Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1310: : Xu Shu died and fell to Fengpo

"Tell Xiaozhi to guard the city with your heart. There must be no negligence. General Cao Bao led two thousand soldiers and horses to take over the defense of the sword pavilion, and let General Lei Tong support Jia Mengguan to guard against the Jinhou army." Liu Beidao.

"Here." Xu Shu understood that this was Liu Bei's distrust of Meng Da and Fazheng. If Meng Da and others dedicated Jia Meng Pass to Lu Bu, it would mean that the Jingzhou Army would be defeated by the enemy, and after taking control of the Jiange Plank Road, The situation is different. As long as there is something wrong, just a fire can make it difficult for Lu Bu to enter the land of Yizhou. It is very difficult to take the waterway from Jiamengguan to threaten the safety of Yizhou.

"Lord, we should attack Luocheng as soon as possible. Although the Yizhou army has been defeated one after another, the background is still there. If our army cannot break Luocheng as soon as possible, once Liu Zhang mobilizes his troops and horses to Luocheng, it will be extremely detrimental to our army." Xu Shu suggested. After the attack on Mianzhu, there are many things in the army that need to be dealt with. However, if Liu Zhang is allowed to set up in Luocheng, it will be even more difficult to break through Luocheng, and Liu Zhang's influence in Yizhou cannot be ignored.

Liu Bei nodded and said, "Yuan Zhi's words are true."

"Subordinates request to lead the three thousand army first." Xu Shu said.

Liu Bei was silent for a moment and agreed. After entering Yizhou, Xu Shu's performance was remarkable. He could see that Xu Shu's resourcefulness was not under the righteousness of the law. This was also the reason why Liu Bei assured the righteousness to send the law to Jiameng Pass. Xu Shu, Fazheng prefers to express himself. When Xu Shu first took refuge in his own name, although it was not a real name, he made a great contribution to him. Naturally, Liu Bei couldn't make Xu Shu cold in his treatment of such characters.

"The terrain of Yizhou is complicated, so military officers should be cautious on their way to Luocheng." Liu Bei warned.

Following Liu Bei’s orders, the long-silent army in Luocheng moved. Cao Bao led two thousand soldiers and horses to the Jiange plank road, and Xu Shu led three thousand soldiers to Luocheng. These three thousand soldiers belonged to the Jingzhou army. The elite, fighting bravely.

Vanguard plays an important role for an army, especially on battlefields with complex terrain like Yizhou. If vanguard can play a role, it will be extremely beneficial to the army in the rear, even though it has breached Fucheng and Mianzhu, Luo The city is the most difficult place to break in Guanghan County. As the prefecture of Guanghan County, Luocheng is close to Chengdu City. Its geographical location is extremely important. It is also the last barrier of Yizhou. You can imagine Liu Zhang's emphasis on the defense of Luocheng.

In Luocheng, Zhang Ren, who has been closely following the movements of the Jingzhou Army in Mianzhu City, hurried to the military to discuss countermeasures with Yan Yan. Zhang Ren still respects this long-established general in the Yizhou Army. In the state army, being able to get to where it is today has a certain relationship with Yan Yan's promotion.

"General Yan, now Liu Bei dispatched an army under the tent, Xu Shu, led an army of three thousand, and rushed to Luocheng first. I don't know what the general thinks about?" Zhang Ren asked.

"Presumably General Zhang already has a plan in his mind, so why bother to ask the old man?" Yan Yan stroked his beard and laughed.

Zhang Rendao: "The general's insight is like a torch, and the general admires him."

Yan Yan's compliment to Zhang Ren seemed extremely useful. Yan Yan was an important general in the Yizhou army. The defense of the Luocheng Pass, all obeyed Yan Yan's orders, is enough to show that Liu Zhang attaches great importance to Yan Yan, despite his age. Some are old, but Yan Yan's martial arts has not fallen behind.

"It's just that you must be cautious about this trip. Our army's successive defeats will have a great impact on the morale of the army. If General Zhang can win, it will be natural to defeat Liu Bei." Yan Yan said.

"The general can rest assured, he will surely defeat the enemy's vanguard in the end." Zhang Rendao.

"I don't know what good General Zhang has, so I might as well let the old man learn more about it." Yan Yan said.

Zhang Ren pointed to the topographic map hung on the wall and said: "Look at the general, entering Luocheng from Mianzhu, Luofengpo is the only place to pass. The Jingzhou army has won successively, and the soldiers will definitely be proud. If they can attack Luofengpo The Jingzhou Army will surely be able to defeat the enemy's vanguard. Even if the enemy is prepared, our army will be able to retreat."

Yan Yan nodded and said: "Luofengpo is indeed a good place to ambush, but General Zhang is ambushing on Luofengpo. Don’t leak the news. Now there are many in Yizhou who secretly support Liu Bei, hoping that Liu Bei can enter Shu. How can the old man make these people easily succeed."

"I will understand how to do it at the end." Zhang Rendao.

That night, Zhang Ren selected 3,000 archers from the army and rushed to Luofengpo quietly.

The terrain of Luofengpo is dangerous. It is summer, and bushes grow on the hillside. As long as the army hides properly, even if the Jingzhou Army sends scouts to investigate, you can never see the enemy's traces. This is also the reason for the complicated terrain in Sichuan. Caused by.

Xu Shu led three thousand soldiers and horses. It is natural to open the way when the mountains are coming. The speed of advancement is not very fast. The scouts in the army are paying close attention to the news on the battlefield. Just as Zhang Ren expected, successive victories. makes the Jingzhou Army a little proud. In their opinion, the Yizhou Army is nothing more than this. Along the way, no trace of the enemy army was found, and even the scouts in the army became slack. .

He said that Xu Shu led the army forward, and when he looked up, he saw that the mountains on both sides had become extremely steep, the trees were mixed, and it was summer, and the branches were luxuriant. Xu Shu Lema asked, "Where is this?"

There were many soldiers of Yizhou Army in the army, and they stepped forward and said, "This place is called Luofengpo."

"Luofengpo?" Xu Shu was suspicious, and suddenly realized that something was wrong, so he could only hurry, but ignored the news in the mountains on both sides, and the surroundings were too quiet, everything gave Xu Shu a strong anxiety.

Zhang Ren has been squinting his eyes on the situation of the army on the road down the mountain. Since he is preparing to give the enemy an ambush, he naturally has to learn a bitter lesson from the enemy. The army of three thousand vanguards cannot completely shoot them. If Liu Bei's strategist in the army shoots, it will definitely have a great impact on the morale of the Jingzhou army.

Under the banner of the Chinese Army, Xu Shu, dressed in scribes, was particularly conspicuous. He pointed out the direction for Zhang Ren, took out the bow and arrow, and Zhang Ren suddenly ordered: "Kill!"

An arrow came towards Xu Shu by surprise. If he was on guard, Xu Shu might be able to dodge this deadly arrow. However, at this time, he was observing the surrounding terrain and he did not expect that there would be an ambush by the enemy. , The arrow pierced into his chest, Xu Shu felt the power in his body slowly fading, he raised his head and glanced at the direction the arrow was shooting from.

The arrows are like locusts, and many arrows come directly in Xu Shu's direction. After a round of arrow rain, Xu Shu has more than 30 arrows on his body, and the horse under him lay down in a pool of blood and wailed. . The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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