Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1580: throw money, throw money like crazy

The first thousand five hundred and eighty chapters throw money, crazy throw money

It is no exaggeration to say that China is actually decades behind in terms of CPU.

It is almost an impossible task to catch up.

In later generations, many people realized the problem of lack of cores.

In many industries, due to the lack of cores, foreign companies will be stuck in the neck and given various restrictions.

To get rid of this, Huaxia must have its own chips.

Many people with lofty ideals have come to their senses and want to do something about it, but after a lot of hard work and a lot of human and material resources, there is no effect.

The reason is also very simple, that is, the foreign technology blockade in this area is too powerful.

It can be said to be insane.

For these technologies, we can only rely on Huaxia's independent research, and we can't even find technical materials for reference.

Even in the 1990s, although all aspects of Huaxia have developed to a very advanced level, there is still no company that can achieve technological breakthroughs in CPU.

It is for this reason that the Chinese government has decided to invest huge sums of money to build the world's fourth largest chip foundry company: SMIC.

But the technical level of SMIC is still far from the highest level in the world.

As for the computer's operating system, it doesn't matter.

Microsoft is number one in the world, without any doubts.

Even Chen Jianghai doesn't think he can beat Microsoft in the operating system right now.

Now Microsoft, it can be said that the climate is successful, and it has a dominant foundation.

This technical gap, even if Chen Jianghai has more funds, there is no way to catch up.

Once the operating system is accepted, it will naturally become a habit.

Once a habit is formed, it is very difficult to change it.

The only thing Chen Jianghai can do is to greatly enhance Huaxia's strength in the chip area.

In fact, the current domestic chip industry is not without merit.

To be precise, Huaxia still has certain technology in the field of chips today.

At least in design, manufacturing, packaging and other related technologies, many companies have certain conditions.

The only thing missing is lithography.

As for other processes, the gap is actually much smaller than when Chen Jianghai came back from later generations.

Ni Xingyu said with emotion: "I have a hunch that computers will definitely become a very important part of the future society in the future."

"If our country cannot master this technology, it may fall behind others in many aspects."

"What's more important is the CPU, which can be said to be the highest manifestation of human technology."

"As a researcher, I can talk about this time in my life. I feel that I have no regrets in my life."

Chen Jianghai admired Ni Xingyu's eloquent words.

As a researcher, Ni Xingyu is undoubtedly very pure and has no selfish thoughts.

But it is good to have confidence, but we must not underestimate the difficulty of this matter.

In Chen Jianghai's view, designing and producing a world-class CPU is no less difficult than those ultimate weapons.

There is a huge natural gap between military supplies and civilian supplies.

If the country wants to develop a new military product, it will do whatever it takes.

No matter how much it costs, the state doesn't even blink an eye.

The reason is also very simple. An important military item may determine the status of a country in the world, and the value and significance it brings are often immeasurable.

Therefore, the state will keep these technologies firmly in its own hands at all costs.

But this is totally unfeasible for civilian use.

Civilian goods must consider benefits.

As an operator, whether the product produced can maintain the development of the enterprise is the criterion for considering the success of a product.

If a product spends a lot of money to develop it, but cannot produce corresponding economic benefits, then it is a failed product and has no meaning of existence.

Another notable feature of civilian products is rapid iteration.

Any popular product, because of the huge benefits it generates, will inevitably attract a lot of people, and will usher in very cruel competition.

If you can't produce a product that outperforms your peers, that means you could be obsolete at any time.

Take CPU as an example, it has a very famous law called Moore's Law.

The content of Moore's Law is simple.

When the price remains unchanged, the number of components that can be accommodated on an integrated circuit will double every eighteen to twenty-four months, and the performance will also double.

From this law, it can be concluded that if a CPU company cannot upgrade the CPU within 18 to 24 months, it will face the situation of obsolescence.

You can't develop it, it doesn't mean that other companies can't develop it.

Once a company develops a more powerful CPU, other companies in the same industry will lose a lot of market share.

So this law is equivalent to the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of all CPU companies.

If you don't work **** research and development, it means to be eliminated by the market.

It is precisely because of this that most of the capital of a CPU company will be invested in research and development.

In any way, the Western world's CPU technology is far ahead of China.

More importantly, in the CPU market, whoever has the most advanced technology means that he can take most of the market share.

Many of the companies ranked at the back can only drink some soup.

What's more, you may not even be able to drink soup, and you will die in a very short time.

This means that the CPU industry, even if you invest a lot of money, will face huge risks.

In the past life, many companies put in tens of billions of funds every year, and they may have to lose money for several years.

In this way, investing so much money may only just pass the threshold.

If you want to catch up with the companies in front, you have to keep working hard.

How hard?

Of course, continue to throw money, crazy throw money.

You know, building a 12-inch, 32-nanometer-scale production line requires at least $4 billion in capital.

A 12-inch, 14-nanometer production line requires an investment of 10 billion US dollars.

From these two points, it can be seen how high the threshold for entering this industry is.

That's just the cost of a production line!

Installation and routine maintenance require not a small amount of money.

If you think about it like, you will know how terrible this industry is, and it is not something that ordinary companies can afford.

"Lao Ni, when we are developing the CPU, we can also prepare in advance for packaging and testing."

Chen Jianghai reminded.

With the arrival of the lithography machine, Chen Jianghai believes that Ni Xingyu will definitely be able to make a breakthrough on the CPU.

At that time, once William's side has made a new breakthrough in lithography machine technology, Ni Xingyu and the others may be able to catch up with Western technology in this regard.

At that time, it is not impossible for Huaxia's CPU to rise.

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