Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2022: strong attitude

Remember for a second【】

Wiping his mouth, Chen Jianghai had an indifferent smile on his face, and still said in a calm tone: "We have an old saying in China, business is not righteousness."

"Mr. Shigong is our guest, and it is what we should do to entertain you."

"Since you are satisfied with our arrangement, we can rest assured. As for the conditions you just said, to be honest, it is not authentic."

"You can also see that I came here with sincerity. But your conditions are too harsh, so I plan to give up, just make friends, so that we can get together."

The meaning inside and outside of Chen Jianghai's words directly characterizes this matter.

On the surface, it seems to be innocuous, but in fact, it is a tough fight back everywhere.

On the other hand, Shi Gong Xinyi, who was here, panicked in a hurry when he heard that there was no benevolence and righteousness in the business, so he could gather a few words.

He knew that if he showed a tough attitude again, he would be beaten immediately, and there was no room for regret.

What he has to do now is to keep Chen Jianghai and his group as much as possible.

So at this moment, he no longer dared to make any adjustments, and his tone was immediately softer than before.

"Please wait a moment, Mr. Chen, since it's a business, we can negotiate! I have our conditions, and you can also talk about your requirements."

"What you said just now is very good. We are friends when we know each other. Since I have accepted your sincere hospitality, I always want to give you some convenience."

"Isn't there an old saying in China, you come and don't go indecent, I still know that."

Chen Jianghai knew that the other party was trying to compromise, his face was slightly straight, and he did not intend to continue to betray the other party, and directly stated his request.

"Mr. Ishinomiya, I have to admit that this technology is really good. But as far as I know, it is not a mature technology."

"And for now, you have encountered technical difficulties, which will definitely be difficult to overcome in a short period of time. Even if you can overcome them, you will have to pay a great price."

"So with such immature technology, even if I acquire it, I have to invest more money and organize a large number of technical personnel to overcome the problem."

"So, the price of a billion dollars is a bit of a joke, so that I can't see the sincerity of your company at all."

"If you say something unpleasant, I am afraid that your nttdoo company may not have so much in terms of market value."

Speaking of this, Chen Jianghai suddenly raised a finger: "I can give you the bottom line to acquire this technology, up to 10 million US dollars."

"It must be noted that this is a complete acquisition, not the kind you just said. Your company still retains the right to use this technology."

"Not to mention, our research results will be shared with you later. Otherwise, what's the point of me buying him at such a large cost?"

Chen Jianghai suppressed the conditions of the negotiation so low, it can be said that the conditions proposed by Shi Gong Xinyi are 108,000 miles away.

This immediately made Lu Sari and others nervous.

For fear that the deal would collapse directly because of Chen Jianghai's strong attitude.

Although the saying goes, the sky is full of asking prices to pay back the money on the spot, but the price reduction is not so low.

Directly reduced by a hundred times, it is simply one in the sky and one in the ground, and it lacks sincerity at all.

However, what they didn't expect was that Ishinomiya Shinichi didn't refuse with a single sip, and even turned around and left angrily. Instead, he frowned and fell into a long period of thought.

In fact, Lu Sari and the others ignored a very important issue.

That is, the bargaining chip they negotiate is not the island currency, but the US knife.

You must know that the purchasing power of US knives in 1999 is quite powerful.

The firmness in the international market is also unique. One dollar is enough to buy five catties of potatoes and five catties of flour in the island country.

In other words, one dollar can keep an average person from going hungry for three or four days.

Such purchasing power is quite amazing.

It is conceivable that the billion dollar knife proposed by Shinichi Shigong just now is such a huge number.

Shi Gongxin said that the price was so high as soon as he came up, the purpose was to confuse people, make people preconceived, and let people focus on product technology, thinking that it is worth so much money.

So much so that it ignores the original value of money, which is the value of the US knife.

Therefore, when Chen Jianghai said 10 million US dollars, Lu Sari and Tian Xiaoyu couldn't react for a while, and there was a feeling that the price was too low.

Chen Jianghai saw what they were thinking, and without explaining too much, he added another sentence: "Mr. Shigong Shinichi, according to your island dollars, this is more than 1.4 billion island dollars, not counting. less."

Hearing this, Lu Sari, Tian Xiaoyu and the others reacted and couldn't help but blame themselves. They only paid attention to the size of the numbers, but ignored the value of things themselves.

And at this time, Shinichi Ishigami seemed to have considered it, and said with a cautious expression:

"I can see that Mr. Chen sincerely wants to acquire this technology. One of the conditions I said before is that our company retains the right to use this technology. I can take a step back and remove this condition."

"But Mr. Chen's price is too low. Ten million dollars is definitely not enough. At least another five million is needed."

When Shi Gong Xinyi said five million, he deliberately raised his right hand and gestured, his eyes and movements were very firm.

In fact, he saw

^0^ One second to remember【】

Here, Chen Jianghai is not a role to be fooled, so the negotiation has entered a normal mode.

And in all fairness, he still had some lack of confidence when he quoted such a price.

Rather nervous.

Originally, their opponents did not pay much attention to this technology, so they did not know much about the value of the technology itself.

And they didn't really care much about the reserved right of use, as long as the conditions were right, they could give up completely.

Before, I just wanted to try and see if I could fool Chen But for the price of the acquisition, he could ask for a little more.

It's about their company's interests, and it's also about his own interests.

Shi Gong Xinyi did not expect that even so, Chen Jianghai still seemed quite determined.

Without any hesitation, he directly shook his head and said very firmly: "Impossible, the price I gave is already the highest. We Chinese people have always been straightforward and straightforward in doing things, and we don't like going around in circles."

"That's it, the purchase price of 10 million US dollars, in addition, I will give you a thank you fee of 500,000 US dollars to Mr. Shigong. If there is more, then our cooperation will be over!"

"Come on, Mr. Shi Gong, let's have a cup of tea and make friends. Let's contact you later when you have time."

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