Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2094: I took 1 reassurance pill

The second thousand and ninety-four chapters took a reassurance

Then, the mother and daughter found Chen Liye and Wang Shufen respectively, began to do ideological work, and continued to canvass for their favorite singers.

The old man naturally accepted it happily.

The finals of Super Girls lasted for three full days to be selected, and in these three days, the ratings of Xijiang TV set a new high again.

far ahead of other TV stations.

Even caught up with the pace of the Spring Festival Gala.

One can imagine how successful his plan was this time.

When the ratings came out, it exploded in the industry. Other TV stations had already made various evaluations of the strategy of Xijiang TV this time.

Basically, they are highly rated.

But what they didn't expect was that the result was much higher than what they estimated, which can be said to be a myth.

"I thought this plan was a miracle before, but I didn't expect his results to be even more amazing than I expected."

"Yeah, for so many years, no TV station has dared to pick the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala."

"The most frustrating thing is that even we can't even reach one-third of other people's ratings.

However, today Xijiang TV has completely changed this pattern. "

"The success of this plan, when I think about it now, is simply perfect. It's a series of links. First, use the mobile phone to vote for the championship to mobilize everyone's interest and participation, and then use the lottery to activate the audience's enthusiasm. Pull people enthusiasm, I can only say one word, cow!"

"You have only seen one of them, but you haven't seen the deeper things. The prize in his lottery is a pioneer mobile phone. When everyone heard the mobile phone, they became interested, but they ignored an important point, including us insiders, I didn't realize it, but it was actually an advertisement, and with the rising TV ratings, the influence of the pioneer mobile phone has also been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

"It's a subtle influence that you may not feel at first, but later you will find that when you think of your phone, the first mover brand unconsciously pops up in your mind."

"I didn't expect so many things in a small plan, and I don't know how Qi Jingyi from Xijiangtai came up with such a good plan."

"Qi Jingyi is familiar to everyone, after so many years, don't we know what level he is?

How could he have come up with such a good plan. "

"With Qi Jingyi's level, of course it's impossible to come up with such a good idea.

I have confirmed from my friends that this plan was proposed by President Chen of Qiuhai Group, and he called the pioneer mobile phone behind it a soft advertisement, and in fact it did achieve the effect of the advertisement. "

"It's him again! This person is simply a god, and this set of things is too worth studying.

The word soft ad is also very appropriate, and I think everyone can learn it.

Today's ads are too blunt, and the audience has long been tired of it. "

As these people in the industry said, after Chen Jianghai's operation, the pioneer mobile phone became popular for the second time with the popularity of the Super Girl Finals, and the sales increased a lot at once.

This also fully shows that the effect of soft advertising is really good. Many colleagues have begun to conduct in-depth study and research, and then have applied them in practice, and have achieved good results.


After the Super Girls Finals, the first batch of Lamb Wine was finally brewed.

Jia Dewang called Chen Jianghai immediately and told him the good news.

Chen Jianghai was also very happy when he heard it, and asked impatiently, "It can be regarded as brewed! Master Jia, how does the wine taste?"

This is what Chen Jianghai is most concerned about.

If the taste of the brewed lamb is too different from the taste of the lamb wine at the time of promotion, it will overturn.

After all, it was the first time to make wine in a factory, and he was a little uncertain.

Fortunately, Jia Dewang's answer directly gave Chen Jianghai a reassurance.

I just heard Jadewang say cheerfully: "Don't worry, I have already tasted it with a few wine tasters who came over from the bottled wine. The taste of the wine is slightly different, but it is not too big, unless that kind of professionals, ordinary people. Can't even taste it."

"But this is normal. After all, I only produced so much wine before, and there are differences in the equipment. The reasons are combined.

There will definitely be some difference in taste.

This is also to be expected. "

"Also, I think this flavor is more distinctive than the one I brewed before, with a hint of sweetness in the mellowness, making it easier to eat."

"I think this kind of taste will be more in line with the public's taste and accepted by more consumers."

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai was completely relieved.

Since Master Jia has come to such a conclusion, there must be no problem.

In Chen Jianghai's heart, Jia Ye is the absolute authority over the quality of lamb wine.

After all, he has dedicated his whole life to this lamb wine, and no one knows the beauty of this wine better than him.

Moreover, Master Jia himself has high requirements for the taste of wine. He must be quite sure that he can say such a thing.

There are subtle differences in taste, but most people can't taste it, so don't worry too much.

After all, not everyone can reach the sensitivity level of Jing Zhongcheng's evaluation of professional wine tasters.

Besides, Master Jia also said that the taste of the newly produced wine will be more popular.

Master Jia has been brewing wine for so many years, and his judgment on other wines may not be as good as that of Jing Zhongcheng.

But for lamb wine, he is the absolute authority, and the conclusion he gives is absolutely convincing.

The Chen family also put down the stone in their hearts, and turned to ask:

"How many bottles will the first batch of wine be?

The bottle we used to promote was 500ml, and we still use that bottle for the official version. "

Obviously, Master Jia has also made calculations on this aspect, and already has the data in his heart, so he answered almost without hesitation:

"There can be about 50,000 bottles, because we only made pure wine in the early stage, so there is no need to leave the base wine to blend other types of wine, and all these wines can be put into the market."

"In addition, when our factory starts up, we cook a lot of wine every day.

Just because of the limitation of the number of wine cellars and the fermentation cycle, it will be slower.

But in general, there will be a steady stream of wine produced, and the output is still guaranteed. "

Chen Jianghai nodded and said: "Jia The production volume is important, but for us, the quality must be guaranteed."

"If you have 50,000 bottles, you need to keep 10,000 bottles in your hand.

In other words, we can only sell 40,000 bottles of lamb wine this time. "

Hearing what Chen Jianghai said, Jia Dewang couldn't help frowning and said, "I heard that girl Shu Yao said this, what kind of hunger marketing.

I didn't quite understand this after listening to it for a long time, but you are professional in these things, so just do as you said. "

"It's just that I heard Shu Yao say that there are at least 100,000 bottles of lamb wine in the market survey.

We only produced 50,000 bottles at one time, and there are still 50,000 bottles left, so there will be no problem, right? "

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