Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1032: : Zhang Yan's actions

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Jizhou army is powerful, but there are many thieves in Jizhou. After Zhang Yan entered Jizhou, he turned his eyes on With these thieves, once the power of these thieves can be gathered in one place, it is also a great help. Besides, working **** the thieves will not easily attract the attention of the government.

After entering Jizhou for half a year, Zhang Yan relied on means and extraordinary martial arts to integrate the thieves in Julu County. At this time, Zhang Yan controlled 5,000 thieves.

With the strength of five thousand thieves, even the defenders of the cities in Julu County did not dare to provoke easily.

Julu County in Jizhou is the place where the war is the worst in Jizhou. Under the hardship, the local people are extremely tough, and a little bit of exploitation will cause chaos among them.

Especially when the Jizhou army attacked Bingzhou, Zhang Yan took the opportunity to recruit troops to win over thieves from all over the country, and his strength rose rapidly.

If Yuan Shao were in Jizhou, Zhang Yan would definitely not dare to be so blatant. However, when the officials in Jizhou saw that Zhang Yan's thieves were so powerful, they did not send troops to encircle and suppress, but sent people to hand Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan sneered at Jizhou's usual methods. This time, he had to make Yuan Shao pay a heavy price. Not only that, even Yang Feng, who was far away in Qingzhou, would have to slay his hands in the future to relieve the hatred in his heart.

Faced with the recruitment of officials dispatched by Jizhou, Zhang Yan agreed. All he had to do at this time was to wait for the Youzhou Army to take the Jizhou down. Yan was relieved, and Zhang Yan had decided to take refuge in Lu Bu, and would do his best to help Lu Bu seize Jizhou.

The situation in Julu County is a bit chaotic in Zhang Yan's view. It mainly has an inseparable relationship with aristocratic families and officials. For their own interests, the aristocratic families think more about how to maximize the interests of the family, rather than Consider whether ordinary people can survive.

Zhang Yan and Lu Bu have the same understanding of treating the people, that is, letting the people have a more stable life. When Zhang Yan was in the Black Mountain Army, he treated the people extremely generously, which has a great influence in the Black Mountain Army. force.

After Yang Feng cooperated with the Jizhou army to break the Black Mountain Army, he did not win the support of the Black Mountain Army. After the camp was breached, more Black Mountain Army continued to fall into the grass. Some people received orders from the people sent by Zhang Yan secretly. Going to Julu County without hesitation, this is out of trust in Zhang Yan.

The prefect of Julu County was Yuan Liang, a member of Yuan Shao's tribe. Although Yuan Liang was a side branch of the Yuan family, he was considered a relatively capable person. In Julu County, he could also compete with the families of all parties.

Yuan Liang understands that in order to make Julu County completely settled, not only a strong army is needed, but also the support of officials from all over Julu County. Yuan Liang is very clear about what is happening in Julu County today. What worries Yuan Liang is a thief power that is gradually gaining ground in Julu County. This thief power has now threatened the stability of Julu County. However, out of overall consideration, Yuan Liang can only attack Zhang Yan. appease.

Of course, Yuan Liang didn't know Zhang Yan's identity at this time, otherwise he would not have such an optimistic view of the situation in front of him.

Yuan Liang even thought of uniting Zhang Yan to fight against the aristocratic families in Julu County. This is also a common method used by officials from all over the country to draw in divisions and allow their own policies to be implemented. Such a strategy is very common in the princes, mainly representatives of aristocratic families. The power is too strong, even Yuan Shao and other princes in charge have to be cautious about the family's attitude.

Zhang Yan smiled secretly after receiving the news sent by Yuan Liang. What he thinks now is how to make Julu County the first place to mess up. As the place where the Yellow Turban was the most raging, even after Yuan Shao occupied Jizhou, he did not miss the remnants of the Yellow Turban. , There are still many yellow turban remnants active in Julu territory.

Zhang Yan was one of the most important figures in the Yellow Turban army. He had a lot of prestige among the Yellow Turbans, and it became a lot easier to win over these people.

"Tell Yuan Liang that it is impossible to let this general go to the city. If Yuan Liang is sincere, let him go to the place designated by this general." Zhang Yandao, after dealing with the government for a long time, he will understand their style of behavior. If they take the initiative, they will come forward with a shy face. Once they are under their control, everything will change. They will show the butcher knife when you are in a weak position.

The messenger sent by Yuan Liang said yes. Although Zhang Yan’s identity is now a thief, no one dares to ignore the energy of this thief. There are thousands of thief under his command. Great deterrence.

After thinking about it for a long time, Yuan Liang decided to go to meet Zhang Yan in person for a while. Before, he had only heard about this thief who was active in Jizhou. Only after confirming that Zhang Yan was a suitable ~ He can make up his mind. Now Jizhou needs stability. As the prefect of Julu County, he is very worried about the situation in Julu County.

Jizhou is facing threats from Youzhou, and the Youzhou Army has been mobilized frequently recently, and it is possible to attack Jizhou at any time. He wants to stabilize the situation in Julu County before the Youzhou Army attacks Jizhou.

Originally, when Zhang Yan didn't enter Julu County, although the thieves in Julu County were rampant, they weren't as big as they were, because they lacked a commander, and it was Zhang Yan's arrival that changed everything.

According to Zhang Yan’s instructions, Yuan Liang came to the mountain not far from the county town. Seeing such a magnificent cottage, Yuan Liang’s heart jumped. Judging from the shadowy thieves in the cottage, these thieves were obviously trained. From them, Yuan Liang even felt the aura that only soldiers possessed.

Before seeing Zhang Yan, Yuan Liang increased his vigilance in his heart.

After seeing the scene in the cottage, the more than ten guards who followed Yuan Liang could not help but tremble in their hands and feet. The eyes were densely packed bandits. I don't know how to do it. At this time, these bandits automatically spread out a path that allowed one person to pass by. The road, walking on the road where the bandits dispersed, even if it was Yuan Liang, he was a little nervous.

Yuan Liang has a set of local governance, but the management of the army is far different from Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yanduan sat in the top position. Both the left and right were the leaders of the cottage. Most of them were the Black Mountain Army who initially followed Zhang Yan from Youzhou to Jizhou. This is also Zhang Yan's experience in order to ensure absolute control of the military situation. After the incident, Zhang Yan valued a lot of military power.

"General, Yuan Liang has led more than ten people into the cottage." A bandit shouted with his fists.

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(End of this chapter)

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