Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2109: cautious attitude

It doesn't matter that they sell lamb, but the little girl has never had a roast leg of lamb once.

It's not that they are stingy, it's just that this thing is really not cheap, even they are reluctant to eat it themselves.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this extremely remote place, if they do not control a little cost, the mutton restaurant is likely to be unable to operate.

All in all, a little profit is left over from various savings.

And as business is getting better and better, this small bungalow is no longer enough.

The couple are already thinking about saving some money and expanding the surrounding open space.

The little girl is really greedy, plus there are so many customers in the store today, so far I haven't been able to eat, so I'm really hungry.

In just a while, she ate nearly half of the roasted lamb shank, which was delicious.

The hands and faces were all covered with suet oil. Seeing that Chen Jianghai had a good appetite, he felt that he could eat a lot more.

Just when the little girl was eating, a thin boy rushed in, grabbed the plate of roast lamb leg in front of Zhou Xiaolu, stared at the little girl and said:

"Xiaolu, who made you eat other people's things indiscriminately.

Do you know that this roast leg of lamb is our monthly living expenses. "

The little girl who had been eating happily, tears welling up in her eyes at this time, flowing down her thin cheeks, her face full of grievances.

She hurriedly wanted to explain, but the more anxious she became, the more she was speechless, and the mutton in her mouth almost made her choke.

Chen Jianghai looked at the boy who rushed in, and saw at a glance that he was Zhou Xiaolu's brother, Zhou Jun.

Because the two look alike.

The same withered yellow, unnutritious hair, thin body.

Obviously, the nutrition of the two can't keep up.

However, the eyes of the two of them are so clear and agile, and there is no hardship and depression in life.

As for Zhou Jun's excitement in front of him, Chen Jianghai could basically guess why he did this.

When he came to look for Xiaolu, he happened to see the little girl eating the roast leg of lamb. He subconsciously thought that the little girl came to ask for it.

How could there be so many kind people in the world who gave such a delicious roast leg of lamb to the little girl.

Some guests even have bad hearts and deliberately set a trap to make their sister jump, and then it will be more than just the money for roasting the leg of lamb.

It is very likely that he will find some excuse and ask the proprietress to exempt the entire table of meals. At that time, he will have nowhere to cry.

This will definitely bring a lot of trouble to the boss.

Maybe the two brothers and sisters can't even stay in the mutton restaurant, that's the real tragedy.

He has been working here for a long time, both the boss and the lady boss are very kind, and he has long regarded this place as a safe haven for his brother and sister.

Moreover, Zhou Jun also has his own ideas. When the opportunity is right, he will learn from the boss's apprenticeship and stay here as a chef in the future.

The two years of working outside the home have made him suffer, and he has gradually realized the importance of having a craft.

Being a chef, at least they can guarantee that the two brothers and sisters will no longer have to worry about having enough food.

Chen Jianghai reached out and took back the roast leg of lamb in Zhou Jun's hand, handed it to Zhou Xiaolu, and then said to Zhou Jun with a smile:

"This is what I invited your sister to eat, and I won't ask you for a penny. The lady boss also knows that."

"I heard the boss's story about you, and I think you are a good guy and have a responsibility.

Come, come and sit down, have a meal together, and chat by the way. "

Zhou Jun became a little flustered when he heard Chen Jianghai say this, and subconsciously looked at the proprietress.

It was the first time he had met someone who spoke to him so politely.

It was the first time I met someone who invited him to dinner.

The difficult growth environment made him instinctively reject and distrust the people around him, so he subconsciously looked at the only person he trusted here.

The proprietress nodded and said, "Yes, Xiaojun, what this guest said is true. He invited the deer to eat the roast leg of lamb."

"Brother, I don't eat for nothing."

Zhou Xiaolu looked at his brother with tears in his eyes, and quickly added, "I only got the roast leg of lamb when I answered the question."

Chen Jianghai looked at the little girl with pity, and followed her words and said, "Yes, the little deer did not eat for nothing, and the same is true for you. I invite you to dinner, you have to do me a favor."

When Zhou Jun heard this, he was relieved of his vigilance.

However, he still asked cautiously: "Boss, what do you want me to do?"

Chen Jianghai's aura is very strong, and ordinary people will inevitably be cautious in front of him.

But again, it's easy to trust him.

Because people with such temperament are unlikely to be liars.

Therefore, Zhou Jun asked Chen Jianghai this way.

It is also a cautious attitude.

After all, with his ability, it seems that he is not able to help such a character in front of him.

As for the help that sister Zhou Xiaolu just mentioned, it can only be regarded as a joke.

Of course, if Chen Jianghai asks him to do what he can do, even if it is a little difficult, he is willing to try.

In this world, her sister is the most important person to her, and he is willing to give her everything he has.

Those who are willing to give his sister a roast leg of lamb, he is naturally willing to repay.

Chen Jianghai said unhurriedly: "No rush, no rush, eat something first, let's talk slowly."

Zhou Jun nodded and sat down honestly.

However, he did not move his chopsticks, but looked at the Yangtze River eagerly.

He waited until Chen Jianghai said he wanted him to help?

Otherwise he wouldn't be in the mood to sit down and eat.

Despite being busy for most of the day, he was really hungry.

Chen Jianghai always had that kind of approachable smile on his face, and after he took a few pieces of mutton for him, he slowly said: "Just now, the lady boss said that you are from Zhoujia Village, I want to ask, do you raise sheep in your village? ?"

Zhou Jun nodded immediately and said, "Almost every family in our village is raising sheep. Our family also raised sheep before, but now we can't take care of them and we haven't raised them anymore."

Chen Jianghai patted Zhou Jun on the shoulder and said, "Okay, wait for you to take me to your village to have a look.

If it meets my I plan to buy mutton in large quantities from your village. "

Zhou Jun suddenly stood up from his seat.

The chairs swayed heavily.

He widened his eyes in surprise and said, "Really?


The people in the village treated Zhou Jun well, and even his parents were buried with the help of the villagers.

It's a pity that he is still young and has limited ability, so he can't repay these kindnesses at all.

Now that such a good thing has happened to the village, Zhou Jun is naturally very happy.

Chen Jianghai looked at him, deliberately raised his face, and said with a serious expression: "Of course it's true! What's the matter, do you think I'm joking?"

Zhou Jun quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, I'm just too happy, I can't believe it."

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