Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1327: : Yuan Benchu ​​plans Jizhou (Part 2)

Chapter 1328: Guo Tu persuades Gao Feng

Different from the previous conscription, the conscription of the Jizhou Army at this time is entirely voluntary, which greatly affects the training of soldiers. Wanting to join the army is very different from being forced into the army, especially I heard that Lv Bu led the newly formed army of Chang'an to put down Ma Chao in Liangzhou, and it made Gao Lan feel eager to try.

Regarding the ability to lead soldiers in battle, Gao Lan asked himself that he was not weaker than others. The reason why he was defeated in the hands of Lu Bu was because the soldiers were not sharp enough. Now the Jizhou army is Gao Lan who stands out from the many generals. capital.

As soon as he got home, he heard the news of guests coming. Gao Lan was amazed. Since turning to Lu Bu, he seldom interacted with aristocratic families in the city. Besides, he was a general in the army, even when Yuan Shao was in Jizhou. There is no interest entanglement between aristocratic families. Military commanders are different from civilian officials. Most of the civilian officials come from aristocratic families. They have a certain degree of contempt for military commanders. Even if Zhang Xi had a not weak position in the Jizhou army, he was not immune.

"Let this person come." Gao Lan said lightly.

After Guo Tu entered the room, he saw Gao Lan standing upright. From the aura radiating from him, Guo Tu felt self-confidence.

"General Gao is now a fierce general under Jin Hou's command." Guo Tu arched his hands.

After taking a look at the visitors, Gao Lan's expression changed drastically. Guo Tu is now an important counselor under Yuan Shao's command. At this time, he went to Yecheng and he was a bit intriguing. He had taken refuge from Yuan Shao's command to Lu Bu's account. Knowing that he had contact with Yuan Shao's counsellors, there would be no good results.

"It turned out to be Lord Guo. Could it be that Lord Guo came here to seek refuge in Jinhou? If this is the case, this general asks himself that there are some thin noodles in Yecheng, and he can recommend Lord Guo one or two." Gao Lan said.

Guo Tu smiled and said: "The Ming people do not speak secretly, and now Jinhou is leading the army to attack Yizhou. If the general is willing to take refuge in Yehou, Yehou will not only forget the past, but after he breaks Jizhou, he will also make the general the number one in the army. Mighty general, in charge of the army, I don't know what General Gao wants?"

"It turns out that Lord Guo came here to persuade the next, and this disappointed Lord Guo. This general will definitely not betray the Jinhou." Gao Lan said firmly.

"Yehou has the favor of General Gao, but the general has taken refuge in Lu Bu, don't you feel guilty? And the general is in charge of a soldier in the city, it looks like a beautiful scenery, can the general guarantee that Lu Bu surrenders to you like this? Do you trust the generals?" Guo Tu said.

Gao Lan snorted coldly: "This general has his own conclusion. When the general tried his best to resist the army of the Marquis of Jin, he has done his best to Yuan Shao. In the past, this general will not embarrass Mr. Guo. I also ask Master Guo to leave as soon as possible."

Guo Tu’s complexion changed constantly. He originally thought that persuading Gao Lan was a sure thing. He didn’t expect Gao Lan to stand so firmly on Lu Bu’s side. This situation was something he did not expect, in his opinion. Gao Lan was only a mere commander in the army, with only a few thousand soldiers and horses in his hand, and he was not among the generals awarded by Lu Bu. He definitely had opinions on Lu Bu.

"I also hope that General Gao can think about it, or else the Yehou army will come and it will be too late to regret." After Guo Tu finished speaking, seeing Gao Lan unmoved, he secretly sighed and left.

Seeing Guo Tu's leaving figure, Gao Lan narrowed his eyes slightly, and took refuge in Lu Bu under Yuan Shao's account. It was already a betrayal. If he switched from Lu Bu's account to Yuan Shao, how would the heroes of the world think about it? , And under Lu Bu's command, he felt the hope of continuous progress, which is the greatest opportunity for talented generals.

How many capable generals can only stand still for this reason. This kind of thing is not uncommon under Yuan Shao's command. However, after seeing the system of the Bingzhou Army, any general with a little bit of mind can see that it is under this system. , How enthusiastic the soldiers in the army will be for the monarch.

Gao Lan is a leader, if he is to take refuge in Yuan Shao, I am afraid that less than half of his soldiers will follow him.

Not only Gao Lan, Guo Tu suffered a lot of setbacks among the generals of the Jizhou army who had taken refuge in Lu Bu, but the refuge of the Yu family made Guo Tu a little better.

After leaving Jizhou, Guo Tu’s mood couldn’t be calm. Lu Bu had been in charge of Jizhou for only a year, but he had controlled Jizhou’s army to such a great degree. This was something he had never imagined. From Gao Lan’s words, Guo Tu could feel To Gaolan's trust in Lu Bu.

In June, the weather was getting hotter, but it was a disaster for ordinary people in Qinghe County. The Qingzhou Army stationed in the plains moved. Although there were thousands of defenders in Lingxian City, they faced 60,000. The Qingzhou Army's fate can be imagined.

Yuan Shao obeyed the plans of Fengji and the trial and others, leaving 10,000 people to attack Lingxian, and ordered Ju Yi to lead a five thousand army to As long as Ganling was captured, it would mean Qinghe County returned to his hands.

In the city of Ganling, Cheng Lian received urgent news from Lingxian, and his expression changed drastically. Since Yuan Shao's army stationed in the plain, he has been closely watching the movement of the plain. Even if it is Lingxian asking for help, it is impossible for him at this time. Send an army to rescue.

"Quick horse informed the prefecture and animal husbandry that Yuan Shao led an army to attack Lingxian County." Cheng Lian ordered.

Ju Yi led the five thousand troops out at night, taking the road that ordinary troops would not take, in order to avoid the enemy's scouts, so as to achieve unexpected results. Although there are only five thousand troops in Ganling City, Qinghe County The distance from Yecheng City is not very far. As long as Yecheng's army arrives, it can affect the outcome of this war. What Yuan Shao needs is to take Qinghe County by surprise, which will make Jizhou turbulent and let the family in the city face his own side. I had to think more when I was in the army.

News on the battlefield continued to reach his hands, but Cheng Lian's mood was a bit solemn. Although the defenders of Lingxian County were stubbornly guarding, with thousands of people, it was difficult to stop the tens of thousands of troops.

It was late at night, and there was silence outside the city of Ganling. After Ju Yi ordered the dead soldier to search outside the city, he lurked in the west of the city. He was waiting for news from the city.

At the time of the third watch, there was a sudden call to kill from the gate of the city, and Ju Yi's spirit was shocked, and immediately ordered the first to die to move closer to the west of the city.

The Yang family’s secretly accumulating strength in Qinghe can be described as the number of private soldiers trained in secret has reached 500. This is a force that can affect Qinghe. In addition, there is no news that enemy troops will go to Ganling. Although the defense in the city is tight. However, Cheng Lian ignored these seemingly very cooperative families. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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