Chapter 228

After talking with Cao Jianjia and Noah, Su Cheng found out that he had only read two documents, namely Jiaranzhijia and Dadi Cinema, but because of these two companies, several industries were directly involved. .

Through these industries, many companies and enterprises have been directly linked. These are the hot spots in the future. If they are not taken down now, there will be few opportunities in the future.

Thanks to the big bull market in the past two years, otherwise the funding problem is the biggest barrier to the development of Su Cheng. This is a real problem.

However, because of the operations in the capital market, he was able to quickly complete his layout. Everything has not been settled yet. Who knows the future.

Su Cheng picked up some reports that Shen Mu had handed in, and continued to read it.

The third document is the Dragon Court fm. Su Cheng thought about it for a while. In addition to thinking of a Himalayan, it was Penguin’s fm.

The current Dragon Court fm?

You can give it a try. It’s a simple matter to enter this industry now, and then mergers and acquisitions will not be enough.

Su Cheng directly signed his name on this document.

The future fm battlefield will be full of corpses, but this is a subdivision of the 070 domain. As long as it can keep up with the trend, there will not be much risk, but it also means that there will be a lot of opponents in the future.

However, at that time, Su Cheng didn’t care anymore. He couldn’t do everything in all industries, and he couldn’t manage all of them personally. Therefore, the final success is nothing more than a problem of capital.

Looking down, Su Cheng finally saw the familiar name again.

It is also a company recommended by Polaris Entertainment and Shen Mu. The company’s name is Canxing.

Many people may not know this company, but in the previous life it did make a market value of tens of billions of soft sister coins, and not only that, after all, their added value is actually quite high.

This company has produced a lot of wonderful variety shows. Although many of them are copied from abroad, it has to be said that some people can’t copy even if they copy.

Su Cheng thought for a while, and finally wrote a line on this investment form: if you can buy, you can buy, if you can’t, you can dig someone and make it yourself.

Su Cheng looked at these documents. It is the theater and the production company. Polaris Entertainment’s goal is really big, but I hope I won’t be disappointed.

“Hey, I finally saw the right company this time. In the happy time, isn’t that yy? Start with voice?”

Although everyone has a voice, and it is built-in through the game, but after all, this is not pure, and because it is a real registration, it is not very convenient in many cases.

At this time, yy saw hope. What’s more coincidental is that it is precisely because of the rise of everyone that Penguin’s journey here has turned a corner, because they endorsed World of Warcraft.

And this company was founded on the netizen area of ​​World of Warcraft, which was only a year old, but the number of people has grown by leaps and bounds.

And it is precisely because of the new product yy voice launched this year that it has entered the eyeballs. The angel wheel has nothing to say, this has passed.

But the upcoming round a has attracted many companies.

Su Cheng thought for a while, and then replied, “As much as possible, it’s really impossible. We will do it alone. We must pay more attention to the voice.”

This company can be considered a lucky and unfortunate company. The voice products are really good at peak times. If they were involved in social software at that time, they might have made something.

Not to mention before the era of mobile Internet, when the 3q war, if you really raise your arms, it is really possible to make a career, including it is possible, but they all missed it.

In this life, everyone pressed the penguin to fight, and they couldn’t raise their heads, but they were still very tenacious and changed some plans in time. Su Cheng did not rush to kill.

However, because everyone is here, Penguins can no longer be as domineering as before.

In fact, Penguin has been paying attention to its reputation since the 3q war, but Ali has become domineering again, and it is really a baton.

That’s why the current investment plan was created to seize the commanding heights.

Moreover, Su Cheng values ​​not only this company, but also the future prospects. Future live broadcast websites can also intervene, and the work done by HuanGuan is also very good.

Su Cheng thought for a while, and sent a message to his surroundings, asking him to focus on this company. A round of shares must be bought, and before Penguin, the most worrying thing is World of Warcraft. After all, this It’s represented by Penguin.

However, Renren Games China will be launched soon. It is more exquisite than what he has made, and it has many essences extracted from later generations, plus the Renren game platform, it is still competitive.

The next step is Xun Lei. Su Cheng thought about it and agreed to invest. Although the download company has little prospects, it is a useful supplement to use it well.

And the next two investment forms surprised Su Cheng. Now when everyone pays online is in full swing, offline is the future of La Cala.

At least it has been like this in the past few years, and there will be room for it in the future.

And with the help of this company, it can enter many domestic financial fields. In other words, this is a company registered in Haidian.

And this is also a pretty good supplement for RenrenPay. When the QR code payment becomes truly brilliant, it is almost before the arrival of the 4g era, and this period of time has passed by.

Although Su Cheng has planned the future for Pay for Everyone, a large financial platform, if it is supported by Lakala, it is also a good choice.

After thinking about it, Su Cheng directly approved: It’s best to reach the level of holding, take your time, but don’t let penguins and thousands of people come in.

Look at the name on the other copy, it’s stiff.

Speaking of it, the big zombie is really proud.

The absolute dominance of the drone consumer market is no joke. It is this company that Su Cheng wants to invest in most.

And now they are just established, it is precisely because of the venture capital conference that they came to learn.

Shen Mu can be regarded as the roundworm in Su Cheng’s stomach. He knows what he is thinking. That’s why he has the information of this company. Otherwise, how could a newly established company enter his vision?

Moreover, Su Cheng has a research and development team. When the time comes to use the technology of the research and development team to nurture this company, it will not only occupy the dominant position at that time.

Not to mention, in Su Cheng’s plan, the civilian market for drones must not be overlooked, and for the more advanced military market, Su Cheng actually imagined it, and there is no problem in making it.

Just see if there is such a possibility at the time! .

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