Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1058: : Lu Bu shot

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "This battle, I am afraid I will lose." Cao Cao sighed while looking at the flying eagle flag that was constantly moving towards the Chinese army not far away. Even though he didn't want to admit defeat easily, he saw that his army was at an absolute disadvantage through the changes in the battlefield situation.

Xun You also had a pale face. The role played by counselors on this battlefield was much weaker than usual. The two armies confronted each other in an open and honest battle. What trump cards on both sides are clear to each other. The division is against, what the counselor can do is to correct it in time when the commander gives the wrong order.

I have to say that Cao Cao has unique characteristics in military command. If it were not for the last cavalry of the state army, or if Lu Bu himself led the cavalry into battle, perhaps the princes army would have won this battle.

In Xun You's eyes, the crazy Union State Army was too terrible. If they were not afraid of pain and death, all they had was endless excitement and rushing.

"Master, Jiangdong Army began to be unable to resist the attack of the trapped camp, and began to retreat." Xiahou Dun slapped his horse and shouted.

Cao Cao hesitated for a while, and still gave the order to retreat. This battle against the Bingzhou was extremely defeated for the princes. If he could not take the Bingzhou in one go, the result would be extremely terrifying for the princes. From the Jizhou army from the battlefield After retreating, Cao Cao foresaw that the princes' war against the Bingzhou would surely end without disease. The reason why he chose to fight the Bingzhou Army was to curb Lu Bu's expansion.

The allied forces of the princes began to retreat slowly. Seeing this scene, the state army went crazy up and down, and the front army launched an even more violent attack than before.

Lu Bu directly led the flying cavalry to attack Cao Cao’s army. Cao Cao is already a neighbor of Bingzhou at this time. Leaving such a powerful neighbor by his side will always make people feel uneasy. It felt that Cao Cao was going to weaken the strength of the Union State Army, and Lu Bu didn't want Cao Cao to lose his army.

The retreat of the princes' coalition forces at this time is absolutely fatal to the entire army, especially the ordinary soldiers. When they see the retreat order sent by the rear army, they will often disperse and flee, and they are not willing to be at this time. Fend off crazy enemies.

Compared with Cao Jun, the retreat of the Jiangdong Army seemed a little flustered. The soldiers of the former army were already discouraged under the attack of the trapped camp. At this time, the order to retreat was no different from the meaning of nature to them. To go backwards.

If a large army wants to complete a calm retreat, it needs to be arranged in advance. Although the Jiangdong Army did it, the effect it received was not satisfactory. The main reason was that the Jiangdong Army did not take the initiative to retreat, but had to choose to retreat under the power of the camp. , Otherwise the Chinese army will defeat the enemy.

In this regard, Cao Jun is much stronger than Jiangdong Army, but Cao Jun is facing the flying cavalry led by Lu Bu at this time. With the flying cavalry's charge ability, will Cao Jun be assigned a chance?

Even Lu Bu himself did not expect the chain reaction brought about by going into battle in person.

The crazy Union State Army is very terrifying, and all the enemies encountered along the way will all evade.

Lü Bu led the flying cavalry to take the Chinese army where Cao Cao was, which inevitably caused some confusion in Cao's army.

"The enemy commander has fled, and those who descend will not kill!" Lu Bu shouted loudly.

The flying cavalry who followed were aware, and the voices gradually gathered together and echoed over the battlefield.

The battlefield is so huge that many soldiers cannot see their own army. It is not false to receive an order to retreat. In the eyes of ordinary soldiers, retreat and failure seem to be the same. Under the rumbling iron hoof, there are many Sergeant Cao chose to surrender, and the Bingzhou army would naturally come up to accept these surrendered soldiers. Xia Houyuan, who led the soldiers after the severance, kept commanding soldiers to come forward and block, but the effect was minimal.

How can a two-legged person run over a four-legged horse? Many soldiers saw no hope of escape and directly gave up resistance. Such a thing is already extremely common among the allied forces of the princes.

Only a hundred steps away from the Chinese army, Lu Bu shouted, "Where does Cao Mengde escape? Don't get off the horse and be surrendered!"

This loud shout made Cao Cao who was retreating panicked. He naturally valued his own life extremely. He looked back at Lu Bu and ordered the soldiers to block the flying cavalry's attack and continue to retreat.

After defeating the three-round blocking team in succession, Lu Bu had already seen the humble face of Cao Cao under the banner of the Chinese army, and his mouth could not help but show a sneer. How can the princes' coalition army have more soldiers than the Bingzhou army? Therefore, forty thousand people defeated the 70,000 princes coalition army, and the prestige of the Union State Army will definitely move the world with this battle fame.

At this time, the Bingzhou Army can be said to be the force of a single army, and the soldiers and horses of the princes under the sky were abruptly defeated by the powerful Qin

The panic of the Chinese army was followed by the disintegration of the soldiers below. Many allied soldiers fled in panic. At this time, they had no fighting capacity to speak of.

Cao Ren led the Qingzhou army to abandon Dianwei and rushed to the direction where Cao Cao was. Dianwei led the cavalry and continued to wreak havoc in the vassal army.

Once the will to support an army is lost, even if the number of this army is large, it has become a failed army on the battlefield. The large number will become a burden to them. At this time, it is suitable for the princes' coalition army. NS.

At this time, the coalition forces of the princes can be described as defeated. The soldiers do not know the generals and the soldiers. The above commands are difficult to effectively display. Faced with the onslaught of the Union State Army, many soldiers directly gave up resistance, or tried to follow Fleeing on the battlefield.

"Cao Cao suffers death!" Lü Bu shouted, and the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand was replaced with a strong bow.

Xia Houyuan, who had been paying attention to Lu Bu behind him, yelled. The long knife in his hand greeted the arrow, and a flash of fire spattered. Xia Houyuan felt a little soreness in his arm, and looked at Lu Bu with awe. With this arrow, If he hadn't found it in time, it would be extremely difficult to stop it.

Seeing that an arrow could not be achieved, Lu Bu secretly regretted it. At this time, Cao Cao was surrounded by fierce generals. It was very difficult to single-handedly kill Cao Cao in such a situation.

However, this arrow made Cao Cao more vigilant, and only then did he remember the power of Lu Bu's archery.

General Cao Jun led soldiers to stop Lü Bu, keeping Lü Bu a hundred steps away from Cao Cao. Several times, the arrows shot by Lü Bu were shot down by General Cao, or destroyed by his guards. The arrows gave Cao Cao a sense of fright.

(End of this chapter)

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