Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 565: he underestimated

Chapter five hundred and sixty-five he far underestimated

At this moment, Bai Xiaoyue came out of the office next door.

"Hey, Secretary Qiu, why are you here?"

When Bai Xiaoyue went to Pingshan last time, she saw Qiu Shuyi, so she knew it.

"Hello Manager Bai!"

Qiu Shuyi quickly replied, "I came here to work."

Bai Xiaoyue looked at Qiu Shuyi, and then walked around with her spared her, commenting while walking.

"The skin is quite white...the legs are quite's just a little thinner, a little smaller..."

Hearing these words, Qiu Shuyi's whole face turned red, like a ripe persimmon.

"Manager Bai, I have to leave beforehand."

"What are you going to do?

I go with you!


Bai Xiaoyue was bored at this time, and now that a newcomer came, she immediately found fun.

Along the way, Bai Xiaoyue didn't stop talking, and Qiu Shuyi's face was always red, even her earlobes were red.

Qiu Shuyi didn't know how to answer Bai Xiaoyue's questions.

Like what your measurements are, what style of underwear you like, etc., Qiu Shuyi almost thought she had encountered a big pervert.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaoyue was a woman. If it were a man, Qiu Shuyi would have called the police directly.

In the following time, Bai Xiaoyue followed Qiu Shuyi, even to the dormitory.

As Chen Jianghai's secretary, this treatment is naturally not comparable to ordinary workers.

This can be seen from the dormitory conditions arranged by Liang Haoyang.

Qiu Shuyi lives in a single room with an area of ​​about 30 square meters. The home appliances are complete, which is better than the living environment of ordinary people.

Bai Xiaoyue walked around the room with her hands behind her back, and she didn't stop tsk tsk.

"Manager Bai, I need to organize things."

Qiu Shuyi couldn't help but said softly.

This is equivalent to chasing customers in disguise.

But Bai Xiaoyue didn't seem to hear the meaning, and said disapprovingly: "It's okay, you are busy, I will chat with you for a while."

Qiu Shuyi was a little helpless, and could only take out the clothes from the box and place them on her own.

During this period, Bai Xiaoyue's questions did not stop, and Qiu Shuyi could only perfunctory a few words.

"Shuyi, do you mean that we, President Chen, let you live here, a little bit like a treasure in a golden house?"

Hearing this, Qiu Shuyi was immediately excited.

"Manager Bai, what do you mean by that?"

"It doesn't make any sense!"

Bai Xiaoyue said indifferently, "I'm just talking about it casually, I'm afraid you will suffer in the future!"

Seeing Bai Xiaoyue's indifferent look, Qiu Shuyi felt very angry.

"Manager Bai, I'm going to take a shower, and please leave."

Bai Xiaoyue also saw it, the other party was obviously angry.

"Okay, okay, I'm just joking, don't take it to heart."

After all, since childhood, it is impossible for Bai Xiaoyue to apologize.

Qiu Shuyi closed the door, still angrily: This manager Bai is really unreliable.

But while she was angry, she was really worried.

Mr. Chen, you don't really have such an idea, do you?

After thinking about it, Qiu Shuyi decided that she must never get along with Chen Jianghai alone in the future, nor let him come to live!

When going out, girls still have to learn to protect themselves.


A few days passed in a flash, the girl could eat, sleep and pull, Lin Wanqiu was no longer worried, and Chen Jianghai could also devote herself to work in a happy mood.

On this day, he was in the office looking at the schedule of activities for the annual meeting.

Yue Hongsheng is in charge of this matter. Regarding the program and related arrangements of the annual meeting, he specially made a plan and submitted it.

"Xiaoqiu, go and tell President Yue that the annual meeting will follow his plan."

After reading it, Chen Jianghai explained.

"Okay, Mr. Chen."

Qiu Shuyi took the plan handed over by Chen Jianghai, turned around and went to Yue Hongsheng.

Chen Jianghai stretched his waist, it's good to have a secretary!

