As the due date is getting closer and closer, Chen Jianghai is also getting more and more nervous, no different from a man who is about to become a father for the first time.

On the penultimate day of the due date, Chen Jianghai sent her directly to the hospital regardless of Lin Wanqiu's objection.

Afterwards, Chen Jianghai accompanied Lin Wanqiu in the hospital, waiting for the delivery.

As for other things, Chen Jianghai left them all behind and ignored them.

He even said hello to Yue Hongsheng in advance. If it wasn't a matter of urgency, he could handle it himself.

Now, he just wanted to accompany Lin Wanqiu wholeheartedly, waiting for the birth of their second child.

This is definitely the most important thing for Chen Jianghai right now.

The last time Huanhuan gave birth prematurely had left a lingering shadow in Chen Jianghai's heart.

This time, he couldn't let Lin Wanqiu have any more accidents no matter what.

Originally, Xue Chunli and the others were thinking of taking care of Lin Wanqiu in the hospital and asked him to go back and wait, but they were directly rejected by Chen Jianghai.

No matter what happens, Chen Jianghai will always be by Lin Wanqiu's side.

On October 10, 1997, Lin Wanqiu's due date arrived.

However, Lin Wanqiu didn't react at all, and Chen Jianghai was very nervous about it, so he quickly called the attending doctor over to understand the situation.

The doctor patiently explained for him that some people will be earlier than the expected date of delivery, and some people will be later than the expected date of delivery, which is a normal phenomenon.

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Chen Jianghai breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Wanqiu, who was lying on the bed, saw Chen Jianghai looked so nervous, and couldn't help laughing: "I said it's fine, you just worry too much!"

"It's okay, it's okay! Wanqiu, don't laugh, having a baby is a big deal, and it must not be taken lightly."

Chen Jianghai said very solemnly.

Seeing Chen Jianghai like this, Lin Wanqiu opened her mouth and suddenly didn't know what to say.

She took Chen Jianghai's hand and was silent for a while before she said softly, "Jianghai, don't put too much pressure on yourself, I'm fine now, don't worry."

In fact, Lin Wanqiu also knew that the incident last time gave Chen Jianghai a lump in his heart.

Now that Chen Jianghai is so nervous, maybe he just wants to make up for what happened last time.

Hearing Lin Wanqiu say this, Chen Jianghai gently stroked her cheek and said, "Wanqiu, you are my wife, this is what my husband should do, and I won't let you have any accidents again."

Lin Wanqiu's eyes reddened slightly when she heard this, and her heart was filled with emotion.

Now Chen Jianghai is really kind to her.

It was so good that Lin Wanqiu suspected that she was dreaming.

How many good deeds did she do in her last life to marry a good man like Chen Jianghai.

She felt that her life was really worth it.


On October 11th, Lin Wanqiu entered the delivery room.

Chen Jianghai took his family and waited outside anxiously.

But this time, Chen Jianghai's worry was obviously unnecessary.

After a long period of adjustment, Lin Wanqiu's physical condition has been greatly improved.

Coupled with the meticulous care of the Lin Wanqiu's nutrition during pregnancy is also quite balanced.

Not only that, but Chen Jianghai also asks doctors to check in from time to time, and there was no problem at all in the early stage.

It can be said that Lin Wanqiu has adjusted herself to the best state with the efforts of herself and her family when she gave birth this time.

This time, Lin Wanqiu gave birth to a fat boy of seven pounds and six taels.

After hearing the news, Lin Wanqiu, who was pale and sweating profusely, shed tears of joy.

To give birth to a son for Chen Jianghai, her biggest wish in her life has been fulfilled.

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