"That's what you think, isn't this kind of crazy idea what you are good at?" Zhou Xue was too lazy to think about it, this is not what he is good at.

  "What kind of shit, when will it be a shit idea to report back to users?" Su Hao said with a stern face, "Zhou Xue, this is a serious slander. Believe it or not, I'll settle the account with you right away?"

  Zhou Xue knew that she had said Su Hao, so she kept silent and didn't bother to talk nonsense with Su Hao.

  During this period of time, Zhou Xue knew very well that Su Hao was the kind of person who was able to push his feet.You give him a chance and he will take advantage of it without hesitation.

  "Don't keep your face cold all day, you look beautiful when you smile." Su Hao said smoothly.

  "It's up to you." Zhou Xue glanced at Su Hao.

  Zhou Xue's tone and expression were very similar to those of a girl who was coquettish to her boyfriend, which made Su Hao stunned for a moment and looked crazy.

  "What are you looking at, haven't you seen a beautiful woman?" Zhou Xue couldn't stand Su Hao's fiery gaze.

  Su Hao smiled and said, "I have seen beautiful women, but I have never seen such a beautiful beauty as you."

  "Really? Are you prettier than your girlfriend?" Zhou Xue asked subconsciously.. 0

  "Well..." Su Hao said embarrassingly: "Each has its own merits, you have your beauty, they have theirs, and they are equally divided."

  "Scumbag." Zhou Xue spat out two words and turned her head away, as if I was ignoring you.

  Su Hao also began to think about ways to give back.

  Soon, Su Hao thought of a good way.

  "Zhou Xue, I think of a way, we can use the lottery model." Su Hao quickly said: "We will select [-] users from all the positive reviews of Taotao.com, and each of these [-] users will be rewarded with a thousand yuan cell phone."

  "A reward like a thousand yuan mobile phone is just right. It is neither expensive nor cheap. It can be remembered by people, and it can also arouse discussions on the whole network, so that netizens will remember Taotao.com more."

  "It's just right for [-] users to get rewards. Everyone has a sense of participation. Whether they can get rewards or not depends on luck."

  Zhou Xue thought for a few seconds, then nodded and said, "Well, this method is good. It can not only increase the praise of TaoTao.com, but also make people remember TaoTao.com. You have a lot of crazy ideas."

  This time Su Hao didn't refute, and said directly: "Then you should make an announcement and notify all users who have placed orders."

  Zhou Xue nodded lightly and immediately made an announcement.

  Thank you to all the users who support Taotao.com. Thank you for your help. Taotao.com has no blood loss and has made [-] million.In order to repay everyone's help, Taotao.com decided to give out [-] million to return everyone.

  All users who place an order on Taotao.com can leave a positive review. At [-]:[-] p.m., we will draw [-] lucky users from all the positive reviews, and reward each lucky user with a mobile phone of [-] yuan.

  The opportunity is not to be missed, support our friends, please move your fingers to give praise, a thousand yuan mobile phone is waiting for you.

  As soon as the announcement came out, Taotao.com users were ecstatic, and all netizens were shocked.

  "Oh my God, Taotao.com is too powerful. All [-] million profits are given back to users. It's too big, woohoo, why didn't I place an order in time, a mobile phone of [-] yuan, I It's completely out of play."

  "All [-] million profits are given back to users, haha, which company dares to do this? Which company is so ambitious? Only Taotao.com, Taotao.com is awesome.".

Chapter 148

  "I treat you with sincerity, and you treat me with sincerity. This sentence is very suitable for Taotao.com. I am not mistaken about Taotao.

  "I am now proud of my previous choice, Taotao.com, you are a good person, and I will always support you."

  "TaoTao.com is really awesome, haha, [-] users, [-] mobile phones, you must win me."

  "Why are you still talking nonsense? Why don't you hurry up and post a good review? Didn't you see that you have to post a good review to be selected?"

  "By the way, I almost forgot about this, I'll post it right away."

  After Taotao.com released the announcement, users who placed orders on Taotao.com commented on it one after another.For a time, good reviews on Taotao.com sprang up like mushrooms after a rain.

  Some users even thought that long comments had a better chance of winning, so they published long essays that were longer than the essays they wrote in school.

  In order to avoid users who place orders on Taotao.com not knowing and missing this chance to win, Su Hao deliberately used the YY pop-up window to inform this.

  It's fine if you don't log in to Taotao.com, don't you still go to YY?

  After the YY pop-up window, netizens became even more sour, and they went to Taotao.com to find out.

  Read the announcement to see the praise.

  When netizens saw a lot of long-winded comments, they all laughed madly.

  "Haha, don't you want to be so crazy, Taotao.com didn't say that long-form positive reviews have a better chance of winning, but good reviews are fine. This guy actually posted a [-]-word long-form review, my God, where did you copy this? "

  "What a great man. I was moved to tears when I saw that long review. It's so beautiful."

  The news that Taotao.com's [-] million profits were all returned to netizens quickly spread throughout the network.

  The first feeling of netizens is that they admire Taotao.com and praise the atmosphere of Taotao.com.

  The second feeling is regret. I regret that I didn’t go to Taotao.com to place an order in time.

  The third is to accompany netizens to be sour and envious together.

  When companies in the industry saw that Taotao.com took out all the profits to give back to users, they all went crazy.

  "Nima, do you want to be so cruel, what should we do if you do this?"

