Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1051: : Yuan Shao returns to the army, the decisive battle begins

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The so-called side of the couch can not allow others to sleep, Lu Bu will not let people like Yuan Shao by his side.

"Since I decided to withdraw the army, I will not stop him, but if I ask him in the future, he will have to think about it." Cao Cao said.

Yuan Shao said coldly: "Meng De's remarks are a bit exaggerated. When will this beneficiary need someone else's rescue?" Yuan Shao walked away, leaving everyone staring at each other.

Sun Ce was silent for a moment and said, "I wonder if the leader has any opinions?"

Cao Cao took a deep look at Sun Ce and said, "Bo Fu, in your opinion, if the Bingzhou Army fights against our army at this time, how much chance does our army have?"

Sun Ce fell silent again after hearing this. If Sun Ce had absolute confidence before sending out the troops, but now he has no fighting spirit. The strength of the Bingzhou army exceeds his imagination. The news from Bingzhou can be learned. , Now there is still a terrifying **** like the trapped camp in the territory of Bingzhou.

Once Yuan Shao led the army to leave, the princes' coalition forces would lose their support, even if they were lucky enough to defeat the Union State Army, what could they do? Does the princes' coalition army still have the strength to continue to invade the Union State.

"Leader, it's not that this lord is unwilling to help, but Jiangdong's current situation is also somewhat urgent." Sun Ce said.

Cao Cao frowned and said: "The Bo symbol says he is the little overlord of Jiangdong. Don’t you even have the courage to fight the Bingzhou Army? Unsurprisingly, once the Jizhou Army retreats, the Bingzhou Army will definitely fight our army. If the army is defeated, there is no need to worry about merging the state army within a few years."

Sun Ce stared at Cao Cao with scorching eyes: "So, Benhou believes in the leader this time."

"Well, with the help of Jiangdong Army, it will be no problem to break the Bingzhou Army." Cao Cao was overjoyed when he heard the words.

After Sun Ce left, Cao Cao’s expression was not as relaxed as before. When he persuaded Yuan Shao, he did not consider that after the retreat of the Jizhou Army in Yanzhou, the allied forces of the princes would not be able to do much, and the Army of Jingzhou, for his own benefit, Sending heavy troops to guard the Jiguan is obviously taking Chang'an as something in the bag, without realizing what situation the Jingzhou Army will face once the princes withdraw their troops.

"Gongda, if it is a decisive battle with the Bingzhou Army, is there a chance of victory?" For a long time, Cao Cao turned his attention to Xun Youdao.

"Since the lord is determined to fight the Bingzhou Army, why should he be afraid of failure." Xun You said.

Cao Cao laughed and said, "In that case, Ben Hou is a little cautious."

"My lord, if the Jizhou army does not retreat, even if the situation in Chang'an is critical, the Binzhou army will not choose to fight our army. Binzhou is the root of Lu Bu. After years of chaos, the place of Sili is no longer the same. It is reasonable to give up for the combined state army.

"What's more, the situation in Chang'an has not fallen into a truly critical moment. It is difficult to achieve success if only the Jingzhou army attacked Chang'an. Han Sui's sudden backlash made Ma Chao unable to continue to attack Chang'an." Xun You said.

Cao Cao nodded slightly. Originally everything was developing in favor of the princes' coalition forces. Who could have predicted that the immediate advantage would end with the collapse of the princes' coalition forces, and the transformation from advantages to disadvantages turned out to be from Han Sui. The betrayal began.

Regarding Han Sui’s betrayal, Cao Cao was sure that this was done secretly by Lu Bu, otherwise Ma Chao attacked Longguan so fiercely, but Chang’an’s army did not have much mobilization. It was clear that Ma Chao was not in his eyes, the more so. Cao Cao became more afraid of Lu Bu.

"The lieutenant general of the Chuanling Army is preparing for a decisive battle with the Bingzhou Army. This battle is related to the general trend of the world in a few years." Cao Cao said.

The counsellors in the tent heard from Cao Cao’s tone of dignity, and a decisive battle with the Bingzhou Army. At this time, the princes' coalition was dominant in number, but the elite of the army was a lot worse. The battle outside Huguan gave them a decisive battle against Bingzhou. The army has a deeper understanding, and the treatment of wounded soldiers by the Union State Army on the battlefield is not comparable to that of the Allied Forces of the princes.

After receiving the news of the retreat of the Jizhou Army, Lu Bu's frowning brows relaxed. Now the situation in Hedong cannot be delayed. He cannot wait any longer. The war that lasted for more than three months should come to an end. If Jiguan still remains. If he was not defeated by the Jingzhou Army, Lu Bu would still have the patience to continue dealing with the army of the princes.

"Wenhe, send someone to the princes' army to write the battle. Five days later, outside the Huguan, they will fight to the death with the princes' army." Lu Bu said in a deep voice.

Jia Xu cried out, and the generals in the army showed excitement. The blind defense made them feel boring. The princes attacked Huguan with so many tricks, not to mention the defense of the Huguan. The army is rotated, making some generals tickled. If the generals of the princes knew the feelings of the generals in the state ~ I don't know how they would feel.

"The decisive battle is no trivial matter. The generals must not be slacking off. Cao's army is elite, and Cao Cao is also a powerful enemy." Lu Bu said.

The generals in the tent clasped their fists and said yes, thinking about how to earn enough credit on the upcoming battlefield.

On the day that the Bingzhou Army received the war report, the princes’ army retreated twenty miles. This was also to free up the battlefield. All parties sent soldiers to clean the battlefield. Although at this time the soldiers on both sides hated each other, they did it. Not going to take action, saying that it is cleaning the battlefield, but actually not giving the opponent a chance. After all, this kind of decisive battle is related to whether the army can win, and any factor must be taken into consideration.

Five days later, in an open area ten miles away from Huguan, the soldiers from both sides slid their troops and horses, but seeing the flags covering the sky and obscuring the sun, the soldiers in the army could not see the edge. This is the largest scale since Emperor Han died in Chang'an. A huge war, and the victory or defeat of this war is related to the interests of all aspects.

If the vassal army wins by chance, it means that the Union State Army will take longer to recover in the next few years, and once the Union State Army easily wins, it will gain more benefits.

Before the two armies, Lü Bu rode away and stood in front of the two armies, shouting: "Where is Cao Cao? Come out and answer."

Cao Cao, in a uniform, walked out of the army under the protection of Cao Ren and other generals. Compared with Lu Bu, who only had Dianwei as a guard, Cao Cao seemed a lot more cautious in this regard.

"Meng De, you and I have been friends, have you forgotten what you said?" Lu Bu asked with a smile. Although he and Cao Cao are in the opposite camp at this time, they do not hinder his appreciation of Cao Cao. In Lu Bu's view Cao Cao was a person who could afford to let go. At this point, it was unmatched by other princes.

(End of this chapter)

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