Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1343: : Wolf Cavalry vs. Xianden Death Warrior

Although Lu Kuang’s martial arts is a bit more brave than Lu Xiang, how could he be Zhang Liao’s opponent. After the trio, Zhang Liao has a certain understanding of Lu Kuang’s martial arts. The spear that Kuang stabbed, grabbed Lu Kuang, returned to the formation, threw Lu Kuang to the ground, and shouted: "Tie this person!"

The two wolves rolled over and got off their horses, and at the fastest speed they tied Lu Kuang, who had fallen from a fatal injury, to a firm.

The cavalry of the Qingzhou Army that came with them was messy again. Two generals in succession, one was beheaded and the other was captured. On the battlefield, there was a huge difference between beheading and capturing, and capturing a general could even test the martial arts of a general.

Many cavalrymen of the Qingzhou Army looked at Zhang Liao with fear. Now, in the Qingzhou Army, there is a lack of people who can support them at the level of fierce generals. The appearance of Zhang Liao naturally shocked them.

The news that Lu Kuang was captured alive soon reached the Central Army's Great Account. Yuan Shao was moved. Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang, who are not weak generals in the army, were so soon defeated by Zhang Liao.

"Master, General Yan Liang was once defeated by Zhang Liao in Jingzhou." Feng Ji reminded.

"I don't want Zhang Liao to be so brave, but I sigh that there is no fierce general under his command, otherwise, how can Zhang Liao dare to be so arrogant." Yuan Shao sighed, this sigh is absolutely from the heart, the lack of fierce generals will be greatly affected on the battlefield. Big impact.

When the generals in the tent heard the words, their faces were ashamed, and the generals were dissatisfied with each other. That's why Wu Wu said second. Now Zhang Liao is fighting outside the city, but no one dared to challenge. The weakness of the generals in the army.

"Lord, the final general is willing to fight to defeat the enemy." Ju Yi clasped his fist.

Yuan Shao was silent for a moment: "General Ju Yi, the wolf cavalry is a heavy cavalry, and the strength is tyrannical. If you can't do anything, you can withdraw to the city."

Ju Yi clearly felt the helplessness in Yuan Shao’s tone, which irritated him even more. Since he went out of the war, he has been the main force in the Jizhou army. Will work hard for Yuan Shao.

"Don't worry, you will surely defeat the enemy at the end." Ju Yi clasped his fists and left, his sonorous voice constantly echoing in the camp.

The gate that had been closed shortly opened again, and appeared in the sight of the wolf rider as a pawn.

Zhang Liao's eyes narrowed slightly, and from the body of this infantry, he felt a strong threat, as if facing a trapped camp. Although it was an infantry, it was an existence that could defeat the cavalry.

"Xiandeng dead soldier?" Zhang Liao said in surprise: "This general came to fight, but Yuan Shaoweng never expected that Xiandeng dead soldier would be dispatched."

"I don't know if there is a strongman among the dead Xiandeng who is preparing to fight this general. But this general has heard of the name of the dead Xiandeng for a long time." Zhang Liao stepped forward and said slowly.

Ju Yi's complexion flushed, and he coldly snorted: "The fighting in front of the battle is not the work of a wise man."

"Oh, so it seems that your Excellency wants to fight with this general? In that case, this general is going to learn how to get the dead first." Zhang Liao said with a smile.

Zhang Liao had naturally heard of the name of Xiandeng Dead, and even had a deep understanding of Xiandeng Dead. This team is roughly equivalent to the trapped camp, and even has the same location in terms of combat methods. It is undeniable that The Xianden dead soldiers are the army standing at the top of the vassal army, able to fight the cavalry with infantry, which is enough to make them proud.

At this time, the wolf cavalry existed to deal with the Xian Deng dead soldiers. The Xian Deng dead men shot and killed the enemy with defensive power and crossbow arrows, while the wolf cavalry relied on powerful impact to defeat the enemy, even if it was first. Deng Shishi was wrapped tightly, and he also had the confidence to tear the enemy's formation with a wolf cavalry.

"Thousands of people come forward, this general must take a good look." Zhang Liao's words were full of confidence.

The two thousand wolf knights were all eager to try, but they only played a thousand people, and the remaining cavalry naturally looked a little dissatisfied. They were invincible wolf knights, but they were selected because they were leaning back in the formation. How can they be satisfied.

Thousands of wolves followed Zhang Liao's order and launched a charge towards the Xiandeng dead soldier. Rumbled horses galloped forward, and the cavalry also wore armor, making the charge even more shocking.

Ju Yi glanced at the approaching wolf ride with a solemn expression, and shouted, "Fall arrows!"

Originally, the Xianden Death Warrior, who had great damage to the cavalry within a hundred paces, only sparked the starting point on the enemy's armor. This was a cavalry armed to the face.

After enduring two rounds of arrow rain, the wolf rider approached the dead man Xianden, and the scimitar in the wolf rider's hand was raised flat. This is their usual move when dealing with pawns. With the speed of the horse and the power of the scimitar, it is enough. Kill the enemy with a knife.

Two teams that attached great importance to defense collided.

The huge shield among the dead soldiers in Xianden caused a lot of trouble to the wolf rider. One of the wolf riders was unable to stabilize his figure after the collision. However, the collision force of the heavy cavalry is fully reflected at this moment. Even if it is the first to climb the dead, there are still the weak and the strong. A famous first climber with a shield The dead soldier was knocked out of the formation, and then greeted by the wolf rider's hack and slash.

The battle between the two sides fell into a stalemate for a while, but the wolf ride with the superiority of the war horse caused a great deterrent to the first ascending the dead on such a battlefield. The first ascending the dead was very defensive, but faced the collision of the horse. , Their fate can be imagined, and the cavalry on the horses, as long as they work hard to stabilize their bodies, there will be no worry about their lives.

"Cut the horse's legs!" Ju Yi shouted.

The Xiandeng Death Warrior is indeed an elite, facing the charge of the wolf ride, although he tried his best to support it, he still did not show any cowardice.

Following Ju Yi’s order, several wolves fell from the horses. Even if they were to protect the horses, it was impossible to wear their legs with armor. However, when the horses charge, it is very difficult to strike the horse's legs. Difficult things, and the vanguard slain in front, after paying the price of his life to slow down the speed of the wolf rider, he gave the other soldiers a chance.

Infantry vs. cavalry, but it gives people a tragic feeling.

Zhang Liao let out a cold snort, spotted where Ju Yi was, and led the cavalry forward. No matter how terrifying the enemy's defense was, he was still a pawn. Although the wolf cavalry was damaged in the battle, he died. More are the first to die.

Neither Zhang Liao nor Ju Yi would choose to retreat at this time. This is a battle of honor. What Ju Yi represents is Yuan Shao’s most elite footman. The world-famous Baima Yicong was defeated by them. , And the wolf cavalry represents the strongest force of Lu Bu's cavalry. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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