Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1099: : Tian Feng

Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Of course, the strength of the Zhen family cannot be ignored at this time. With the words of Jin Hou, the future rise of the Zhen family in Jizhou is predictable Yes, some aristocratic families have secretly connected with the Zhen family.

After Xu You learned of this situation, he was slightly dissatisfied. Although the strength of the Zhen family in Jizhou cannot be underestimated, it is always a business-oriented family. Although Zhen Yao has talents, he cannot attract Xu You’s attention, perhaps. Because the Zhen family had been in contact with Lu Bu a long time ago, this time Lu Bu will focus on the Zhen family after he took over Yecheng.

Xu You even guessed that this was one of Lu Bu's methods to deal with the Jizhou family. It promoted the Zhen family and contained other families. If so, Lu Bu's plan would definitely be disappointed. It can't shake the Xu family.

Lu Bu’s invitation made many families raise their hearts again, but at this time, the master of Yecheng was Lu Bu. Even if they were afraid, they had to go. These families were worried that Lu Bu would attack the family in the prefecture, and the city was full. They are both soldiers and horses of the Union State Army and Youzhou Army, and resistance will only be a dead end.

At this time, Xu You stepped up to appease the family in the city. Of course, the benefits that followed were of course not to be mentioned. In the face of the safety of life and the fate of the family, many families showed their favor to Xu You.

Xu You's arrogant behavior soon reached Guo Jia's hands. Guo Jia shook his head and didn't say much. Before attacking Jizhou, he had a deep understanding of Jizhou and had a certain understanding of Xu You's character. Xu You is absolutely top-notch in terms of talents, but Xu You is a little proud of his personality. In front of Yuan Shao, Xu You is respectful, but privately.

If Xu You can't change this character, he will definitely suffer.

Tian Feng was imprisoned by Yuan Shao. At the beginning, the jailer who guarded the prison still respected Tian Feng. Even the place where Tian Feng lived was not comparable to ordinary criminals. However, as time went by, they It was discovered that Tian Feng had been forgotten in the cell by Yuan Shao, and even his attitude towards Tian Feng had changed dramatically, and he was often humiliated.

Tian Feng didn't care about all this, he believed that Yuan Shao would wake up.

When Tian Feng learned of the death of Xu You's son Xu Chang in prison, he cried loudly. The jailer asked the reason, but Tian Feng did not say. After all, this matter was too involved, and he did not have enough evidence.

Sure enough, as Tian Feng had expected, Xu You and the Bingzhou Army teamed up to defeat Yecheng.

However, the jailer in the cell did not respond, and was blocked by soldiers of the Union State Army, and the management of the cell was naturally in the hands of the Union State Army.

"Mr. Tian, ​​you can go out now." The Bingzhou sergeant who guards the cell respectfully said. According to the order he just received, the detainee here is a very important person, and that is the person Jin Hou called to see.

Tian Feng snorted coldly: "Feng is just a prisoner, just stay here and won't go anywhere."

The person on the side of the cell persuaded: "Master Tian, ​​you are an official of Jizhou. You can only stay here to wait for death. With your adult's talent, why bother yourself."

"This official is under Yehou for a day, even if he is dead, he is under Yehou." Tian Feng said firmly.

After hearing Tian Feng’s words, the soldiers guarding the cell, instead of being angry, respected Tian Feng even more. In the Bingzhou Army, loyalty was advocated. Tian Feng’s integrity was more than that after the army entered the city. The officials who took refuge in were much stronger.

"Mr. Tian, ​​this time is the request of Guo Jia's army division. I also hope that Mr. will not make the humble job difficult." The general guarding the cell said.

Tian Feng pondered for a while and said, "It's okay. The officer has been in the cell for a long time and wants to go out for a walk." Difficulty with an ordinary general is not Tian Feng's character.

And Tian Feng was determined to die. Since he couldn't help Yuan Shao defend Yecheng, he would do his loyalty to Yuan Shao, and he would not be in vain.

In order to show the importance of Tian Feng, Lu Bu met Tian Feng in the prefecture, and he was accompanied by Guo Jia.

"Mr. Tian, ​​if you don’t want to be treated like this in Jizhou for many years, Benhou can’t bear it. If he doesn’t dislike him, he can go to Benhou. Although Benhou said he was just a military commander. People of insight still attach great importance to Jizhou's important counselors, such as Jushou and Xu You, who are now serving under the command of the Hou." Lu Bu laughed.

Tian Feng gritted his teeth and said, "It is precisely because Jizhou has such ungrateful villains as Xu You that Jizhou is defeated today. Feng can't wait for him to peel off his skin and cramp to vent his hatred."

"As for the refuge of Jin Hou, Jin Hou will die. Even if Feng is dead, he will not take refuge in Jin Hou."

"Does Mr. Tian want to hide his talents in his belly? Mr. Tian naturally knows what the people and the army under the rule of Benhou are like." Lu Bu persuaded.

"Each is his main ear." Tian Feng flatly refused.

Guo Jia, who has been listening quietly, said with a smile: "Mr. Tian, ​​don't be too busy to refuse. The lord has sincerely invited Mr. Jushou. It is expected that Mr. Tian has heard about Jushou. The lord has gone to Jushou’s residence several times with sincerity. Jushou was moved, and Jushou was made to seek refuge, and the husband and Jushou were friends, and they were both officials under the account of the Marquis of Jin. Isn’t it a good thing?"

Tian Feng was taken aback for a moment. These things were relatively confidential in Bingzhou. Although he was a high-level official in Jizhou, he didn't know much about this matter. After learning that Jushou had turned to Lu Bu, Tian Feng was extremely dissatisfied. He Yuan Shao and Jusui are both under the command of Yuan Shao, and they still know each other's personalities very well. Although Jusui went to Jizhou after seeking refuge in Lu Bu, he did not talk about his experience in Bingzhou.

"It doesn't matter if your husband scolds Benhou now. Benhou has to wait patiently for his choice." Lu Bu smiled.

Tian Feng was taken aback for a moment. Originally, his plan was to curse after he arrived at the prefecture, even if he died, he would humiliate Lu Bu. Who knew that Lu Bu treated him so politely, and made Tian Feng's mouth to his lips. The words did not scold out.

As if seeing the thoughts in Tian Feng's heart, Lu Bu smiled and said, "Mr. Tian has any dissatisfaction, even if you can say it, Benhou is not a person with a small scale."

Tian Feng snorted coldly: "Even if you wait for all kinds of words, you won't take refuge in the next."

"Didn't Mr. Tian ever think about his family? Once Mr. Tian has really made such a choice, where should the people of the Tian family go? Do they want to be embezzled by other families with his husband?" Lu Bu asked.

(End of this chapter)

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