Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1314: : Qin Yan saves Zhang Ren

At this moment, Yan Yan's lieutenant entered the city, saying that Yan Yan had already taken refuge in the Jingzhou Army.

After Wu Lan listened to it, he fell into a long period of contemplation. After taking refuge in Liu Bei, although the family will suffer some turmoil, it will be preserved. Moreover, Liu Bei's strength and means are better than Liu Zhang. Can do more, otherwise, Yan Yan's temper will definitely not choose this way.

"You have to rest in the city first, General Rong Ben thinks about one or two." Wu Lan said.

Liu Bei turned to attack Yizhou, which put Yizhou into such an embarrassing situation. It was beyond the expectations of everyone in Yizhou. Who could have imagined that Liu Bei could capture Fucheng and break Mianzhu with only 30,000 soldiers and horses. After this defeat, the city's vitality was greatly injured. The generals in the army talked about the Jingzhou army's discoloration. In this battle, the Yizhou army had already been defeated, and the defeat was very complete.

For a long time, Wu Lan slowly raised her head and stared at the direction of Chengdu City.

Late at night, the Jingzhou Army outside the city was very lively. After Yan Yan's refuge, Zhang Fei was very happy. Although he did not break Luocheng, he was rewarding the army outside the city. As for the Yizhou Army inside the city. It is impossible to choose a surprise attack at this time. After the defeat, the Yizhou Army must be panicked, and there is no fighting capacity at all.

Zhang Fei solemnly introduced the generals of the Jingzhou army to Yan Yan. Zhang Fei is Liu Bei's brother to worship. Seeing that Zhang Fei attaches such importance to Yan Yan, the generals in the army are naturally respectful to Yan Yan. This situation makes Yan Yan. A lot of peace of mind, he took refuge in Liu Bei, is it not an important choice on the road of life.

Zhang Ren listened to the noise of the army in the camp, and the unscrupulous comments of the soldiers outside the camp made his heart feel ashamed, but he did not regret such a choice. Since turning to Liu Zhang, he has not regretted it. The minister died, and the persistence in his heart prevented him from choosing to seek refuge in Liu Bei, even if Liu Bei represented the Han Dynasty at this time, occupying absolute righteousness.

"Listen to the general, until tomorrow, Zhang Ren will be beheaded, and this one is also a famous general in Yizhou." The soldiers outside the camp tent talked loudly, not caring about Zhang Ren in the tent.

"Who said no, our military division died in Zhang Ren's hands. Even if General Zhang is willing to let Zhang Ren go, he will definitely be pulled out and beheaded when the lord arrives outside the city in the future."

"It's a pity that there is a strong general."

"I heard that Yizhou is extremely wealthy. After entering the city, we have to be smart. Maybe we can get more things from the city. At that time, we may be able to taste the delicious Jinjiu at a restaurant in the city."

"You kid is stupid. After breaking the city of Luo, it's not what we say in the city, Jinjiu, you can drink as much as you want." Another soldier laughed.

Several black shadows quietly approached the camp where Zhang Ren was detained at this time. The two soldiers who were discussing fiercely did not realize that the danger was approaching. They raised their swords and fell, and the two soldiers fell softly. The speed was so fast that the soldiers around the camp did not react.

Zhang Ren in the camp is keenly aware that something is wrong. The two soldiers are discussing the excitement. There is absolutely no reason to stop suddenly, but these things are not what he wants to consider. Tomorrow, he may die. .

The rabbits flew up and fell, and several Jingzhou soldiers dressed as soldiers began to kill outside the camp. These soldiers were obviously extremely brave. They had never made a second attempt to kill the soldiers of the Jingzhou army, and they did not alarm those who were singing the praises of the Jingzhou army. Other soldiers.

The flames in the camp reflected a slightly old face.

"Who are you?" Zhang Ren couldn't help asking.

"A certain is Qin Yan under Jin Hou's account." Qin Yan said slowly.

At the beginning, Zhao Yun’s reminder made Lu Bu pay more attention to the battle between Jingzhou Army and Yizhou Army, and Zhang Ren was Zhao Yun’s fellow apprentice brother. With Lu Bu’s mind, naturally he would not let Zhang Ren die so easily. , Qin Yan was not only ordered to investigate the situation of the fighting between the two sides. If they could take action, they would also rescue Zhang Ren from the crisis. If Zhang Fei directly ordered Zhang Ren to be executed in the daytime, even though Qin Yan has greater abilities, and it is also difficult to rescue Zhang Ren from the army.

"Under Jin Hou's account?" Zhang Ren asked in surprise. Lu Bu led his troops to break through Hanzhong and attacked Baishui Pass. He naturally heard about it. In his opinion, with the dangers of Baishui Pass and Jiameng Pass, Lu Bu It is not easy to break through, but the arrival of the Jinhou army has eased the current situation of the Yizhou army to a certain extent.

"A certain was ordered to come here to protect the general's thoroughness, and the general will leave with him, and it will change when he is late." Qin Yan's tone was slightly eager.

Zhang Ren nodded and took refuge in the Jingzhou Army. He couldn’t accept it. If he could leave the Jingzhou Army alive, it would be a blessing. As for whether he left because of such kindness, it would be the future. Issues that need to be considered.

With a wave of the long sword, Zhang Ren's rope was cut away. Zhang Ren was shocked when he saw Qin Yan's move. He looked at Qin Yan with a trace of dread. As a fierce general in Yizhou, Zhang Ren was naturally able to It can be seen that Qin Yan's sword technique is powerful.

After Zhang Ren changed into the clothes of Sergeant Jingzhou, led by Qin Yan, he quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Not long after Zhang Ren left, the soldiers patrolling in the camp discovered that there was something wrong. The six soldiers guarding the camp were already lying in a pool of blood.

"No, there are enemies!" The general exclaimed and ordered the soldiers to break into the camp where Zhang Ren was being held. At this time, there was no sign of Zhang Ren in the camp.

"Quickly inform the general!" The general dare not neglect. Zhang Ren is a well-known general in the Yizhou Army. If he leaves the Jingzhou Army in this way, he has an inescapable responsibility as a general on the night patrol, and he is likely to be responsible for it. And lost his life.

Although the Jingzhou Army is celebrating the merits, it is still relatively tight in defense. After all, there are thousands of enemy troops in the city. Zhang Fei seems rough, but he is extremely careful when leading the troops. This is also Liu Bei let Zhang Fei The reason for leading the army to attack Luocheng.

When Zhang Fei learned about Zhang Ren, his expression changed slightly, and the wine cup he raised slowly went down. The current situation is extremely beneficial to the Jingzhou army. All this is based on the fact that there is no general guarding in the city, if it is in the Jingzhou army. With the internal response of the Yizhou Army, and then letting Zhang Ren go, the situation will be greatly changed, and it will also affect the Jingzhou Army's attack on Luocheng.

"General, what happened?" Yan Yan asked in a low voice when Zhang Fei looked wrong. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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