In the past, his boss had to call Yue Hongsheng for this kind of thing.

It's alright now, just arrange Qiu Shuyi to do anything directly.

Ding ding ding, the phone on the table rang.

"Hello. Who is this?"

Chen Jianghai picked up the phone and asked.

"Jiang Hai, it's me, Feng Zongxian!"

A familiar voice came from the opposite side.

"Feng Xian, why are you free to call me today?"

Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

"Are you free in the afternoon, come to my side to chat?"

Feng Zongxian asked directly.

"Okay, Feng Xian, if you invite me, of course I'll be there whenever I'm called."

Chen Jianghai readily agreed.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Jianghai came to the county government.

I saw people from the entire government with smiles on their faces, as if something good had happened.

Seeing such a scene, and then contacting Feng Zongxian to find him today, Chen Jianghai has already guessed what Feng Zongxian came to find him for.

As soon as he entered the office, Chen Jianghai saw Feng Zongxian with a happy face.

"Feng Xian, I'm so happy. It looks like you came to me today. There must be something happy to tell me."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Feng Zongxian knew that he must have guessed it.

"Jiang Hai! I don't think I need to tell you, you should already know?"

Feng Zongxian asked with a smile.

"I really don't know, but I just saw that people outside were so happy, so I guessed a little."

Chen Jianghai shook his head and said.

"Then tell me your guess?"

Feng Zongxian asked with a smile.

"Presumably the matter of withdrawing the county and establishing the city has been decided, right?"

Chen Jianghai pointed to the top and said.

Feng Zongxian nodded after listening, "I know, as long as you come, you can definitely guess."

After all, he poured Chen Jianghai a glass of water, and then sat opposite.

"You guessed it right, this matter has indeed been settled."

"What about you in Feng County?"

Chen Jianghai asked.

"It's settled too, Mayor of Linghai City."

Feng Zongxian smiled slightly.

Chen Jianghai immediately picked up the water, "Mayor Feng, I will replace the wine with water, congratulations on your promotion."

Feng Zongxian touched the cup with Chen Jianghai and took a sip with a happy face.

"Speaking of which, if I hadn't met you, it wouldn't have been that easy."

"Mayor Feng is joking. In the end, I'm just beating the drums. It's you who really implements this matter!"

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said.

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Feng Zongxian burst out laughing, talking to smart people, always in a good mood.

But there is one thing that Feng Zongxian really never thought about, that is, Qiuhai can develop to the point where it is today.

At the beginning, Feng Zongxian was optimistic about Chen Jianghai, and he valued him completely.

When Chen Jianghai contracted Qiuhai, Feng Zongxian was actually worried, afraid that Chen Jianghai would not do well.

But it turned out that Feng Zongxian was far underestimated.

Chen Jianghai not only revitalized Qiuhai, but also developed Qiuhai into a famous brand in China!

If you talk about Linghai now, you will definitely mention Qiuhai.

At this time, Qiuhai has become a signboard of Linghai.

Linghai's ability to successfully withdraw from a county and establish a city is indeed inseparable from Qiuhai.

Otherwise, Feng Zongxian would not have said such a thing just now.

And Chen Jianghai is a low-key and humble person. No matter what he says or does, he is very calm, and he can't pick out any thorns.

I feel very lucky to be friends with such a Feng Zongxian.

In his opinion, Chen Jianghai is now fully qualified to be on an equal footing with him.

If Qiuhai can continue to develop according to the current trend, even if he becomes the mayor in the future, there may be a certain gap in the status of the two.

Of course, this gap is naturally due to Chen Jianghai's higher status, which Feng Zongxian can't match.

After all, Feng Zongxian's age and qualifications are here, and it is very difficult to go up.

And Chen Jianghai was only in his twenties, and his future was not what Feng Zongxian could have predicted.

This is like the relationship between Qiuhai and Linghai. In the end, Linghai could not accommodate this fast-growing and growing enterprise.

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