Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2097: Will there be such a good thing in the world?

Chapter 297 Will there be such a good thing in the world?

After all, how severe the employment situation is now, Wang Jianrong is well aware of it.

In many cases, some units are often reluctant to recruit laid-off workers unless necessary.

Everyone has a consensus that laid-off workers often have some inferiority, which is inconvenient to manage. Therefore, when recruiting, the requirements for laid-off workers will be higher.

But now it is doing the opposite, and it naturally thinks that there must be something tricky in it.

According to his guess, the salary must be very low, and it is not easy to get in.

Many intermediary companies also play the same way, deceiving people and then charging intermediary fees.

Wang Jianrong didn't say it by hearsay, but he himself was deceived and suffered a loss.

At the beginning, in order to find a job as soon as possible, he also went to the doctor in a hurry, so it was considered to be a few bad tricks.

Not to mention wasted time, and also lost a few intermediary fees.

Thinking about it made him feel bad.

However, even so, he had no choice at all, and he still applied for the job with the attitude of giving it a try.

Wang Jianrong still clearly remembers the scene at that time.

He came to the place where he applied, and as the crowd lined up, he came to the recruitment front desk smoothly.

The staff asked him, "We only recruit laid-off workers here. Are you a laid-off worker?"

Wang Jianrong nodded quickly and said, "Yes, I'm a laid-off worker in Linghai Rubber Factory. I saw a lot of acquaintances among the applicants just now, and they can testify."

The staff nodded, and then directly gave him a form: "Okay, fill in all your information, make sure that it is accurate, and give us some proof of your work in the rubber factory."

"For example, the previous work permit, or the certificate of layoff can be used.

If you don't have one, go to a rubber factory to open one, it's all possible. "

Hearing this, Wang Jianrong was stunned, his eyes widened and he couldn't believe his ears.

It's too simple.

You must know that you need to provide a lot of supporting materials to apply for jobs elsewhere, but here you only need these.

It happened that he had the previous work card on him, and he took it out and handed it to the other party.

The staff in charge of recruiting checked his registration information and his work permit, then nodded and said to him, "Okay, you can go in and sign a specific labor contract."

In this way, Wang Jianrong successfully applied for the job.

This seems to be different from those who lie...

However, Wang Jianrong still felt very uneasy.

Because he always felt that everything was going too smoothly and the job was too easy.

He has experienced the pain of finding a job before, and he also knows how difficult it is to find a job with so many laid-off workers.

With vigilant thinking and an attitude of trying it out, Wang Jianrong silently made up his mind, but when he found something wrong, he immediately flashed.

So, with this idea in mind, Wang Jianrong continued to go to the next place to sign a labor contract according to the direction indicated by the recruiter.

When he saw the labor contract, he was dumbfounded again.

His eyes stared straight at the content above, and one hand pinched his thigh fiercely.

It hurts!

It was unbelievable that he would give such a good treatment.

The contract seemed so formal that their treatment and benefits were clearly written.

For example, the basic salary is as high as 800 yuan, which is 200 yuan higher than that of the Linghai Rubber Factory when the benefits are good.

There are other benefits, which are not bad at all, and even surpassed in many places.

Adding up all the zeros and zeros, there are more than one thousand in one month.

For these laid-off workers who have to work hard for as long as 400 yuan, such generous treatment is unbelievable.

Linghai Rubber Factory is a well-known state-owned factory in the local area, and its various wages and benefits are among the best.

Of course, compared to the famous Qiuhai Group, there is still a considerable gap.

He was thinking that it was probably because of the Qiuhai Group's name that it attracted so many applicants.

And he also believes that if laid-off workers are not given priority, it is estimated that the number of job seekers who hear the news will double.

Although this is only a project under the name of Qiuhai Group, it can be related to the four words of Qiuhai Group!

In almost everyone's impression, anything related to Qiuhai Group means high wages and high benefits.

If this is not a scam, if it is really recruited by Qiuhai Group...

Thinking of this, Wang Jianrong was excited.

All in all, this welfare package is not worse than those state-owned factories.

Even more human on some vacation issues.

You can actually choose weekends.

Of course, if you give up rest, you have to calculate overtime pay separately.

However, it says that, considering the health and safety of the employees, there must be one day off every week.

Even those deceptive intermediary companies, he has never seen such a clear contract.

Not to mention that the benefits are written up, and they are set so high.

Wang Jianrong took a deep breath and couldn't help asking the staff, "Is everything written in this contract true?

This contract...isn't it fake? "

The staff didn't seem to be surprised when they saw him like this. With a patient smile on their faces, they explained calmly:

"Comrade, I can understand your feelings, and many people have asked similar questions before you.

But I can assure you that we are all formal contracts, and once you sign them, they will have legal effect. "

"If you are worried about this, you can also go to a professional lawyer for consultation and inspection. I believe they can give you an authoritative answer."

"Of course, there is no need to be so troublesome. Our recruitment office has also received strong support from the local government. You can also inquire by the way. We are really a company under the Qiuhai Group that is recruiting."

Wang Jianrong's heart skipped a beat.

If you dare to say this, then this contract is likely to be true.

But the more the job search went on, the more panicked his heart became.

It was so smooth, and the treatment was so high that it didn't feel real at all.

There is no routine, the salary is so high, and the benefits in all aspects are so generous, how can there be such a good thing in the world?

And this happened to him who was in despair...

All of this made him feel unbelievable.

Just when Wang Jianrong was still wondering if he really wanted to go out and ask, and when he signed the contract after confirming, he suddenly heard a big brother who just signed the contract next to him saying:

"Brother, don't be stunned, sign it quickly! Such an opportunity is really rare, you must hurry up! After this village, there will be no such shop."

"As for the contract, I have read it carefully just now, there is absolutely no problem, and it is quite professional.

I have learned related things before, and I am half an expert, so there is absolutely no problem in this regard. "

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