Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 500: This is the preparation for the poor dagger, see?

Chapter 500 This is the preparation for the poor dagger. See you?

"What's up?"

Chen Jianghai replied casually while flipping through the information.

"Mr. Chen, these are the recent financial expenses. You need your signature before the finance department can make the payment."

After speaking, Yue Hongsheng raised a thick stack of reimbursement forms and placed them on Chen Jianghai's table.

Chen Jianghai glanced and frowned: "Why are there so many?"

"The expenditure in the factory is a bit high this month, but I have seen it, and it is normal expenditure."

Yue Hongsheng quickly explained.

Chen Jianghai flipped through it, the large amount was hundreds of thousands, and the smallest amount was only a few hundred yuan!

If you have to ask yourself to sign even such a small amount of money, then you don't have to do other things.

Now that the factory is big, it's time to give out this right.

Chen Jianghai pondered for a moment, and then said: "In this way, Hongsheng, you draft a system. In the future, the management above the deputy manager level will have a certain right to sign, and I don't need to ask me about the approval of these small amounts of reimbursement. ."

Yue Hongsheng couldn't help frowning, and reminded cautiously, "Mr. Chen, if this happens, other problems may arise."

Chen Jianghai raised his brows slightly and asked with a smile, "What?

Do you think that the Disciplinary Inspection Department and the Legal Department are eating dry rice? "

"Besides, in the future, we can also hire a professional auditing company to audit our company's accounts every year to check for omissions."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Yue Hongsheng knew that this matter was settled.

Moreover, if this signing authority is issued, it will indeed be much more convenient in terms of financial processes.

"Mr. Chen, how much is the appropriate amount?"

Yue Hongsheng asked again.

Chen Jianghai pondered slightly: "Well, the deputy manager is within 100,000, the manager is within 500,000, and you and Lao Liang are 1 million, and the rest come to me."

Yue Hongsheng never imagined that Chen Jianghai would trust him so much.

First, they were directly promoted and reused, and then they were given such a high reimbursement signature right.

"Mr. Chen, I..."

Yue Hongsheng opened his mouth, but he didn't even know what to say for a while.

"It's alright, it's better to do well than to say it well. Don't think that I don't know anything. In fact, I see it all."

Chen Jianghai said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Yue Hongsheng said solemnly: "Mr. Chen, thank you for your cultivation, I will definitely do it well."

Chen Jianghai nodded: "Okay, go get Lao Liang and Liao Yutong, and take all these reimbursement forms by the way."

Soon, the two appeared in Chen Jianghai's office.

Liang Haoyang looked calm, but Liao Yutong, who was beside him, looked a little nervous and his face flushed slightly.

Liao Yutong never imagined that he would suddenly become the head of the finance department in the factory.

When he first entered Qiuhai, Liao Yutong thought that Chen Jianghai had something wrong with her.

But Liao Yutong learned later that it was purely her own passion.

She has been in Qiuhai for so long, and she has met Chen Jianghai several times.

If Chen Jianghai really had any thoughts about her, even if he wanted to play some hard-to-find tricks, it would definitely not be like this.

But today, Liao Yutong couldn't help thinking too much.

Could it be that Mr. Chen couldn't bear it anymore, is he ready to see it?

In fact, her position was promoted too fast, and she never dreamed of it.

This is the Autumn Sea that is very hot right now, and countless people dream of entering it!

Moreover, it is also an important position for Qiuhai, and all the funds need to be passed through her hands. The former president of the bank is now full of smiles when she sees her.

Such a gap made her very excited and anxious!

If Mr. Chen really asks for something, can he stick to it?

"Well, have you taken over the work?

Is there any difficulty? "

Chen Jianghai asked indifferently.

Liao Yutong was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that he was asking her.

"Mr. Chen, take over, it's not difficult."

She quickly puffed out her full chest and said.

Chen Jianghai smiled and nodded, and said in an encouraging tone: "Do it well, I believe you can do it well."

"Thank you Mr. Chen, I will work hard."

Liao Yutong squeezed out a smile.

"Well, go back to work!"

After Chen Jianghai finished speaking, he didn't look at her again and continued to be busy with his work.

Liao Yutong did not expect that Chen Jianghai called her over just to say such a few words.

Seeing that Liao Yutong froze in place and didn't leave, Chen Jianghai glanced at her curiously and asked, "What, is there anything else?"

Liao Yutong quickly shook his head: "No, Mr. Chen, I'll go first!"

After saying that, she turned around and left in a hurry.

"Old Liang, what's going on with Chen Xiaolong now?"

Chen Jianghai followed Chong Liang Haoyang and asked.

Yue Hongsheng has already reported the matter of the marketing department, but it's all in a big way.

As for the specific situation, Liang Haoyang should know better.

Moreover, what Chen Jianghai wanted to know more was the current situation of this little cousin, and asking Liang Haoyang was the best choice.

"In the surrounding cities, Xiaolong has walked all over, and all the directly-operated stores have opened.

This kid Xiaolong can really endure hardship! "

Speaking of Chen Xiaolong, Liang Haoyang was full of praise.

Chen Jianghai did not expect that Liang Haoyang would have such a high evaluation of Chen Xiaolong.

"Lao Liang, are there any problems with these directly-operated stores?"

Chen Jianghai immediately asked again.

Liang Haoyang couldn't help laughing and said, "Mr. Chen, this is your cousin, don't you believe me, don't you believe him?"

Chen Jianghai waved his hand: "After all, he is still young, you should look at him more."

Liang Haoyang said with a full mouth: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, I'm watching, there's no problem!"

Chen Jianghai suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, Lao Liang, does your son seem to be as big as Xiaolong?"

Liang Haoyang nodded and said with a bit of distress: "Yes, I will graduate from university soon, and I don't know where I will be assigned by then!"

"Lao Liang, would you like your son to come to Qiuhai?"

Chen Jianghai asked suddenly.

Liang Haoyang couldn't help but stare at Chen Jianghai in surprise.

He never thought that Chen Jianghai would make such a suggestion.

"Mr. Chen, this... will it be bad?"

Liang Haoyang said hesitantly.

Chen Jianghai suddenly laughed: "What's wrong?

My boss asks for someone in person, you won't lose face, will you? "

"Mr. Chen, I'm afraid others will gossip."

Although Liang Haoyang was very happy with Chen Jianghai's attitude, he still behaved quite rationally.

Chen Jianghai reached out and patted Liang Haoyang's shoulder: "If you're afraid that people will make irresponsible remarks, then you have to take him well and let him stir up the main beam as soon as possible."

"Mr. Chen, then I really thank you so much!"

Liang Haoyang said quickly.

After all, his son did not go to a famous university. If he was assigned to an ordinary factory, it would be better to come directly to Qiuhai.

His son has also mumbled several times at home, and he has never been embarrassed to open it up.

Now that Chen Jianghai offered to let his son come to work in Qiuhai, Liang Haoyang was naturally extremely happy.

As a member of the senior management of Qiuhai, Liang Haoyang certainly knows how bright the future of this company If his son can enter it, as long as he works hard, he will definitely be reused and make a great achievement.

After the business was finished, the two of them chatted in the office.

After chatting for a while, with a bang, the door of the office was pushed open directly.

Liang Haoyang stood up immediately, and before anyone could see clearly, he shouted, "I don't know what to knock..."

After seeing the person clearly, Liang Haoyang was a little embarrassed, and swallowed the words behind him.

The person who came was Bai Xiaoyue, who had not seen him for a long time.


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