Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2088: People are divided into 3 stages

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Nanshan Hotel is a well-known high-end restaurant in the provincial capital, and the minimum standard for a meal is 1,800 yuan.

A little better to eat, there are also three or five thousand.

Not to mention room three.

The so-called Room 3 of Zhejiang Hotel does not mean the third.

Instead, it means the first, the most noble and luxurious private room.

Nanshan Hotel is also jokingly called Nansan Hotel.

The starting price for ordering in Room 3 is 5,888.

That's almost three months' salary for Qi Jingyi.

Although as the director of the station, he can find a way to reimburse him, but Qi Jingyi is a very principled person. This is a private party and will definitely not go to the public account.

So, he said he can't afford it.

Since Chen Jianghai chose this place, he naturally did not intend to invite Qi Jingyi to treat him.

However, the fact that Qi Jingyi was able to make such a joke with him also showed that the other party did not treat him as an outsider, which made Chen Jianghai very happy.

So he responded arrogantly: "Of course there is no problem. I went there to eat because I heard that Director Qi likes to eat seafood, and the king crab there is pretty good."

When Qi Jingyi heard this, he didn't know whether to be happy or envious.

This is the rich man's world!

Ordinary people can't earn money for months or even a year, maybe it's just a meal for others.

People just want to eat one of the dishes, and they don't think about how much a meal will cost.

This is probably the meaning of human struggle.

What he didn't know was that Chen Jianghai really didn't think much about this.

I simply wanted to invite him to have a seafood meal and find a relatively clean environment for a chat.

Since the two have worked together, everything has been going well.

Especially when he did a legal program last time, Qi Jingyi really contributed a lot.

That's why Chen Jianghai thought about inviting him to a meal, which could be regarded as a kind of feedback.

But I was very busy before, so this meal was temporarily suppressed.

Now there is finally a chance.

As for how much a meal will cost, Chen Jianghai will not think about it at all.

Because with his current strength and height, this is not an issue he needs to consider at all.

After the two had settled on a place, they met on time in the No. 3 private room of the Nanshan Hotel in the evening.

As soon as he entered, Qi Jingyi was shocked by the luxurious decoration in front of him.

Speaking of spending here, Qi Jingyi is certainly not the first time.

But this private room No. 3, he really never came in.

It's just that he has occasionally heard of how luxurious it is in the mouths of others, so that he also wants to see it.

Unexpectedly, it was realized here in Chen Jianghai.

The decoration here, every detail has been carefully arranged by the designer, just like in the palace, it can be described as high-end atmosphere.

After sitting down, Chen Jianghai threw the menu directly to Qi Jingyi, and said with a smile: "The king crab has already been ordered. You can choose what you want to eat for the rest. It's rare to have such a big opportunity to eat, so don't be polite."

Qi Jingyi couldn't help laughing when she heard Chen Jianghai's joke, and complimented her heartily: "It's rare to have a sober big family like you, I've met a lot of people who have their eyes on their heads, but I don't know that they are really talented. It is the most despised, and if you have two money, you don't know the sky is high."

"These people thought they could go to heaven, but they fell to pieces accidentally."

Qi Jingyi was also moved by this.

When he was doing a show in his early years, he had met many upstarts.

They get money quickly, but they can't keep up in terms of quality, they seem very vulgar, and they are too flamboyant.

I don't know how to cherish these rapidly accumulating wealth, and spend it recklessly.

In particular, many people got addicted to gambling, fell into it all at once, and ended up ruining their family and their families and suffering from foreign debts.

In front of this boss Qiuhai, even though he is so rich, he is still thinking about doing practical things.

His business empire was getting bigger and bigger, but he never had it, so he was complacent and complacent.

If you don't know his identity and chat with him, you will even think that he is a teacher who learns to be rich.

Chen Jianghai just smiled at Qi Jingyi's statement.

Of course he knew that what Qi Jingyi said was the truth.

No matter what era, most of the upstarts are like this.

Especially now in this era when even pigs can fly from the wind, people who are a bit daring and have good opportunities have made a fortune accidentally.

However, there are few who can protect this opportunity.

So that in later generations, people can really let people know that there are only a few big men who will not fall.

Even due to the misbehavior of these people, it has led to some very bad atmosphere.

Failing to fulfill their due entrepreneurial obligations, they always find ways to cheat and cheat.

Chen Jianghai does not dare to say that he will change this ethos, but at least he must set a good benchmark and be worthy of his conscience.

After the dishes were all served, Qi Jingyi was not polite, and ate happily.

The food here is really impeccable.

That king crab weighs about ten pounds a piece, let alone eating it, it's fun to watch.

Other delicacies from the mountains and seas are also available.

As the director of provincial Taiwan, Qi Jingyi has naturally seen the world.

But even he couldn't help sighing when he saw the hard dishes on the big table in front of him: "People should eat such a good meal in their lifetime."

"However, if you keep eating it, it's not much fun. For example, now that I'm full, no matter how good something is, I've lost my appetite. Now I think of the rough food at home."

Chen Jianghai smiled, Qi Jingyi's words were very appealing to him.

In Chen Jianghai's view, people are divided into three stages.

The first stage is to try to live without the pressure of life.

The second stage is to work hard to achieve the goals and heights that you want to achieve.

The third stage is to return to peace after reaching the height you want, which is what Taoism calls returning to the original.

Chen Jianghai didn't understand it before, but now he can feel it.

In fact, looking at other people seems to be standing at a high place overlooking the crowd. You have not reached his height, and you will always fantasize about his place.

But when you really reach that height, you will find that, in essence, they are all the same.

Therefore, you must put your mind at ease, take one step at a time, and go on steadily.

Don't worry, shortcuts are hard to come by.

For example, Chen is unique in this world.

Thinking a little too far, Chen Jianghai shook his head secretly, followed to look at Qi Jingyi, and returned to the theme: "Chief Qi, you've had enough to eat and drink, so let's talk about business! What exactly did you want me to talk about?"

As soon as Qi Jingyi heard that he was going to talk about business, the whole person immediately entered the state, he sat up slightly, his expression became more formal, and said in a very cautious tone:

"Mr. Chen, it's still about super girls. Our finals have never been held before. Now that the flood has passed, our super girls' popularity has shown signs of decline."

"If the finals are not held now, this show will probably not achieve the results we expected."

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