Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1590: they underestimate you

Chapter 1590 They underestimate you

Hearing Yan Qiang say this, Chen Jianghai frowned slightly, and his expression became a little dignified.

Chen Jianghai is very clear about Yan Qiang's character, and he is definitely a person with a deep sense of government and a calm personality.

But now he seems so urgent, something must have happened.

Chen Jianghai asked in a deep voice, "Brother Qiang, what happened?"

Later, Yan Qiang told Chen Jianghai of a recent incident.

It turned out that Yan Hecheng had been wanting to find his way back to the place after he was deflated last time at Chen Jianghai's place.

Under such circumstances, Yan Hecheng did a lot of actions inside the Yan family.

Soon, he found a lot of allies in the Yan family, ready to take action against Chen Jianghai.

After their research, they found that if they wanted to take action against the Qiuhai Group, it was unrealistic.

After all, today's Qiuhai Group, as one of the world's top 500 companies, has become the most dazzling private enterprise in China, and I don't know how many pairs of eyes are watching.

Coupled with the special contribution of Chen Jianghai in the defense of Xiangjiang this time, he has won countless praises, and those people are even more cautious.

Everyone knows that if you want to do something to Qiuhai, you must weigh it.

And even if you want to do it, you will definitely not be able to achieve this goal in a short period of time.

Now the autumn sea has become a climate, and it is a well-deserved first place in China's electrical industry.

Coupled with Chen Jianghai's own popularity and the large sums of money he earned during his trip to Southeast Asia, it is simply wishful thinking to shake Chen Jianghai in this industry.

Even if the Yan family wanted to go all out, they couldn't do it at this time, so they had to settle for the next best thing and change their goals.

Since the appearance of Yan Hecheng, Chen Jianghai has a lot of sense of crisis.

In this case, Chen Jianghai directly asked Chen Xiaolong to speed up the construction of sales channels.

Especially the supplier link, Chen Jianghai's request must be in the hands of Qiuhai himself.

After several years of development, the things that Chen Jianghai proposed before have basically been completed.

Needless to say, on the sales channel side, directly-operated stores are almost opening all over the country.

As for suppliers, 70% of Qiuhai's supply channels are now firmly in his hands.

Even if the Yan family starts from these aspects, Qiuhai is not afraid at all.

What Chen Jianghai wants to do is to make Qiuhai the same as Biaatti in his previous life.

All parts can be provided by ourselves.

In this way, no one will be able to restrain Qiuhai upstream.

If you want to mess around, just change it.

For a home appliance business, this is a very important point.

After Yan Hecheng and the others studied, they could only take action against Chen Jianghai from other places.

In the end, Yan Hecheng and the others set their goal on Jiamei.

After their in-depth investigation, they found that Jiamei was in a price war with Wahaha at this time, and she was quite weak.

When the price war hits here, Jiamei actually doesn't have much money in its account.

The reason why Jiamei can continue to fight with Wahaha, and she still looks more and more fierce, is because of Qiuhai's continuous blood transfusion behind her back.

In this case, Yan Hecheng and the others would not let it go easily when they saw such a "good" target.

If Jiamei can be defeated, it will have no effect on Qiuhai.

But for Chen Jianghai, it was definitely a big loss.

Such a result is what Yan Hecheng is very much looking forward to seeing, and it also allows Chen Jianghai to see the strength of his Yan Hecheng.

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai immediately reacted and asked in surprise, "Brother Qiang, do you mean that Yan Hecheng will cooperate with Zong Daming?"

"Yes, Yan Hecheng has been away from the Yan family for several days, so he should be looking for Zong Daming."

Yan Qiang said very firmly.

Regarding this matter, Yan Hecheng blocked the news early in the morning.

It was also thanks to Yan Qiang's more insight that he was able to know this so early.

Otherwise, Chen Jianghai must still be in the dark at this time.

After Chen Jianghai heard it, he didn't take it to heart.

In his opinion, just a mere Yan Hecheng, it may not be able to set off a big storm.

Moreover, now that the price war between Jiamei and Wahaha has reached this point, even if the Yan family wants to intervene, it is nothing more than continuing to spend money.

When it comes to spending money, Chen Jianghai is not afraid of anyone now.

The last time he went to Xiangjiang, he brought back tens of billions of dollars in funds.

Even if he is facing the Shangyan family, Chen Jianghai is not worried at all now.

I'm afraid no one would have imagined that Chen Jianghai had harvested such an astronomical amount of wealth in just a few months.

Such an amazing amount of money, even a behemoth like the Yan family can't come up with it.

Chen Jianghai smiled and said indifferently: "Brother Qiang, thank you for giving me this news, I know what to do."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's words, Yan Qiang on the other end of the phone was slightly surprised.

Chen Jianghai's calmness, he has already experienced it.

Since Yan Qiang got to know Chen Jianghai, he has never seen the other side anxious.

No matter what he does, he looks like he is winning.

However, from Chen Jianghai's tone, Yan Qiang could hear that it was very relaxed.

Why did he act so easily?


As if what Yan Hecheng did would not have any effect on him.

Yan Hecheng is indeed nothing to worry about, but standing behind Yan Hecheng is a huge Yan family!

An ancient family that has developed for more than a hundred years and has a very deep heritage.

Such a family, aside from other aspects, is quite terrifying in terms of commercial power, and it is simply unimaginable for ordinary people.

"Jiang Hai, you can't take this matter lightly."

Yan Qiang was a little uneasy and couldn't help reminding.

Chen Jianghai couldn't help laughing, still in a very relaxed tone: "Brother Qiang, I know what to do, you can rest assured."

Yan Qiang couldn't help but ask, "Jiang Hai, why are you not worried at all?"

You must know that the Yan family's rich heritage has already set foot in all walks of life, and even in the field of beverages, it has a strong strength.

If they join forces with Wahaha to deal with Jiamei, Jiamei may not be able to withstand it.

Even if there is an autumn sea behind Jiamei, it cannot be taken lightly.

After all, the help Qiuhai can provide is nothing but money.

As for other aspects, such as technology, production, etc., Jiamei will definitely not be the opponent of Yanjia and Wahaha.

Chen Jianghai said with a smile: "Brother Qiang, now we are fighting a price war, as long as you have money.

It just so happens that I am not short of money They are willing to break their arms and I am happy to accompany them. "

Hearing Chen Jianghai's confident words, Yan Qiang immediately realized that his worries were a bit unnecessary.

Chen Jianghai is so confident, he must be relying on it.

Soon, Yan Qiang thought of a possibility.

He couldn't help but asked curiously, "Jiang Hai, you must have made a lot of money in Xiangjiang this time, right?"

"There are various speculations about the success of the Dragon Fund under your leadership in this Southeast Asian financial crisis, but I always feel that they underestimate you."

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