Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1320: : Meng Da died

"General Qin, it's not that this general is unwilling to take refuge in Jin Hou, but that after Fazheng came to Jiameng Pass, this general is not alone in the pass. General Qin must also understand that Liu Bei doesn't trust this general, otherwise. I won’t order Cao Bao to garrison the sword pavilion.” Meng Da’s face was bitter. He thought he would get more things after he took refuge in Liu Bei. Unexpectedly, even Ma Chao, who later took refuge in Liu Bei, became General Pingxi, and he was still Jia Mengguan. The defender can be said to be standing still, of course, this also has a lot to do with the army led by Lu Bu who is attacking Jiameng Pass.

"It seems that General Meng regrets the original choice." Qin Tian sneered.

Meng Da remained silent, and his heart could not be calm. Fazheng also received a prominent official position. Now his position is a bit embarrassing. What a military commander fears most is not the life and death on the battlefield, but the monarch’s distrust. Once Liu Bei loses trust in him, it means that his official position will not get much promotion in the future.

"Unfortunately, at the time General Meng didn’t know the current affairs, what a man Jin Hou was, and he kept his promise. Since he promised to make General Meng the prefect of Guanghan, he would naturally come true. , Is also extremely rare, showing Jin Hou's appreciation of the general." Qin Tian sighed and shook his head.

"If this general is willing to take refuge in Jin Hou, I don't know if General Qin will let him go?" Meng Da's right hand was quietly placed on the saber around his waist. This is in his room. It’s Qin Tian’s people. As long as he can fight against Qin Tian for a while and his soldiers arrive, Qin Tian definitely has no reason to escape. If he can kill the sharp sword hanging over many families in Yizhou, he will get it. Will be more.

Who said Yizhou? On the surface, it was Liu Zhang who was in charge of Yizhou at the beginning. In fact, Liu Zhang had to obey the family's intentions many times, otherwise Yizhou would not be stable if the family united against Liu Zhang. Just like Liu Zhang opened the city gate to welcome Liu Bei to enter the city, it was not that Liu Zhang was unwilling to resist to the end, but he understood that once the battle in Chengdu really started, many families would secretly choose Liu Bei. After the speech, Yizhou officials' reaction can be seen one or two.

"It's a pity that it's too late. The commander came here this time using the head of General Meng's head." Qin Tian suddenly stood up and said, Meng Da's small movements in the dark naturally did not hide his eyes.

Meng Da suddenly shouted: "There is an assassin." Then he drew his sword and greeted Qin Tian.

The two swords crossed, Meng Da only felt the long sword in his hand leaning outwards, and then Qin Tian's long sword was infinitely enlarged in his eyes, and it landed on his neck. After a chill, the power in his body was Slowly losing, at this time his heart was full of unwillingness. He betrayed Liu Zhang and took refuge in Liu Bei, just to get more in the future, but he did not expect that he died in Jiameng Pass. He still has a lot of things that he hasn't had time to do. Completed, there are still high official positions waiting for him.

Hoarse voices kept coming, but Qin Tian didn't show any mercy in his expression. He had already given Meng Da a chance at the beginning, but Meng Da was wise to think that he could not get close again, but he died like this. I have to admit it. Meng Da is indeed a rare general, but Qin Tian no longer trusts Meng Da.

With Qin Tian's resourcefulness, it is natural to see that if Meng Da sincerely chooses to seek refuge in Lu Bu, his future role on the battlefield will definitely be immense. At that moment, he really chose to agree to Meng Da's idea.

With a stroke of the long sword, Qin Tian quickly left Meng Da's room.

Meng Da's loud shout alarmed many of the guards. Several guards rushed in, but they saw a dark shadow flashing in Meng Da's room, and then moved towards the outside at a very fast speed.

"Assassin," a guard shouted.

Soldiers all around stepped forward after being reminded, but Qin Tian relied on exquisite physical skills to shuttle among the soldiers. After a while, he disappeared into the place where the people lived. Jiameng Pass was an important checkpoint in Yizhou. Among them, there are many people’s lives, and the people’s home is the key to Qin Tian’s escape. As long as he is among the people, there is no need to worry about threats from the defenders. Besides, Meng Da is dead. After the defenders in the pass get the news. , Will definitely panic.

"Tell the lord, this commander has succeeded." After Qin Tian whispered a word, he disappeared into the darkness.

After the two guards broke into Mengda’s room, they saw Mengda lying in a pool of blood. One of the guards looked at everything in front of them in horror. Mengda, who was still living in front of them before, blinked. There was no life between them. From the corpse on the ground, they could judge that this person was Meng Da, the guard of Jia Mengguan.

The guard said with a pale face: "The general was assassinated."

"Hurry up and tell the Fa master about this." The guard leader rushed over to see everything in the room and hurriedly ordered.

Meng Da is also a greedy person. Although he lives close to the army, he is not in the army, mainly in the house in the Guan. Living in this house is much more comfortable than in the army. At that time, he was also able to vent the depression in his heart. This was also the reason why Qin Tian left Mengda's room so arrogantly after his assassination.

After the military power in his hand was restrained by Fazheng, Meng Da must have been dissatisfied, but because of Liu Bei's current prestige in Yizhou, Meng Da temporarily endured it.

At the appointed time, Qin Yan slowly approached Fazheng’s residence. Unlike Meng Da, although Fazheng was a civilian, he lived in the Chinese Army. It is conceivable that the defense of a large army of the Chinese Army is tight. It is even more difficult to assassinate Fazheng in the army.

Qin Yan’s mission on this trip is to kill Fazheng. For many years in the Black Ice Platform, Qin Yan looks a little old in the eyes of outsiders, but his ability is beyond doubt. If you ignore it, you will be unlucky.

At this time, Fazheng did not sleep. Lu Bu led the army to attack Jia Mengguan continuously, which made him feel frightened, especially from the enemy's Thunderbolt. Although his contact with Liu Bei was short, it still had a great impact on Liu Bei’s strength. With a certain understanding, he is certain that there are no such powerful Perak cars in the Jingzhou Army. The biggest advantage Yizhou occupies is the terrain. Just like the Perak cars in the Chang'an Army, after being weakened by the height of the pass, it can be lifted. The effect is not great.

After changing his armor, Qin Yan slowly approached the Great Tent of the Chinese Army where Meng Da was located. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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