Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2049: Important 1 step

Chapter 249 An important step

Dai Jun said word by word: "Qiuhai Group's products are the first to be launched, and everyone will be preconceived and believe that this type of product is the most authentic of Qiuhai."

"Unless these things produced by other companies are sold extremely cheaply, have an absolute price advantage, and can also attract some cheap consumers and gain some market share."

"Otherwise, if the price is not much different, if you replace it with yourself, are you willing to buy genuine branded items or buy counterfeit goods?"

"Besides, those electrical appliance companies also have their own directly-operated stores. How many of them are willing to give it to us?"

"You must know that Qiuhai Group is now one of the largest companies in China, with strong strength. We must rely on other people's wings to survive, so everyone should be careful when talking, lest the walls have ears and cause trouble."

When a group of small traders heard this, they all shut up.

Because what Dai Jun said is true.


A few days later, Yue Hongsheng walked into Chen Jianghai's office excitedly.

In his hand he held a copy of the most recent sales figures.

As soon as he entered the door, Yue Hongsheng said directly to Chen Jianghai: "Mr. Chen, the sales data is out, it's really surprising."

"Who would have thought that a few small appliances, with low cost, could create such high sales!"

"But in just three days, more than 10 million pieces were sold, and the turnover exceeded 300 million, which is higher than the turnover of the newly launched washing machine."

"And now the popularity is still high, and sales have been increasing rapidly. I really don't know what kind of height this turnover will reach by then."

"To be honest, although I am very optimistic about these electrical appliances, the actual situation is still far beyond my estimation, and other electrical appliance companies are estimated to be jealous at this moment."

After listening to Yue Hongsheng's words, Chen Jianghai smiled and nodded, and then said calmly:

"After all, it's a new product, we've got the publicity in place, where is the brand effect, and the price isn't too expensive. People will buy one out of curiosity and try it out. It's not surprising that there is such a sales volume."

"Moreover, I see this momentum, and there will be more brilliant performances in the future. Many people regard this as a trend. Our company's publicity department should integrate these elements in time and conduct vigorous publicity."

"At that time, there will be more surprises waiting for you!"

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Yue Hongsheng nodded in agreement while feeling emotional.

This is originally just a small electrical appliance, even if it sells well and sells well, in the eyes of those big electrical appliance companies, this is a temporary phenomenon and will not affect the trend of the entire industry.

Especially those high-ranking foreign companies, many big electrical appliances are invented and created by them, so they look down on these gadgets at all.

After the initial nervousness, they paid less attention to the gadgets.

It is believed that these small electrical appliances launched by Qiuhai Group are grandstanding, and they can't make much waves at all.

The ultimate goal is to stimulate the consumption of other products.

However, according to their research on the market, the consumption of various large electrical appliances in the Huaxia market must be quite weak today.

But what they didn't expect was that the old **** was always there, but the headquarters that held similar views to them suddenly became anxious.

Especially those executives who had fought with Chen Jianghai in the price war before, such as Li Tiangang, Yamamoto Ichiro and others, after paying attention to this matter, they tried their best to give advice to the headquarters, so that they must pay attention to this matter and must not take it lightly.

Even they have repeatedly stressed that this has endangered the future status of major electrical companies.

Those people at the headquarters naturally felt inexplicable and ridiculous about this, and they didn't pay enough attention at all.

They are big companies that have been developing for hundreds of years.

Televisions, refrigerators, washing machines and other electrical products that are now commonly used by the public are all invented from these companies and introduced to the world.

The electrical appliance market in the whole world has been almost completely divided up by them, and their brand has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

It is impossible to shake the status of their brand now.

However, Li Tiangang and the others argued for it.

Because they have personally fought with Chen Jianghai with real swords and real guns, and they deeply know how terrifying the latter is, and they also have an absolute say in this kind of matter.

Especially this time.

Qiuhai Group has been able to create new electrical products by itself.

This shows what?

It shows that Qiuhai Group not only has a strong enough production workshop and supporting facilities, but also has the ability of independent innovation now.

As an enterprise, even if it has a large enough production workshop and various supporting measures, it does not have its own core products of independent innovation, and even if it develops greatly, it is only a super luxury building without foundation.

In the event of strong winds, it will collapse with a bang, lacking absolute core competitiveness.

To put it more bluntly, such a company is at best a foundry factory, and will always be led by the nose.

Originally, in the eyes of those foreign-funded enterprises, Qiuhai Group was actually included.

What can these foreign companies sell, what Qiuhai Group can create, without its own innovation.

In this way, it is easy for them to hold the Qiuhai Group to a dead end.

No matter how you develop, you will only be a clown and will not change the pattern of this industry.

Moreover, as long as they block related technologies and then charge patent fees, they can deal a fatal blow to Qiuhai Group.

Even if the Qiuhai Group can compete with them and gain the upper hand in the Huaxia Qiuhai Group by virtue of their local advantages, as long as they go abroad and come to the international market, they can beat the Qiuhai Group.

This ensures that these foreign companies can remain invincible.

After all, the international market has a larger share, far exceeding the Chinese market.

At most, the loss of the Chinese does have a big impact on them, but it will not hurt the fundamentals.

Today, Chen Jianghai's Qiuhai Group has the ability to independently research and develop, which is another matter.

Just like now, these small electrical appliances produced, even though the technology is not complicated, has already taken an important step.

People will indirectly change their views on Qiuhai Group.

Just like when they started out as foreign companies.

People will find that Qiuhai Group can innovate independently, and many products are created and produced by Qiuhai itself.

From the bottom of my heart, I will admire Qiuhai Group, recognize its brand power, and increase the influence of Qiuhai Group invisibly.

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