Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2055: Ugly words up front

Chen Jianghai gestured with his hands and said, "Originally, this is not a high-tech product, so there are no special requirements for production equipment. After the equipment of your Hisense Group is properly modified, production can be carried out."

"I will give you a batch of orders, and you will produce here. The OEM costs can make up for your profit gap during this period and maintain the normal operation of your Hisense Group."

"Even you don't need to reverse-engineer these two small electrical appliances, and compete with other electrical appliance companies for the secondary market, and directly do OEM for us, and earn more than that."

This method mentioned by Chen Jianghai has also been verified in later generations. As long as you follow this method, it will be a sure-win business for both parties, which is definitely a win-win situation.

Zhou Houjian fell into deep thought at this time.

This is the first time he has heard of the foundry model.

However, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible.

This can ensure that Hisense will not cut expenses due to the downturn in the market, thereby closing some production lines and even firing many employees.

Otherwise, it will be a big blow to Hisense.

The most important thing is that, according to Chen Jianghai's method, while Hisense makes profits, its brand power and market will not be greatly affected.

So after thinking for a while, Zhou Houjian decided to seize this opportunity and agree to Chen Jianghai's request.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, just follow the method you said! Don't worry, I'm here to assure you that the quality of the products produced by the OEM will never be worse than the quality produced by the Qiuhai Group."

Chen Jianghai smiled and said half-jokingly and half-seriously, "Of course I believe in President Zhou. Under your leadership, Hisense does have such strength."

"Besides, the products produced by OEM will be tested by special quality inspectors. If the quality is not up to standard, we will not pay the OEM fee!"

The so-called business talk.

What should be said, Chen Jianghai still has to say, just because the two of them are chatting very well now, they should ignore the problems that should be faced.

It's the most correct choice to say ugly words in front.

Don't wait until there is a real problem and then try to talk about it, it will make everyone very embarrassed.

Zhou Houjian could only smile awkwardly at Chen Jianghai's statement.

Although what is said is the truth, and there is nothing wrong with it, but as the saying goes, good medicine is bitter, and good advice is hard to listen to, this truth does not sound so pleasant.

After Chen Jianghai said what he should say, he changed the topic and said, "We have already agreed on the cooperation, so let's accompany President Zhou to visit Qiuhai Group?"

Zhou Houjian really wanted to visit Qiuhai Group to learn and study, so he quickly stood up and nodded: "I wanted to visit President Chen's Qiuhai headquarters for a long time, but unfortunately I never had the chance.

This time, it's hard to come, so it will trouble President Chen. "

Chen Jianghai personally took Zhou Houjian to visit the Qiuhai Group.

After walking around, Zhou Houjian felt a lot of emotion even though he had already prepared himself mentally.

He couldn't help saying to Chen Jianghai, "Mr. Chen, the success of the Qiuhai Group under your leadership is not unreasonable!"

"It is indeed better than what our Hisense Group has built, and the production workshop is much better than us in terms of safety and environment.

In comparison, our production workshop seems to be an era behind yours! "

"There is also the construction of the canteen, which obviously also cost a lot. When I was eating just now, I found that the workers seemed to eat for free, but no one was wasting it."

"Well, if there is no guarantee of food, how can the employees work well."

Chen Jianghai nodded.

"To tell you the truth, we also took the same method before, but after many workers thought it was free, they liked to take advantage of it when they ate it, and they took a lot of it, but in the end they couldn't eat it and wasted it all."

"It took a lot of hard work, but there was nothing I could do. I simply outsourced the cafeteria, and I paid for it when I wanted to eat, and that solved the problem."

"But on the other hand, the enthusiasm of the workers has also been dissipated a lot."

Zhou Houjian was talking about the cafeteria, but in fact he just picked out one of the points.

In all fairness, Qiuhai Group is doing better than Hisense Group no matter what.

Especially in terms of employee enthusiasm, Hisense can't compare at all.

If he also has such employees, He Chou Hisense will not grow.

Chen Jianghai didn't intend to fool him on this, so he said: "The enthusiasm of the employees is to be cultivated, take the canteen problem you just mentioned as an example, we Chinese people used to be afraid of hunger, and the fear of hunger is deeply buried. in the bones.

Therefore, there must be a habit of taking advantage of free things. "

"Because they clearly realize that there will be no pie in the sky, and they always feel that this kind of good thing will disappear soon, so how much can be accounted for."

"We Chinese people have never suffered from poverty but inequity.

If one person takes over, there will be a second follower, then a third and a fourth..."

"Their idea is very simple, if others take advantage of me, if I don't take advantage, I will suffer.

So in the end, those who don't take advantage are fools! "

"At the same time, in the hearts of many people there is still the idea that the law does not blame the public. The more people who do it, the more at ease and unscrupulous."

Zhou Houjian nodded again and again: "Yes, Mr. Chen, you are right."

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and continued unhurriedly: "After I figured out their mentality, the first thing I did was to pull back the ingredients one by one, put them in front of them, and tell them that they had enough. , eat as much as you want."

"This kind of visual impact is nothing more than wanting to change the idea of ​​taking advantage from their hearts."

"The meaning is also very simple. It is to tell them that even if the people in front take a lot of advantage, they can ensure that the last person will definitely have a meal."

Chen Jianghai followed the deep voice and said: "Of course, the punishment system is also essential, but the punishment must be moderate. You can't directly fine them or let them eat."

"The most effective thing is to punish them to clean the waste so much every day, let them see if they feel distressed."

"Of course, relevant publicity and education are also indispensable.

Let them understand that the factory is not only mine, not only the senior management of Qiuhai Group, but also their employees. "

"The food that was wasted is actually wasting the income of the factory, that is, wasting their income."

"Because, our wage system is linked to earnings."

"According to the regulations, Qiuhai Group has high income, and their wages will be rewarded accordingly. If the income is low, then they will only have basic wages."

"In the long run, everyone will have a common consciousness and know what the consequences of waste are."

"When it comes to the last meal, someone wastes it, and other employees around him can drown him with saliva without the company's supervision team coming forward."

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