When is the rice country the most face-saving.

Needless to say, that was when the polar bears hadn't broken up yet.

There is a sentence, which is quite reasonable.

After we leave, they will build you schools and hospitals, and they will raise your wages, not because they have found it in their conscience, nor because they have become good people, but because we have been here.

Now the country of rice is the most face-saving time, because of polar bears.

At this time, the United States still has to face.

In the courtroom, Lin Mu took out his evidence unhurriedly.

First of all, a large number of his own arcade machines, which were seized at customs, for no reason, all because of Apu.

In addition, Lin Mu even came up with his own key evidence.

One is the mutual exchange between Duan Jialin and Apu.

Moreover, on the bank's side, it was directly investigated that Apu transferred money to Duan Jialin for no reason.

In the courtroom, when the judge asked Apu why he wanted to transfer money to Duan Jialin, Apu immediately started eating, and he couldn't refute it at all.


However, for the people of the United States, this is just their after-dinner conversation, and now, they are more curious about what is an arcade machine.

What the hell is this arcade machine?

Many of the capitals of the United States have actually noticed Lin Mu, not only Lin Mu, but also the grand occasion of arcade machines in Asia.

Soon, there was a large number of capital parties that realized that this was an unprecedented opportunity to make money.

The court is still pronouncing the verdict, and Apu is almost helpless.

In the face of Lin Mu's request for 1 billion US dollars in compensation, Apu exclaimed one after another that this was impossible, and he would never pay 1 billion.

The compensation price is pressed again and again!

In the end, the price of Apu's compensation was $1.2 million.

Extreme pressure, this trick was also directly used by Lin Mu on Apu's body, which can be said to make Apu extremely uncomfortable, but there is no good way.

$1.2 million, which is enough to make Apu extremely uncomfortable.

After all, now Apu's current full worth is put together, and it may be worth tens of millions of dollars.

Converted into Hong Kong dollars, Lin Mu is not rich yet.

However, arcade machines are quickly becoming popular in the United States.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Mu quickly rented a site in New York and transported thousands of arcade machines, although he was seized by the customs during this time and spent a lot of money, but Lin Mu didn't care, as long as his fame was enough to attract people, it could naturally cause a huge sensation.

Now there are countless capitals that have noticed Lin Mu, however, these capitals are also very cautious, on the one hand, Lin Mu is a Chinese, on the other hand, they also have their own considerations, they are not sure, this arcade machine can be equally popular in the United States.

There are too many uncertainties.

The people of the United States are still arrogant, if this game is developed by the people of the United States, then they are naturally willing to invest in it, but the people who developed it are the Chinese, and they maintain their arrogance.

Of course, there are also people who think that Lin Mu's arcade machine is very profitable, and they want to strengthen cooperation with Lin Mu.

"Boss!" Jiang Muyan took a document and sent it to Lin Mu, and said quickly: "This is some of the capital parties that we have come into contact with during this time, but they have also raised certain doubts, thinking that our arcade machine may not be able to be popular!"

Lin Mu took a breath, and then slowly said, "It's okay, they can question it, but don't worry!"

Jiang Muyan was slightly stunned: "Don't worry?"

Lin Mu laughed: "Yes, isn't our arcade machine already set up? Just ask their person in charge to come over and see if our arcade can attract people, and then let them evaluate whether to buy our arcade machine, and similarly, whether to buy the King of Fighters and establish an e-sports club!"

Jiang Muyan nodded slightly.

In the past few days, Lin Mu's procedures have basically been completed.

"Find a weekend so they know our level and quality. Lin Mu said with a smile.

For the United States in the sixties and seventies, it was a hippie era.

The pursuit of profiteering, excitement, simple thinking, love, peace, in short, there are many things they are willing to try, although, from the seventies onwards, the hippie movement began to gradually fade and disintegrate.

However, at this time, there are still many young people who like to try new things.

Arcade, that's it!


Jack is a high school student.

On weekdays, after school, he will choose to go to bars or some pastimes to vent his youth.

"Jack, have you heard? Some time ago there was an arcade on Fifth Avenue, how about we go play together?" a tall Caucasian man came to Jack's side.

"What is this?" a curious look appeared on Jack's face.

"You'll know when you get there!" the tall man laughed and pulled Jack to the arcade.

The entire arcade was bigger than Jack had imagined, with thousands of arcade machines, and Jack instantly felt as if he had arrived in a whole new world.

"That's it, arcade?"

Chaos, violence, uproar!

Heavy voices mingled together, as if they were going to tear the entire game machine hall apart.

Today's arcades have also undergone tremendous changes, with a wide variety of games, and the screen has become a lot larger, and the picture quality has to be clearer.

Jack only did a few manipulations and immediately liked the feeling.


Jack swears it's the funniest thing he's ever tried, and he loves The King of Fighters, and the feeling of manipulating characters and flowing fighting is amazing.

In particular, this background, no matter how you look at it, it feels particularly flavorful.

The King of Fighters developed by Lin Mu naturally incorporated a lot of Chinese elements.

Ink painting, landscape painting, all kinds of elements are integrated, which can be regarded as an output of soft culture.


"How is it?" Lin Mu looked back at the capital side beside him, and said with a smile: "Who else thinks that arcades don't make money now?"

There are more than a dozen foreigners from the capital side who are following Lin Mu, and at this moment, looking at this hot scene is also sluggish.

People, too many!

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