Chapter 268

Cornerstone Technology submits to acquire Sun Micro!

Polaris Entertainment submits to acquire Pixar!

Cornerstone Technology submitted the acquisition of adobe,

Facebook pay acquires Oracle!

Future Technology acquires Qualcomm!

The five acquisitions directly detonated the beginning of 2007.

Noah did not use the name of Galaxy, but instead used his own payment software Facebook Pay, which is quite weird, but this is an acquisition.

These acquisitions are being reported all over the world.

Among them, Su Cheng thinks that the most difficult point lies in adobe, but in fact, the most difficult point lies in Oracle.

Because of Su Cheng’s participation, the pace is really slow. The review started within a few days. This time Noah can be said to have used a lot of relationships, and the funds are already in place, just for this day. NS.

The easiest thing is the acquisition of Pixar Animation, the previous acquisition of Blue Sky Animation did not cause any waves, and it is the same now.

As long as Jobs can agree, there is no problem at all.

And because of the absence of the robot movie, Pixar now has a much lower valuation than the previous life, but the price is also around $3 billion, but Su Cheng has money in his hands and doesn’t care at all.

After this one is taken down, DreamWorks and Lucasfilm will be taken at 190 at the time. Look at the animation market besides Disney and Neon. Who else is Su Cheng’s opponent?

Disney is also a younger brother.

Without Marvel, or even without Pixar, he still wants to achieve the glory of the past life?

The sudden emergence of Future Technology to acquire Qualcomm is also a bit weird.

However, the most unbelievable thing is that the guy Wanxin has acquired about 30% of Qualcomm’s shares in the stock market.

In addition to the layout of stores, all the revenue of Future Technology is invested in this.

On the surface, Future Technology is just a manufacturer of electronic equipment, including computers, electronic peripheral products, etc., but this is because the smartphone project has not yet been exposed.

Therefore, in order not to be affected by others, Su Cheng needs to prepare in advance, and although the current Qualcomm is quite good, but really the smart phone does not come out, he is a younger brother.

And this time it was also jointly acquired by Mirae Technology and Noah. Su Cheng is not worried about this at all.

Winning Qualcomm ahead of time was because he was afraid that as soon as the smartphone came out, he would start acting as a monster, which would directly affect Su Cheng’s future layout.

Therefore, Qualcomm must be acquired in advance. This matter has been arguing before the end of 2006, and it is only on the agenda. Once the review is passed, it will be directly acquired at that time, and the speed will definitely be astonishing.

After Qualcomm is taken, amd is next. They just acquired ati last year. This company is not easy to eat. Su Cheng can only use Noah to complete the acquisition, and this matter will be behind.

As soon as the company’s acquisition is completed, Su Cheng will start his own operation. The first is to permanently obtain the right to use various patents, and then the company’s technical background, talents, and so on.

There will be a wave of looting, but this needs to be started in the chaotic era, and now after the acquisition is completed, there is a year to understand the entire company.

At that time, Noah will privatize Apple and add Oracle’s database and industrial software, Adobe’s specialized market tools, AMD’s microprocessor business, Qualcomm’s patents, and Apple’s Operating system and hardware facilities, a complete set except for the chip is already gathered.

Semiconductor tycoons rise directly from mergers and acquisitions?

And he is also Su Cheng’s tool man, what else is more exciting than this?

It is estimated that the money is not enough, but now some banking institutions are willing to lend to Noah, as long as he continues to integrate mergers and acquisitions, this matter only needs to start, and then you don’t need your own money at all, just use the bank’s money.

At that time, in addition to the fact that Galaxy Company submitted its listing application, many people lined up to send money.

Not only Noah wants a loan, but Su Cheng also wants a loan. The financial crisis broke out in January 2008. Now you can get a loan. After one or two years of repayment, the loan is 10 billion dollars. In the future, you only need to repay 8 billion dollars. .

Because of the depreciation of the U.S. dollar!

And the value that this tens of billions of dollars can create is unprecedented, at least 50 billion dollars can be exchanged.

This year’s operations on the stock market are also a profitable direction. Counting the 100 million dollars you already own, you will have to borrow at least 20 billion dollars by then. In addition to this year’s operations on the stock market, the money will be at least 70 billion dollars. Knife around.

Enough to complete all the layout of Su Cheng.

Moreover, the stock market is a big head. By 2008, the remaining money will be enough to create the greatest value. That will be a gain of 100 billion dollars!

Because of the financial crisis this time, Su Cheng is ready to play a big one.

He has been preparing for this for two and a half years.

Even this year, it is still in preparation.

Everything is for next year.

After the acquisition is completed and the potential of those companies is squeezed out, they will have to invest and build factories in China to establish a complete industrial chain. The investment in this is unprecedented. So Su Cheng needs money and a lot of money.

This is the capital raising and the loan situation that is being prepared. The loan will not only allow me to obtain sufficient ammunition, but also enable Laomi’s banking industry to have a greater crisis after the financial crisis.

And reduce their investment quota.

Think about it, before the financial crisis, Europe was able to resist it, but after the financial crisis, it became a vassal of Laomi.

Su Cheng is preparing for this this time, winning potential companies and completing the strategic layout.

Establish enough supporting industries in the country, and then settle for a few years, and when your own black technology comes out, then everything is finalized.

And this is also the life of the reigning old Europe for several years. As long as they can stand in front, it will be difficult for Lao Mi to divert his eyes to the other side of the Pacific. This is just another few years.

When the old Europe couldn’t stand it, all of Su Cheng’s industries had become giants at that time, and the foundation was completely solid.

At that time, who will be able to shake Su Cheng?

So, this is a crazy plan, and the person who created this crazy plan is also a crazy person.

In this crazy age, everything can happen.

Su Cheng also thought about grabbing a meal with Wall Street. After the 2008 financial crisis, Wall Street made huge investments one after another. Why?

No one knows the answer! But Su Cheng wants to pull his teeth out of the tiger’s mouth. He can’t help but want to take the commanding heights in the semiconductor and Internet industries. He also wants to take the commanding heights in the financial field.

With the addition of Aurora abroad, Liu Fei has never stopped collecting information on the financial industry. He has been simulating acquisitions to train his own financial industry chain.

When the mobile Internet era arrives, it will take advantage of the trend to enter the emerging Internet financial industry, and then it will directly rise.

Semiconductor, internet, finance!

Of the three pillars, none of them can be less! .

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