Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1335: :joint

Cao Cao's eyes tightened, and he was not surprised that Lu Bu's counselor had seen through his thoughts. If Lu Bu's counselor didn't even have this vision, it would be strange.

"However, since the Jin Marquis chose to form an alliance with Shanyanghou, the two sides would not attack each other until the agreement was lifted. In fact, among the princes, only Shanyanghou was really respected by the Jinhou, and the rest should not be worried. "Li Su said.

After hearing this, Cao Cao was quite helpful, his eyes narrowed slightly, apparently agreeing with Lu Bu's statement.

"Jin Hou learned that Shanyang Hou lacked war horses, but he was willing to sell some war horses to Shanyang Hou." Li Sudao, and state secrets, it is impossible for Cao Cao to get things, but there is no shortage of war horses in Bingzhou. With the support of the Xianbei, Wuhuan and Huns, Lü Bu made it easier to obtain war horses, and the profits that can be obtained by relying on war horses are also enormous.

"Sell the warhorses? Humph, don't you still think about getting benefits from us. In this way, Jin Hou can get a lot of benefits from the alliance, Jin Hou is a good calculation." Xun Yu coldly snorted.

Li Su smiled and said, "The horses mentioned below are naturally different from those sold to merchants."

"Could it be the horses of the Jin Hou's cavalry?" Cao Cao's eyes flashed. The reason why Lu Bu was strong is because of the cavalry. Although he has sold a lot of horses from Lu Bu's hands over the years, these horses are the same as those of Lu Bu's cavalry. Compared with the quality of the horse, there is still a big gap. Any defect on the battlefield may lead to a failure.

"Although it is not, it is not far away." Li Su said, he believed that Cao Cao could hardly refuse the temptation of war horses, and the same thing was applied to other princes.

"Ben Hou needs a weapon made by Hundred Steelmaking. I don't know what Jin Hou wants?" Cao Cao said that the weapon forged by Hundred Steelmaking would be of great help to Cao Jun at this time.

Li Su pondered for a long time and said: "Hou Shanyang also knows that it is extremely difficult to build a hundred steel weapons.

Seeing Li Sukan talking, Cao Cao had the urge to choke Li Su to death. Among the camps, wolves, flying horses, and blazing sun archers, the blades used by ordinary soldiers were all forged from 100 steel. However, it became like this in Li Su's mouth. If Li Su didn't understand the situation in the army, it would definitely be impossible.

"However, if Shanyang Marquis needs it, Jin Marquis will definitely not refuse, provided that the two sides become allies that do not attack each other." Li Sudao.

After weighing it up, Cao Cao agreed. He needed to form an alliance with Lu Bu. The two sides didn't want the other to attack from behind when the war started, just like when Lu Bu attacked Yizhou, Yuan Shao attacked Jizhou.

After some bargaining, the price of a good horse was finally set at 7,000 yuan a horse, while a normal horse was 4,000 yuan a horse. Of course, the horse that Lu Bu currently controls, a little selection is a good horse for the princes.

The swords of Hundred Steel are priced according to their weight. The price of the ring-head knives used by ordinary soldiers is about 3,000 yuan. As for the long knives and spears used by generals, the price is much more expensive.

It is not that Cao Cao has no weapons made by hundred steel-making, but the cost of craftsmen to make hundred steel-making is too high, and more often by luck, general generals do not have one hundred steel-making weapons. At this point, Cao Cao can’t I don't admire the skill of the craftsmen under Lu Bu's rule. Although the price of 3,000 yuan is expensive, it can be equipped in the army, which is of great help to the improvement of the combat effectiveness of the soldiers.

"The Marquis of Jin deliberately told me to show his sincerity. Jin Marquis was willing to donate fifty weapons made of 100 steel." Li Su said.

Cao Cao smiled slightly, and the value of fifty weapons reached 150,000 yuan, which also showed Lu Bu's attitude.

The messenger rested in the city for a few days. Although Yanzhou was not as good as Jinyang and Chang'an today, it was not bad.

"Thank you Shanyanghou for his good intentions, Jinhou is still waiting for a reply from the next, and now the fighting in Jizhou is urgent, presumably Shanyanghou has also heard of it." Li Su declined.

"In this way, Ben Hou will not reluctantly." Cao Cao said with a smile.

After getting the promise of Cao Cao, Lu Bu was more relieved to mobilize his troops, but it was necessary for the 20,000 troops to stay in Chang'an. The heart of defense was indispensable, and Cao Cao was not a good man and a believer.

The turmoil in Jizhou is far from stopping. Yuan Shao led a fifty thousand army stationed in Qinghe, and he was able to attack the heart of Jizhou, from Ganling to Yecheng, but the distance of three days, at the speed of cavalry, it does not take a day. Upon arrival, there are naturally many families in the city who have a supportive attitude towards Yuan Shaochi.

When Lu Bu entered Jizhou, they realized what a happy thing it was under Yuan Shao's rule. The family had a deep understanding of this.

Jizhou was turbulent, and Yuan Shao was secretly preparing for He needed the support of the Yecheng family, otherwise he would only want to break through the city of Yecheng guarded by an army of 30,000 with the help of 50,000 troops. Impossible things, the reason why Lu Bu was able to break Yecheng in the first place was also under the support of Xu You and Zhang Yun.

Of course, after passing through the Qinghe County and Bohai County, Gu Yong definitely had a deeper guard against the aristocratic family. They used this method to capture Jizhou. Naturally, they didn't want to lose in this way, and Lu Bu had always had a great deal with the aristocratic family. Deep fear.

Half of the flying eagle soldiers were in Yecheng, secretly inquiring about the movements of the family. There is still a big gap in the control of Jizhou intelligence than that of Bingzhou, and the family is extremely cautious and wants to find their handle. not easy.

Yuan Shao had a slight sense of anxiety, especially after Lv Bu withdrew from Yizhou, this sense of anxiety deepened. What he is certain is that Lv Bu will not sit back and watch him lead troops to attack Jizhou, the most critical person at this time. It was Cao Cao's attitude. If Cao Cao supported him with all his strength, the possibility of seizing Jizhou would be much higher. Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult.

The frequent mobilization of Lu Bu's army made Yuan Shao have to speed up the process.

"Yuantu, how is the contact with the aristocratic families in Yecheng now?" Yuan Shao asked. After the matter was not settled, he had no plans to lead his troops to Yecheng.

Feng Ji said: "Lord, now the city of Ye is raging, Gu Yong is very strict about the family's defenses, and a little bit of trouble may attract soldiers. Now there are two small families in the city and unfortunately because of this, but there are already four in Yecheng. Willing to help the lord seize Yecheng, if the four companies operate properly, it is very likely to succeed."

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