  "The boss of Taotao.com is a lunatic. He not only gives out all his net worth, but also gives back all his profits to netizens. I don't understand. You don't want to make money, so why are you working so hard? You don't want to make money, so don't do so much The matter is not over, why do you want to make wind and rain, how can you make us feel so bad?"

  "I have to say that the owner of Taotao.com is really generous. If you say [-] million, you can give it away. It's really worth it. One word, cow."

  Some smart people admire Taotao.com's move.

  This move seems to Taotao.com not making a penny, desperately making money, but what about the potential benefits?That was terrifying.

  The potential income of [-] million is too much. Not only can you gain a group of diehard fans, but you can also gain the favor of the entire network. This is something that no amount of money can buy.

  If someone says that [-] million yuan can replicate the phenomenon of Taotao.com, a lot of bosses are willing to spend [-] million yuan, but can Taotao.com replicate it?


  Except for Taotao.com, there is no company that allows netizens to help themselves. Without their own help, there is no good reason for you to give back, and it will not cause such a sensation, and it will not touch netizens.Not only will netizens not be moved, maybe netizens will take you as a fool.

  This Taotao.com incident cannot be replicated, only Taotao.com can do it.

  Penguin Pony almost vomited blood when he heard about it.

  "Nima, it's okay for netizens to help themselves. You still give back. All the profits of [-] million are returned to netizens. Are you a charity organization? Nima..."

  The penguin pony was so mad that he couldn't bear it any longer, almost smashing things.

  The generals of the penguins were also extremely depressed, and as a result, the opportunity they thought was gone forever.Now the whole network is saying that YY and Taotao.com are good, the so-called good opportunities have completely disappeared, and replaced by a more difficult status quo.

  In this situation now, what are the chances of the penguin fighting back?Will netizens stand on the penguin side?

  "Brother Ma, I suggest to put the counterattack on hold for the time being. Now that YY occupies people and people, we must not confront YY head-on." The general of the propaganda department suggested.

  "That's right, Brother Ma, now we're going head-to-head with YY, we have no chance of winning." The other generals echoed.

  All the generals were worried that the pony was angry, and they made an impulsive decision, and they all persuaded them one after another.

  Penguin Pony calmed down, pondered for a long time, and then said, "How do you think our current situation is caused?"

  "That's right, it was dragged out. It was because we dragged on and off and didn't resolutely fight back against YY that gave YY a chance to develop."

  "If we were determined to kill YY when YY was first launched, YY would never have developed to the point where it is today."

  "This is all the evil result of our lack of firmness. Now you still say that we will continue to drag it on. Now it is YY occupying people and people. After a few days, we will fight back when YY has all the right people in the right place and the right time?"

  "This is a battle of life and death, we can't drag it out, the longer we drag on, without YY taking action, we're already dead."

  "Old Li, I'll give you half a day, no matter what you think of it, how much you spend, contact me with the leader of the navy army. I will discuss with the leader of the navy army tomorrow morning. The battle of life and death must start tomorrow."

  Penguin Pony is completely aware of the infinite potential of YY, and if it drags on, Penguin will never have a chance to turn around, not at all.

  The generals will be silent.Penguin Pony's point of view is completely fine, but they really don't want to be hard with YY at this time.

  "Brother Ma, if you don't wait two days, it won't be too short. In two days, the heat of Taotao.com will dissipate, and it will be better for us to fight back." The general of the propaganda department insisted.

  "Yeah, Brother Ma, two days are really short, and now we have no chance of winning against YY at this time." The generals also insisted.

  The penguin pony sighed softly and said, "Okay, I will listen to you, just to give Lao Li a little more time."

  Facing the insistence of the generals, the penguin pony chose to compromise.

  If the penguins are unanimous, what can they do to fight YY?

  The general of the marketing department thought deeply after returning, and finally threw out a reward of [-] million, with only one purpose, to catch up with the leader of the navy.

  The five million bounty spread around the navy organization, and soon spread to the inner core.

  Li Jun was also taken aback when he learned that someone had offered [-] million just to contact him.

  Nima, is there such a fool with a lot of money?

  Li Jun accepted the five million without hesitation.

  In this way, the general of the Penguin Marketing Department added Li Jun's YY.

  The general of the Penguin Marketing Department directly stated his intention, and was willing to pay the navy to deal with YY, and Li Jun said how much.

  Li Jun was completely stunned.

  Nima, it turned out to be a penguin, isn't this penguin investigating?Looking for YY's navy to deal with YY, thanks to Penguin's idea. . . .

Chapter 149

  Li Jun replied: "Dealing with YY? With the current situation, I can't guarantee the outcome."

  General of the Penguin Marketing Department: "You don't need to guarantee the results, you just need to let your subordinates slander YY online and slander YY, and you don't need any guarantees for others."

  Li Jun secretly muttered, 'I'll go, Penguin is determined to engage in YY, no, I have to talk to Brother Hao. '

  Li Jun replied to the message: "Now the whole network is protecting YY, and they say that YY is a conscientious company. Going to YY now will ruin my reputation. I need to think about it."

  The general of the Penguin Marketing Department turned on the phone directly and said, "[-] million, I will give you [-] million, if you cooperate with us to sing bad for a day, I will give you [-] million."

  Seeing the amount of [-] million, Li Jun realized that Penguin was making a big move, and immediately called Su Hao.

  Su Hao, who was teasing Zhou Xue, saw Li Jun's phone and pressed the answer button.

  "Fat, is something wrong?"

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