Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1341: : Sword goes slant

"During this time, Lao Zhaoji will pay attention to Jizhou's aristocratic family again." Lu Bu said.

"The concubine is obedient." Cai Yan Yingying bowed.

In the prefecture, important officials and generals in the army gathered in Jizhou.

"Jizhou, because of the arrival of Yuan Shao's troops, has fallen into turmoil. You don't need to say anything more. You must also understand the situation of the city captured by Yuan Shao. These aristocratic families only temporarily got what they wanted." Lu Budao .

Xin Ping's heart shuddered. Lu Bu's words showed a strong killing intent. He could understand Lu Bu's feelings. Even if these things were put on anyone, it would not be good. It would bring down the family's rebellion, and even make Ye The city is precarious. If Zhang Liao and Pound had not defeated the army led by Chun Yuqiong on the battlefield, Yecheng would have been another scene at this time.

Seeing Lu Bu turning his gaze to him, Guo Jia coughed lightly: "Now our army has 80,000 soldiers and horses, including 11,000 cavalry and 69,000 infantrymen. When attacking Yuan Shao, remove the five remaining guards in the city. In addition to the thousands of troops, there are more than 74,000 troops that can be used on the battlefield. Yuan Shao's command is only 50,000 people. Although the enemy is at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, it has the advantage of a city."

Many generals in the field showed pride on their faces. Since Lu Bu played, he has basically won more battles with fewer wins, and now they have finally gained an advantage in numbers.

"Although the combat power of the Qingzhou Army is not worth mentioning, you still need to be cautious. Yuan Shao has no shortage of resourceful people under his command." Guo Jiadao.

"General Cheng Lian died in the battle of Ganling City. If this revenge is not reported, how to let the soldiers who died on the battlefield rest in peace, and the people of Qinghe and Weijun three cities were plundered by the enemy, it is even more difficult for the people to live."

"Huang Zhong and Zhang Yun, you two led the Lieyang archer, Zhang Yun as the lieutenant, and went to the plain." Lu Bu ordered.

"Here." The two said in unison.

"Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao are the vanguards of the army, leading the wolf rider and two thousand foot soldiers." Lu Bu said.

After the orders were conveyed, the army that had only stayed in Yecheng for a day moved, and their target seemed to be the Qingzhou army in Qinghe County.

After everyone left, Lu Bu looked at Guo Jiadao: "Fengxiao, now Ben Hou has already formed an alliance with Cao Cao and will not attack each other. What Ben Hou wants is to defeat Yuan Shao as quickly as possible, take Qingzhou, let Yuan Shao never had a foothold."

Guo Jiadao: "The lord personally led the troops on the expedition. It is natural to defeat Yuan Shao. However, the Qingzhou Army under Yuan Shao has 50,000 people. If he defends from the city, I am afraid it will be a huge problem."

Lu Bu smiled and said, "Can't we still solve these problems with Feng Xiao's resourcefulness?"

Guo Jia was silent for a long time and said: "Master, the subordinate's strategy may be somewhat slanted, but it can destroy the fighting spirit of the Qingzhou Army at the fastest speed."

"Oh, what's the strategy, tell me in detail." Lu Bu's eyes lit up.

Guo Jia pointed to the topographic map of Qingzhou in front of him and said: "Master, Yuan Shao is relying on Qingzhou. If Qingzhou is wrong, the Qingzhou army will inevitably shake the heart. It’s difficult to transport the grain and grass, and our army only needs to send a general to fight Linzi. If Linzi is to be attacked, the Qingzhou army will be defeated if there is no fighting capacity at all."

Lv Bu nodded slightly and said: "Our army is strong, even if it is divided, it is not comparable to the Qingzhou army. If the Hou goes to Qingzhou, I don't know how Fengxiao would think?"

Guo Jia frowned, and he knew very well about Lu Bu's character. Since Lu Bu said this, it showed that he would definitely do it. Asking for his own opinions was just asking himself to come up with some strategies.

"If the lord goes to fight in Qingzhou, there will be no problem, but after the lord leaves, there is no general in the army." Guo Jia tried to make the last effort.

Lü Bu laughed and said, "Fengxiao and Zilong lead the army, that's enough."

"Lord, now General Huang Zhong is leading the Lieyang archer to the plains. It is possible for General Huang Zhong to follow the lord." Guo Jiadao.

Lu Bu shook his head and said: "No need to be like this. The guards under the commander are sufficient. Yuan Shao attacked Jizhou, and the forces remaining in Qingzhou will certainly not be much. This time, Benhou led 20,000 soldiers and horses to Qingzhou. Filial piety."

"Here." Guo Jia arched his hands.

"The lord, in the opinion of his subordinates, might as well wait until the army arrives in Qinghe, the lord will lead the army to leave quietly." Guo Jiadao.

After Lv Bu pondered for a while, he understood Guo Jia’s intentions. Once his troops arrived in Qinghe County, Yuan Shao would dare not make any changes. By then, if he learned that he led the troops to Qingzhou, Yuan Shao would be very crazy. , And then a decisive battle with his own army, Cao Cao has an extremely powerful Qingzhou army, which does not mean that Yuan Shao's army also has it.

When the same army is in the hands of different people, it is possible to exert different combat news that the army led by Lu Bu is coming to Qinghe County has made some people in the Qingzhou army panic, especially in the Wei Chun Yuqiong's defeat on the county battlefield dealt a great blow to the Qingzhou Army. Now when the soldiers in the army talk about the enemy, the first thing they think about is the strength of the enemy cavalry.

Zhao Yun led the cavalry to Ganling and ordered the soldiers to camp ten miles away from the city.

Zhang Liao said: "General Zhao, since our army has arrived outside the city, there is no reason why we can't go forward, and I am willing to take two thousand wolf riders out of the city to inquire about the news."

Zhao Yun smiled and said, "With the bravery of General Zhang, he will definitely be able to win the battle."

Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun are both one of the five tiger generals under Lu Bu's command. Zhao Yun's attitude towards Zhang Liao is also extremely polite. Zhang Liao was the first general who followed Lu Bu, and he made great achievements in the army.

"So there will be General Lao Zhao guarding the camp." Zhang Liao laughed.

Two thousand wolves rode towards the city of Ganling. Zhao Yunyao looked at Ganling's direction and said coldly: "Yuan Shao, this time is the time for you to die without a burial."

Two thousand wolves appeared outside the city of Ganling, which caused quite a stir among the defenders. Although there are 5,000 cavalry in the city today, the cavalry outside the city is extremely terrifying, and even the horses under them are armored. Parcel, once these cavalry charge up, it will be terrifying.

"The enemy general Zhang Liao is fighting outside the city." A general dismounted and walked into the Chinese army's big tent shouted.

Yuan Shao frowned. In terms of fierce generals, there was a big gap between him and Lu Bu at this time, and the five tigers under Lu Bu's command would be even more frightening.

"Lord, now that the enemy is strong, he can avoid its edge and avoid the battle card to arrogate the enemy." Guo Tu said. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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