Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2024: biggest obstacle

Chapter 224 The biggest obstacle

The others, Chen Jianghai, didn't care, he only remembered a middle-aged man named Zhenwu Liangsen.

This person is the largest shareholder of ntt and the current rotating president.

The reason why Chen Jianghai attaches great importance to him is because the information obtained from the investigation shows that this person is the main supporter of color screen technology, and also the strongest and most resolute supporter.

So if Chen Jianghai wants to win the color screen technology, the biggest obstacle is this person.

After the introduction, the people from both sides sat on the desks in the conference room, and the negotiation officially started.

The front is mainly Shi Gong Xinyi explaining the main content and details of this acquisition, and at the same time expressing the voice of their opponents, that is, they fully support this acquisition transaction.

It can be seen from his strong speech that the current opposition should have a slight upper hand.

And they should have basically reached a consensus and are willing to transfer the color screen technology, otherwise they will not call Chen Jianghai to come here for the final negotiation.

However, when it was Zhenwu Liangsen's turn to speak, he was still unwilling to carry out the final obstruction, only to see him look at Chen Jianghai, and asked in a deep voice, "Mr. Chen, I heard from Shi Gong that you are a very powerful person. Chinese merchants."

"I'm very interested in Chinese culture, so I still have some understanding of some big companies in your domestic business field. I don't know what your company is called. Is it a mobile phone business?"

Chen Jianghai shook his head and said, "Mr. Zhenwu, my company is indeed engaged in mobile phone-related business, but the nature of my company is a bit special, and it provides related services for our state-owned enterprises in China, so in this regard, we There are high confidentiality requirements, and the name is not convenient to disclose. "

"The acquisition contract signed this time, I also signed it in my own name, but there will be no problems with funding."

"After all, your transfer of color screen technology is all transfer, which means that this technology has nothing to do with you in the future, so it doesn't matter who we are?

Chen Jianghai's voice fell, and Shi Gong Xinyi immediately stood up and said, "Yes, I agree with what Mr. Chen said."

"President, haven't we basically discussed it?

If the color screen technology can be transferred, it is extremely beneficial to us, and it can smoothly promote the company's other development plans. "

Saying that, Shi Gongxin raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, because the 500,000-dollar knife was about to be obtained.

But Zhenwu Liangsen was silent, frowned, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "Mr. Chen, I need to think about this matter again, and I will give you a positive answer tomorrow, okay?"

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai was not in a hurry, Shi Gong Xinyi couldn't help but jumped out and said unceremoniously: "President, haven't we communicated before?

What are you hesitating now? "

"If this acquisition cooperation fails because of your indecision, our board members will hold you accountable."

Seeing that the meat in his mouth could not be eaten, Shi Gong Xinyi was really angry.

Zhenwu Liangsen glanced at the other party coldly, and said indifferently: "Can't you wait for a day?

Who the **** is buying this, Shi Gong, why are you in such a hurry?

Do you say you received any benefits? "

"Remember, I am still the president of this company, and I have the right to do so."

Shi Gong Xinyi was a little guilty of being a thief. Facing the questioning of Zhenwu Liangsen, he could only avoid the edge for a while, and could only quibble: "Nari! I am thinking of the company entirely, how can I receive any benefits, even though you are a social worker? You can't talk nonsense."

Turning around with him, he said solemnly: "Since our president insists, I hope you don't mind Mr. Chen, and wait another day."

Although Chen Jianghai also wanted to finalize and win this technology now, it is obviously impossible under the current situation.

He nodded and said unhurriedly, "Okay, then I'll wait another day, but my patience is limited."

"I hope your company can understand, don't miss this good opportunity, it's 10 million US dollars, which is equivalent to how many years of profits your company has made. You know it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Chen Jianghai took everyone to get up and left directly. Zhenwu Liangsen wanted to get up and send them off, but Chen Jianghai ignored him.

This is to express a tough attitude and make the other person feel the pressure.

Shi Gong Xinyi naturally chased him out to see him off. When he reached the door, he bowed apologetically and said, "Mr. Chen, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect such an accident to happen."

"Originally, we all negotiated, but the guy from Zhenwu actually came up with such a set.

But please rest assured, we will continue to increase the pressure on him when we go back, and we will definitely be able to make this deal happen tomorrow. "

Chen Jianghai nodded slightly, and said very indifferently: "Okay, I believe that Mr. Shi Gong will be able to handle it. Our friendship will last forever. Thank you Fei for being ready. Once the matter is completed, it will be transferred to you."

"That's it for today, bye."

After that, Chen Jianghai waved his hand and got into the car to leave.

Looking at the passing car, Shi Gong Xinyi wiped the sweat from his forehead and muttered, "Baga, **** president, you still have to think about it!"

Inside the car, Lu Sari couldn't help but said with some regret: "Mr. Chen, things were about to happen soon, I didn't expect that Zhenwu Liangsen was so hesitant, and I don't know how he became the president, such a person will sooner or later. It will mess up the business.”

"As the leader of an enterprise, you must be decisive in doing things, and you must not hesitate whether it is right or wrong. Otherwise, the employees of the entire enterprise will be swayed and have no sense of security."

Tian Xiaoyu frowned, and then echoed: "But at present I think the possibility of this acquisition being successful is still very high, at least that Zhenwu Liangsen did not raise any objection to the acquisition price."

"That is to say, in their opinion, our purchase price is appropriate, at least to satisfy the appetite of most of their decision makers."

"In addition to the pressure President Chen put on them today, tomorrow's negotiations should be successfully concluded."

Chen Jianghai did not express his own but he also has great confidence in this matter.

What Chen Jianghai didn't know was that he was accidentally seen by someone who was familiar with him when he was leaving.

That man was his old rival and hated him to the core.

Ichiro Mimoto never thought that he would meet Chen Jianghai in the island country. Just now, he came to NTT to find his friend Ryosen Mamu to discuss business cooperation.

Since being transferred back to the island country by the headquarters, one of his main projects is the business dealings with NTT.

But as soon as he entered NTT's building, Ichiro Mimoto saw that familiar figure, and his face suddenly sank.

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