Hearing the good news from Zhang Shukai, Lin was deeply relieved and said on the phone:”This is a good thing.”

Zhang Shukai was also very happy and said:”I also told my father and mother the news. They said they would come in two days. S Hai, meet Tao Jie’s parents and study our marriage.”

“Oh, it should. Lin Shen said

“But Uncle Tao said, I hope you, cousin, can be here too. My parents also said that cousin, you’d better be there.”Zhang Shukai said

“Isn’t this necessary? Lin Shen said,”What did your uncle and aunt say?””

“They said that they are from rural areas, and with you as a knowledgeable person, they won’t be manipulated by city people.”Zhang Shukai said

“My uncle and aunt really thought too much.”Lin Shen was speechless.

There was no way. Ever since Lin Shen seemed to have become the patriarch of the entire family, it was inevitable to listen to Lin Shen’s opinion on important matters such as weddings and funerals. After thinking about it, I still feel that I can’t refute it. For the sake of his uncle and aunt, Lin Shen could only agree.

“Okay, just let me know when the time comes. Lin Shen said helplessly


A few days later.

Lin Shen’s uncle Zhang Fushun and aunt Miao Yuzhi came to Shai.

Naturally, Lin Shen and Zhang Shukai picked him up together.

Although Zhang Fushun has become rich over the years, he is thinner and darker than before. After all, frequent transportation is very damaging to the body.

As for my aunt Miao Yuzhi, as her family’s conditions improved, she dressed up more and more exquisitely.

Both her husband and son are up to par and envied by people from all over the country. Miao Yuzhi has nothing to worry about, but is getting younger and younger.

After receiving his uncle’s family, Lin Shen dragged them to where he lived.

Zhang Lian knew that her brother’s family was here, so she warmly entertained them and discussed Zhang Shukai’s marriage first.

At the dinner table, Zhang Lian asked:”Fushun, has Xiaokai bought a house? Nowadays, you can’t get married without a house.”

Zhang Fushun put down his chopsticks and said,”Sister, you can buy a house at any time. What is the current price in Shanghai?”

Zhang Lian said:”It’s so valuable. I read newspapers and it can easily cost tens of thousands of yuan per square meter.””

“So expensive!”Miao Yuzhi was naturally frightened when he heard this number.

“The current price has suddenly increased in the past two years. I don’t need you to buy it for me, I can buy it myself. No, I can get a loan. Moreover, prices have been reduced in the past two months, making them much cheaper than in the first half of the year.”Zhang Shukai said immediately

“What words! Ten thousand square meters, buying a 100 square meter apartment is only 1 million, I can still afford this money. The girl you want to marry is a city girl, so you can’t be looked down upon.”Zhang Fushun waved his hand.

Lin Shen also curled his lips and said to Zhang Shukai:”Xiao Kai, I give you 300,000 yuan in dividends every year, but you can’t even pay 1 million?

Zhang Shukai scratched his head and said:”Ahem, yes, I can take out half of it.”……”

“It’s okay, we can pay him. He keeps his own money for the couple to use after they get married. Zhang Fushun said boldly.

Miao Yuzhi was very smart and said to Lin Shen:”Xiao Shen, tell me, should we buy this house now?” Xiaokai just said that house prices are going down recently?

Lin Shen nodded and said:”The price has been reduced in the past two months, but it is only temporary and will go back up soon.” It’s a good time to buy now, as housing prices in Shanghai will get higher and higher in the future. Now you can get even with more than 10,000, but in two years, you will definitely not be able to win with 20,000.

Miao Yuzhi heard this and said,”Then buy it quickly.””

Miao Yuzhi definitely believed what Lin Shen said. Lin Shen’s offer to buy it was definitely true.

After talking about the house, it was inevitable to talk about other things, including the bride price.

“How much do we give as a bride price?”Zhang Fushun asked

“I asked Tao Jie about this, and Tao Jie told me that her parents meant that their family was not short of money, so just get 31,180.”Zhang Shukai said quickly.

Lin Shen was not surprised. Tao Jie’s family ran a piano store, so they would definitely not be short of the one hundred and eighty thousand. Asking for too much would seem bullying, so asking for thirty thousand is a good idea.

When Zhang Fushun heard this, he felt something was wrong and said,”No, let’s give 1 million as a gift. A start-up capital for a small family with two children.

Miao Yuzhi did not object and said:”Well, give me 1 million. A girl in the city is worth this price.” Besides, my in-laws are also wealthy, so let’s just give them 10,000 yuan. Isn’t this looked down upon. The house is a house, we bought it for Xiaokai, and the betrothal gift is our sincerity. Otherwise, people should say that we are empty-handed.”

Lin Shen felt ashamed. When he and Lu Yueyao got married, because they had just received a certificate, the bride price was not officially given. Later, Lin Shen frequently sent hundreds of thousands to his father-in-law and mother-in-law’s home, and his father-in-law and mother-in-law were determined not to accept it.. So to some extent, Lin Shen was suspected of plagiarism.

Lin Shen was surprised to hear that Miao Yuzhi was so generous, but it was good, because he was afraid that Miao Yuzhi was unreasonable when he heard that his parents were willing to give him 1 million. Zhang Shukai was also happy with the betrothal gift.

The issues were basically discussed and the meal was over. Zhang Lian invited Zhang Fushun and his family to stay at the villa for the night, but Zhang Fushun refused and insisted on staying in a hotel. Can send their family away


A few days later.

Zhang Shukai and Tao Jie’s parents made an appointment to meet in a hotel to discuss their marriage. Lin Shen also went together as agreed.

The hotel this time was ordered by Tao Xing, and there was not much extravagance.

When Lin Shen arrived, Tao Xingjie greeted him warmly, even more enthusiastically than Zhang Shukai’s parents.

Lin Shen naturally knew what was going on. It was probably Tao Xingjie who knew that Lin Shen’s identity was not simple, so he treated Lin Shen like this.

However, Lin Shen’s guess was not wrong. Later, Tao Xingjie saw the Patek Philippe Lin Shen was wearing in a famous watch magazine. It was indeed a customized watch given to special customers by Patek Philippe. It was unique in the world. The one in the magazine This watch has the letters”ls” on the dial. According to Patek Philippe itself, it is the abbreviation of the customer’s name.

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