Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2045: Interested offer

Chapter two thousand and forty-five offers of interest

After Zhao Dongling was excited, he had made up his mind to cooperate with Chen Jianghai and could not shake it.

So he gave a thumbs up with a sigh and praised Chen Jianghai: "Mr. Chen, you are a genius in the business world, no wonder people say that you are a bit of a genius.

I used to think it was a little mysterious, but now it seems that these are true. "

"It's no wonder that your company has grown so big in less than ten years, becoming the first company in China to enter the Fortune Global 500 as a private enterprise."

"To be honest, I talked to a lot of business leaders just now, but they still have a considerable gap compared to you."

"You must be the most powerful entrepreneur in China in the future.

Absolutely none! I am fortunate enough to work with you, but worry about not making money?

! "

"As soon as we gentlemen speak quickly, the matter of cooperation is settled, and we will get this media company!"

"You have the general direction, I will work on the details, and I will definitely be able to make this media company the largest in the country, and even one day will be able to go abroad like your Qiuhai Group and occupy a place in the world!"

Unconsciously, Zhao Dongling used the honorary title for Chen Jianghai.

Although Chen Jianghai is much younger than him, at the moment he completely ignores these, and only feels that Chen Jianghai is really too powerful.

Hearing what he said, Chen Jianghai smiled indifferently.

He had the idea of ​​entering into film and television before, just when Zhao Dongling came to him to cooperate, Chen Jianghai naturally followed the trend.

Media companies will have a lot of trouble when it comes to the entertainment industry and film and television.

Lao Zhao is not only famous, but also has a good means. If he can control the scene, working with him will naturally save a lot of trouble.

In addition, Chen Jianghai has the foundation of Xijiang TV station, and he also has considerable contacts in CCTV. I believe that if Lao Zhao can use it, it will make this media company even more powerful.

Therefore, Chen Jianghai nodded and agreed: "Okay, let's settle this matter, but we need another time to discuss the specific things in detail."

"When the time comes, I will find a professional team to do this, and strive to set up the company as soon as possible."

Zhao Dongling naturally has no opinion on Chen Jianghai's statement.

After the two of them talked and laughed, Chen Jianghai's father Chen Liye and his father-in-law Lin Jianguo came together.

They like Zhao Dongling the most at this age. After they came in just now, seeing Zhao Dongling has already made them excited enough.

Later, Zhao Dongling took the initiative to greet Chen Jianghai, which made them excited.

Because of this, they also have the opportunity to meet Zhao Dongling and take a photo together.

At the same time, I also feel more arrogant.

Because Zhao Dongling took the initiative to chat with their son and son-in-law Chen Jianghai.

It's just that Chen Jianghai and Zhao Dongling have been talking about business, and they can only wait patiently.

Now, finally the opportunity has come.

Chen Jianghai introduced his father and father-in-law to Zhao Dongling. Zhao Dongling quickly responded enthusiastically, and then took the initiative to chat with the two of them a lot. At the same time, he also took a group photo and left his signature.

This made Chen Liye and Lin Jianguo happy.

It's okay to be able to chat a few words with Zhao Dongling, the idol in his heart, he was even able to take a photo with him, and even got his autograph.

This has to wait for the photos to be washed out and hung at home, and the face will be big.

The exchange meeting is here, and it is almost coming to an end.

We have already exchanged and understood what we should communicate with, and the time is just right.

In addition to those Spring Festival Gala stars who could only be seen on the screen before, Chen Jianghai also met a lot of new business upstarts.

There are several of them that he is familiar with and has made a lot of achievements.

However, the time for this exchange meeting organized by the organizers of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala was limited. They just said hello and got to know each other, and then briefly chatted a few words. A few left their contact information, and there was no time for in-depth exchanges.

But now that you have these contact information, it will be convenient to contact you when you need it in the future.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Chen Jianghai thought that Zhao Gaoxiang should announce the end of the exchange meeting, but who knew he walked towards him.

In Chen Jianghai's puzzled eyes, Zhao Gaoxiang, the first brother of the CCTV host, suddenly lowered his voice and said to him:

"Mr. Chen, can you move to the next room with me? Director Song wants to chat with you."

Chen Jianghai raised his brows. He didn't expect that there would be additional arrangements before the exchange meeting ended.

The director of CCTV is not a simple person.

You must know that CCTV is a directly affiliated unit, so even if it is a director, the level is not low.

They summoned Zhao Gaoxiang and specially sent over, so Chen Jianghai had no reason to refuse.

He immediately smiled and nodded, and said politely: "Of course there is no problem! Please lead the way with Teacher Zhao."

The director who was waiting for Chen Jianghai was a man in his early 40s, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and very elegant.

The other party introduced himself as soon as they met, but did not introduce his position in detail, but Chen Jianghai could feel that the background of the director named Song Changming was absolutely extraordinary, otherwise it would not have been possible at such an age to be on CCTV. have such a position.

Because he clearly felt that Zhao Gaoxiang respected this person.

However, in front of Chen Jianghai, the other party's posture was very low, more like asking Chen Jianghai to teach something.

In such an atmosphere, after getting to know each other, they began to talk freely.

The main content of the other party's expression is nothing more than that Chen Jianghai is an excellent entrepreneur and has done a great job in the industry.

At the same time, I would like to thank Chen Jianghai for his strong support to CCTV over the years. I hope Qiuhai can put more advertisements here in the future.

Finally, Song Changming also talked about the possibility of further cooperation between Qiuhai Group and CCTV.

Chen Jianghai simply spoke out about the cooperation with Zhao Dongling to set up a media company, so the two parties agreed to carry out more in-depth cooperation in film and television in the future.

At the same time, Chen Jianghai also said that he wants to enter the online media industry, hoping to get the support of CCTV in some aspects.

This proposal aroused a lot of interest from the other party.

Because the industry that Chen Jianghai is involved in now is not relevant to the news at all, it will certainly surprise people to have this idea.

It just so happens that today's CCTV has also seen the rise of the Internet, especially this one has some understanding of the Internet media itself and wants to develop in this regard.

Regarding Director Song of CCTV, of course, Chen Jianghai didn't mean to hide it, but sorted out his thoughts a little and explained it to the other party in detail.

Chen Jianghai said that he is optimistic about the future of online media, after all, the future will be the Internet era.

With the development of the Internet, online news and online information media will be an important part in the future.

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