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Hearing this, Chen Jianghai waved his hand directly, smiled and said to him: "Little Lu, just follow your plan. I'm here to do business, not to enjoy. Besides, the environment here is very quiet, I I like it too."

"Tell me, what's the specific situation now? How is your arrangement?"

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Lu Sari felt a lot more at ease, and at the same time, his admiration for Chen Jianghai became deeper and deeper.

With such a boss, they can do things comfortably without being restrained, and they can let go of their hands and feet.

Facing Chen Jianghai's question, Lu Sari replied: "You can live as long as you can. I have already contacted my former companions, and they are also happy to help me."

"Of course, for the sake of confidentiality, I didn't tell them the specific purpose of this trip, nor did I disclose any information about you, President Chen."

"They have now contacted some of the people they have worked with before, and no news has come back yet. But if nothing else happens, it should be soon."

Chen Jianghai nodded and said, "Yes, the action is very fast."

"In this way, you go back and tell them that I won't let them help in vain, and I can give them financial support through force."

"At the same time, you tell them that if they want, I can support them for a long time and provide us Qiuhai with the information and various help we need."

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, he couldn't help but widened his eyes and said in surprise, "Mr. Chen, really?"

Chen Jianghai didn't say anything but nodded with a smile.

Lu Sairi suddenly realized that he had lost his temper, and said quickly, "Mr. Chen, I will tell them when I look back, they will definitely be delighted."

Just as Lu Sari said this, his cell phone suddenly rang.

After taking a look at the caller ID from his pocket, he said excitedly to Chen Jianghai, "Mr. Chen, they called. There should be news. I'll take it."

Sure enough, after answering the phone, Lu Sari said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Chen, they have already contacted familiar islanders, and many of those islanders are interested in this mission."

"One of them even happened to have a friend working at that telecom operator."

"At the same time, I told them that you are going to fund them, and several people were very excited and interested."

When Chen Jianghai heard the news, his confidence also increased a bit, so he nodded and said, "Tell them, don't worry about money for this mission."

"There is no need to be too stingy with those who are unprincipled and greedy in the island country. As long as we can get the information we need, we can pay more."

While Lu Sari sighed with Chen Jianghai's generosity, the expression on his face became even more excited.

He directly took out his mobile phone, and did not shy away from Chen Jianghai, and immediately relayed what Chen Jianghai said just now.

This made the other party can't help but sigh, it feels so **** cool to have backing support!

Under the offensive of Chen Jianghai's money, the news quickly spread through Lu Sari.

For Chen Jianghai, NTT has basically no secrets.

I have to admit that the islanders have absolutely nothing to say in terms of efficiency.

As long as the money is in place, they're fine, and they follow the unspoken rules of the business.

Lu Sairi gathered all the information and reported it to Chen Jianghaidao: "Mr. Chen, this NTT telecom operator is indeed researching color screen technology, but judging from the current news, their technology has encountered a big problem. It’s a problem, and it won’t be conquered for a long time.”

"So, this technology can't be said to be a complete body at all. When it will be able to overcome this problem is even more unknown. Do we still need to acquire him?"

Chen Jianghai nodded and replied affirmatively: "It is necessary, absolutely necessary! For us, technical problems are used to overcome, and we can always find a way to overcome them."

"And if we buy it, the technicians on our side are no worse than their islanders. Maybe we can overcome this problem one step ahead of them. At that time, high-definition LCD color screen technology will be available first."

In fact, for Chen Jianghai, he does not care or worry about the specific problems encountered by the color screen technology.

As long as he can acquire this technology, he will find out what the difficulty is.

With his insights from later generations, the technicians of Eastern Communications should be able to solve this problem soon.

When Lu Sari heard Chen Jianghai's affirmative answer, he didn't say more, and continued: "Now NTT has two attitudes towards this technology."

"One is the support group, who supports the in-depth study of this technology and feels that investment in this technology should be increased."

"The other is the opposition, who think that this technology is not easy to break through. Although the prospects are promising, the investment is too large, and whether it will succeed is unknown, so there is no need to take risks."

"So, they feel that they should not invest so much capital and energy in this technology, they should develop the inherent technology and increase profit points in order to create more wealth."

"The two sides were almost evenly matched before, and no one could convince the other, so they just kept wasting it, wasting a lot of time and energy on both sides."

"Now, because this technology has encountered huge problems, there has been no way to overcome it. The opposition thinks that they have found a good opportunity, so they jump out to make a big fuss and toss."

"The supporters also lost their confidence at this time, and the opposition naturally had the upper hand for a while, temporarily suppressing the voices of the supporters."

Speaking of this, Lu Sari's voice suddenly rose: "So President Chen, if we want to acquire this technology, now is the best opportunity!"

"We can get in touch with the opposition, and I'm sure they'll be happy to hear that we're buying this technology, and they want it."

"After all, for them, this technology has so far lost money, wasting a lot of manpower and material resources, and they are unwilling to continue pouring money into it. They should be happy to exchange this technology for money to make up for their previous investment. Losses from this technology.”

"If we acted a little harder, maybe we could acquire this technology at a very low price, and it would not attract too much attention from the other party, but it would go more smoothly."

After listening to Lu Sari's Chen Jianghai's mouth raised a touch of admiration.

This kid does have a few brushes, and the analysis of things is in place.

Basically, it is consistent with Chen Jianghai's own judgment on this matter.

Moreover, I have to say that the advice provided by Lu Sari is also very reasonable.

At this time, it is necessary to seize the weakness of the opposition to attack, and the probability of successfully winning this technology is very high.

Chen Jianghai said directly: "Xiao Lu, I agree with what you said. Next, let's go to the top of the NTT opposition and talk about the acquisition plan."

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