Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 581: What are you doing here?

Chapter 581 What are you doing?

Business failures are common, and being able to learn from failures is what Chen Jianghai values ​​most.

So he just wanted to let his big brother experience the process of starting a business.

Success is naturally the best, and if you fail, it doesn't matter.

Now Meihua Supermarket is very successful, but if he wants to continue to expand the scale, Chen Jiangshan needs to make another choice.

Gu Yanping is a choice, but whether the result is good or bad, only time will tell.

"Jiang Hai, look at what you said, this Meihua supermarket was originally yours..."

Just as Chen Jiangshan said halfway, he was interrupted by Chen Jianghai waving.

"Brother, we agreed before that one person and half of the shares, don't forget."

Chen Jiangshan nodded and said, "Jiang Hai, I understand what you mean. I'm going to go back and discuss with Meihua."

Speaking of this, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but ask, "Brother, when are you going to get the certificate?"

Chen Jiangshan was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Chen Jianghai to ask this question.

"Don't worry about this, just wait for a while!"

Wang Shufen, who had been listening to the two brothers with her ears pricked up, couldn't bear it any longer.

"Why aren't you in a hurry?"

Wang Shufen exclaimed: "Look for yourself, Jiang Hai's children are so old, why don't you think about marriage?"

Wang Shufen's voice directly attracted everyone's attention.

Chen Jianghai didn't expect Wang Shufen's reaction to be so big.

"Mom, what are you doing?

Have something to say! "

Chen Jianghai whispered.

Seeing this, Chen Congjun and Chen Jiangong were a little embarrassed to know that they would stay any longer.

"Brother, it's getting late, we'll go back first!"

Chen Congjun stood up and said.

Chen Liye hurriedly said, "Why are you going back?

The room is ready for you, will you stay here today? "

"Brother, this is not necessary."

Chen Congjun said with a smile, "When we build a house and have no place to live in the future, you won't let us live in it, and we will live in it too."

After that, they turned around and left.

After the people left, Chen Jianghai turned his head and asked, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Jiangshan on the side was also puzzled and looked at his mother Wang Shufen in confusion.

"Jiangshan, you are almost thirty, why are you in no hurry?

Even if you are not in a hurry, other girls can't afford it! "

Wang Shufen said complainingly.

"Jiangshan, this matter can really be taken care of."

At this time, father Chen Liye also walked in from the outside and followed.

"Mom and Dad, Meihua Supermarket is in an upswing now, I..."

Before Chen Jiangshan finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Wang Shufen.

"Is it so important to make money?"

Wang Shufen said angrily, "You are all thinking about making money, so have you ever thought about Meihua?"

Hearing Wang Shufen say this, Chen Jiangshan was a little dumbfounded, why is she still involved in Meihua?

"My mother, Meihua, has come to see me a few times. It's all about this, but your brother hasn't made any movement. What do you think the family will think?"

Wang Shufen almost scolded Chen Jiangshan's nose.

"Brother, I have to tell you about it. It's a good thing to be serious about your career, but you can't just have a career without love!"

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai also said very seriously.

Chen Jiangshan hurriedly said, "Mom and Dad, Jiang Hai, I have discussed this matter with Meihua, and I plan to wait two years before discussing this matter."

"Old Chen, look at your son, what are you talking about!"

Wang Shufen was so angry that she turned her back to Chen Jiangshan, because she didn't want to see him.

"Jiangshan, you can't delay this matter any longer, you must explain it to the girls."

Chen Liye said in a deep voice.


Chen Jiangshan opened his mouth and turned his attention to Chen Jianghai.

"Brother, don't look at me, I'll ask you a question, is money more important, or is the wife more important?"

Chen Jianghai said calmly.

Chen Jiangshan frowned and thought for a moment: "Both are important. Meihua's family will definitely disagree if you don't have money, and if you have money, you can't do it without Meihua."

Hearing this simple answer, Chen Jianghai scratched his head and continued: "That's incredible, now that you have money, don't hurry up and do things, what do you make people think about, don't you have other ideas?"

"How is that possible? I'm definitely going to marry Meihua, but the supermarket is so busy right now..." Chen Jiangshan shook his head repeatedly.

Before Chen Jiangshan could finish speaking, Chen Jianghai immediately interrupted: "No matter how busy you are, it's not important to get married. With a wife and children, you will be more motivated to make money!"

"You didn't see me getting married, and the business is getting bigger and bigger!"

"Jiang Hai, what do you say?

I'll listen to you. "

Chen Jiangshan thought for a while and said in a muffled voice.

Chen Jianghai breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the elder brother is obedient.

Wang Shufen and Chen Liye also nodded. This eldest son is fine with everything, but he is a little sloppy.

"Brother, buy a diamond ring when you go, and then go to kneel down and propose to Sister Meihua!"

Chen Jianghai said bluntly.

"What, you have to kneel to propose marriage?"

After listening to Chen Jianghai's suggestion, Chen Jiangshan was stunned.

"Yes, women like romance. Sister Meihua will definitely be very happy if you do this."

Speaking, Chen Jianghai stood up: "I'll show you, you stand up first."

Chen Jiangshan stood up directly as instructed, and Chen Jianghai walked in front of him, then knelt down halfway and raised his palm.

"Just like that, and then say: Meihua, I love you, marry me!"

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the door that made Chen Jianghai want to dig into the ground.

"Jiang... Jiang Hai, what are you doing?"


The next morning, Lin Wanqiu looked at Chen Jianghai and couldn't help but cover her mouth and snicker.

"Wan Qiu, just laugh if you want, don't hold back!"

Chen Jianghai also broke the jar.

Lin Wanqiu couldn't help but say, "I really didn't expect that you would actually teach my brother how to propose."

"Hey, sister Meihua said this for the sake of it, but he is still indifferent. You said that you are not in a hurry."

Chen Jianghai said speechlessly.

"Then you said that after the New Year, brother will do as you said?"

"That's necessary! Otherwise, if Sister Meihua runs away, he will cry sometimes."

Chen Jianghai nodded and said.

Hearing this, Lin Wanqiu couldn't help but pat Chen Jianghai: "What nonsense are you talking about?

Miss Meihua is not such a person! "

"Hey, didn't I scare my brother!"

Chen Jianghai said cheerfully.

Lin Wanqing came over at this time, "What are you two enjoying here early in the morning?"

"It's nothing, it's just a joke."

Chen Jianghai said casually.

After speaking, he gave Lin Wanqiu a look, signaling her not to shout.

"What joke is so funny, tell me about it too?"

Lin Wanqing asked curiously.

Chen Jianghai thought about it for a while, and said casually: "Someone was dissatisfied with the low salary, so he bought a teacup with the words 'I want a salary increase' printed on it. Every time there was a meeting, the side with the words printed on the teacup would be upright. Put it on the boss.

Guess what the boss will do? "

Lin Wanqing said without hesitation, "Did the boss give him a raise?"

" Chen Jianghai shook his head.

"What did the boss do?"

Lin Wanqing asked curiously.

"At the next meeting, the boss took a tea egg in his hand and rolled it against him on the table."

After that, Chen Jianghai walked out of the bathroom with a towel.

The two sisters were stunned for a moment, and when they reacted, Chen Jianghai had already left.

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