Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2069: ruthless approach

The second thousand and sixty-ninth chapters are ruthless

In the face of Chen Jianghai's attitude, Chen Shuyao was so angry that her teeth were itchy, she stared at Chen Jianghai, and said angrily:

"Why is this person like this, he doesn't even want to be a gentleman in order to eat in one bite.

I want to be the first to wash my hands, and I won't let you. If you have the ability, you can push me away! "

Chen Jianghai said uncompromisingly: "Squeeze and squeeze."

With that said, he really started to squeeze with Chen Shuyao.

Seeing this scene, Jia Dewang couldn't help but be dumbfounded for a while, and then he let out a heavy sigh in his heart.

These two golden boys and girls really look like a pair.



After a while, Chen Jianghai took a mouthful of mutton sliced ​​soup in front of the two of them, with an expression of great enjoyment on his face.

The taste in memory was combined with the present, and he felt great satisfaction both physically and mentally.

Swallowing a big mouthful of mutton into his stomach, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but exclaim in admiration, "That's the smell, that's the smell! It's really fragrant!"

"Master Jia, your craftsmanship hasn't declined at all!"

Chen Shuyao couldn't help but be surprised when she saw Chen Jianghai's exaggerated expression.

In his impression, Chen Jianghai has always been a rational person.

This also includes dealing with her feelings.

But now, he showed such a perceptive side, and her eyes towards Chen Jianghai became a little complicated.

She was thinking that maybe it was for this reason that she fell in love with the man in front of her so deeply, as if she was stuck in a quagmire, unable to extricate herself.

Immediately, Chen Shuyao deliberately pouted, and ran on as if joking:

"Jiang Hai, you are too exaggerated, how can it be so delicious?

I see if your tongue is going to be swallowed into your stomach together. "

Chen Jianghai was reminiscing about the deliciousness of the mutton sliced ​​soup at the moment, when he suddenly heard Chen Shuyao say this, he raised his eyebrows and reached out to bring her bowl over.

"Of course it's delicious. Don't doubt Master Jia's craftsmanship. If you want to eat it, bring it to me."

Seeing that Chen Jianghai was going to **** her mutton slice soup, Chen Shuyao was shocked and immediately blocked it with her hands, staring at her and saying, "Who said I wouldn't eat it!"

With that said, Chen Shuyao also picked up the chopsticks and took a bite. The next moment, her eyes lit up, and then she kindly gave Jia Dewang a thumbs up and said with admiration:

"Master Jia, you have nothing to say about your craftsmanship, it's really delicious.

Even if you don't make lamb wine and open a restaurant, your business will definitely be booming and you will make a lot of money. "

Jia Dewang also showed a gratified smile when he saw that the two were full of praise for their craftsmanship.

"You guys like to eat, you can come here to relieve your cravings in the future.

It's just a pity that all of you are very busy, I'm afraid you don't have the time. "

Both Chen Jianghai and Chen Shuyao also knew that it was indeed difficult for them to spare this time to come here to satisfy their cravings.

The people who have reached their position seem to be very beautiful, and whoever meets them is also called the boss, but at the same time, they also lose a lot of rest time.

After eating, Chen Jianghai briefly chatted with the two about the details of the opening ceremony, and then got up and went to the second uncle Chen Congjun's house to have a look.

Originally, his second uncle wanted to keep him at home, but Chen Jianghai refused.

Because before he came back, Chen Shuyao had thought about this aspect of the problem long ago, and left a special office and a supporting rest room for him in the winery.

Under the special care of Chen Shuyao, Chen Jianghai also has an independent second floor, which happens to be a neighbor to Jia Dewang, which makes Chen Jianghai unable to refuse.

Moreover, Chen Jianghai also likes such a quiet environment, and he plans to stay there for one night.

As for Chen Shuyao, she naturally has a special room for rest in the factory.

It's not far from the second floor of Chen Jianghai's, so it can be said to be just right.

I have to say that Chen Shuyao must have spent some careful thought on this matter.

This may also be regarded as a "welfare" she seeks for herself by taking advantage of her position.

However, in terms of scale, Chen Shuyao is still very careful, and naturally no one has an opinion.

Only Chen Jianghai, who knew her thoughts, felt a little awkward after knowing this.

After all, this is Chenjia Village. Both of them are from Chenjia Village, and they are well-known existences. If there are some gossip because of this, it will be bad.

In fact, Chen Jianghai himself doesn't care about these things.

After all, he is someone who has a family and children. If Lin Wanqiu doesn't mind, he can ignore what others say.

Cleaners are self-cleaning.

He didn't do it himself, he acted rightly, and he wasn't afraid of gossip.

However, Chen Shuyao is a single woman after all.

If there are messy rumors, even if he doesn't care about it, it is undeniable that it will inevitably affect her future life.

In particular, Chen Shuyao will be responsible for many things in the future of this winery, and it may cause some trouble.

So in order to avoid suspicion, Chen Jianghai turned off the lights early and went to bed, and did not give Chen Shuyao an excuse to chat.

Chen Jianghai's ruthless approach made Chen Shuyao angry.

That is, she finally controlled her emotions, otherwise everything in her bedroom would be smashed all over.

Of course Chen Shuyao didn't know Chen Jianghai's good intentions, and thought that this man was just disgusting himself with trouble, so he deliberately avoided seeing himself and kept a distance.

To be honest, if she knew what Chen Jianghai was thinking, she would definitely knock on his door without hesitation.

Chen Shuyao is a very strong woman in her bones, she absolutely dares to love and hate that kind, and doesn't care about other people's gossip at all.

But she couldn't smash directly to Chen Jianghai's door, she could only get into the bed angrily, cover herself tightly and cover her head to sleep.

I slept until midnight when the wind suddenly blew and the windows creaked.


A flash of lightning pierced the night sky, followed by a loud thunder that shook the entire room as if shaking.


Chen Shuyao was startled and screamed.

Don't look at her as a very capable strong woman in front of outsiders, but she is most afraid of lightning.

Usually it's just at my own I can get up and watch TV and I can carry it.

But in this temporary residence in the winery, she was not as extravagant as Chen Jianghai and Jia Dewang to herself, so much so that she didn't even have a TV except for a computer.

The key is that although he arranged for the room to be arranged according to his own requirements, in fact, in terms of the environment, he was more familiar with the residences of Chen Jianghai and Jia Dewang.

At this moment, the thunder sounded, scaring her to cover herself tightly with the quilt, and her body shivered uncontrollably.

Bang bang bang!

The sudden knock on the door from outside made Chen Shuyao terrified, and even his breathing stopped in an instant.

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