Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1346: : Cruelty

"Okay, the general sees the move." Lu Kuang shouted and charged up.

Dian Wei did not move, but observed Lu Kuang, fighting with his bare hands. Dian Wei had a profound experience. Seeing Lu Kuang's shot, Dian Wei secretly shook his head.

Seeing Dian Wei standing still, Lu Kuang was even more angry, adding some strength to his fist.

But seeing Dianwei dodge his fist and dodge Lu Kuang's fist, he made a lightning strike, squeezing Lu Kuang's arm, and taking a step forward with his right foot. With a low shout, Lu Kuang was directly lifted by Dian Wei.

Leaving the ground, even if Lu Kuang had a good skill, it was difficult to display it, and he could only struggle constantly in the air.

"General Dian is mighty!" the soldiers all around shouted in unison.

Dianwei threw Lu Kuang forward, arousing dust and smoke, and then casually clapped his hands and said, "What kind of generals under Yuan Shao's command, but in this case, the blame has to be captured by Wen Yuan until Wuhe."

Lu Kuang got up from the ground and looked at Dian Wei with fear, but out of pride he retorted: "This general hasn't eaten enough in the past few days, otherwise it would be the case."

Dianwei snorted coldly: "I don't have enough strength to dare to be so presumptuous in front of this commander. In this way, this commander can only use one hand and one foot. If you can survive the Wuhe, how about letting you go?"

"A word is settled!" A sharp expression flashed in Lu Kuang's eyes, he shouted, and slayed towards Dian Wei. With the support of being able to survive, he exploded with a more powerful combat power than before.

However, the result was as early as expected by the soldiers and soldiers around him, and Lu Kuang directly flew for Dian Wei and crashed to the ground.

Lu Kuang understood the gap between himself and Dian Wei. Looking at the other's expression, it was obvious that he was deliberately embarrassing himself, but in the face of such a strong person, Lu Kuang had nothing to say.

"Dare to ask the general's name?" Lu Kuang clasped his fist.

Dianwei said lightly: "This commander is General Dianwei under the account of the Marquis of Jin."

Lu Kuang's eyes tightened. He had naturally heard of Dianwei's name, and he clasped his fist and said, "It turned out to be the leader of Dian." For the strong, even different camps should have enough awe.

"Let's go, follow this commander to see the lord." Dian Wei said.

After hearing the news from the guards, Lu Bu smiled and shook his head.

After Lu Kuang walked into the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, he felt curious gazes around him, including some jokes.

"Master, this person is General Lu Kuang under Yuan Shao's command." Dian Wei shouted in a deep voice.

Looking at Lu Kuang with blood stains on his face, Dianwei shouted, "I saw Jin Hou, why not salute."

Lu Kuang shook his body and hurriedly saluted: "Meet Jinhou."

Lv Bu nodded slightly. It seems that only Dianwei has already taken up Lu Kuang's obedience. Lu Kuang is a general under Yuan Shao, and he has followed Yuan Tan before. He must have a deep understanding of the situation in Qingzhou. If you can use it for yourself, it will play a huge role in the battlefield of Qingzhou.

"Benhou asks you, would you like to surrender?" Lu Bu said solemnly.

Lu Kuang's expression kept changing. When he was just captured alive, he definitely refused. However, after experiencing hunger and Dianwei's toughness, he had more thoughts and concerns.

"The lord's question, why don't you answer?" Dian Wei stepped forward.

"I will see the lord at the end." Lu Kuang chose to surrender.

Lu Bu nodded and said, "Take General Lu Kuang down without neglect."

"Here." After the two soldiers stepped forward to salute, they led Lu Kuang down.

"This time, General Dian is indispensable for being able to subdue Lu Kuang." Lu Bu said with a smile.

Dian Wei showed embarrassment. He just wanted to see Lu Kuang's martial arts on a whim. Who knew that Lu Kuang was so incompetent.

The next day, Lu Bu led an army of 20,000 to the outside of Ganling City.

Compared with the previous two thousand wolf riders, the 20,000 army has a different concept. Only the visual impact caused the defenders on the city to talk a lot. The timid soldiers trembled with scared hands. Qingzhou Although the speed of expanding soldiers is very fast, the soldiers have great shortcomings in training. Most of them have not experienced cruel wars. Most of their knowledge on the battlefield comes from the discussions of veterans in the army.

"This is the most elite Bingzhou Army under the Jin Hou's account." A school lieutenant whispered.

"Bingzhou Army?" After listening to the surrounding soldiers, their expressions became more solemn. If Lu Bu's forces are the most powerful, it is the Bingzhou Army.

After the 20,000 combined state army opened its battle outside the city, apart from the occasional neighing of the horses, the entire army appeared exceptionally silent, but no one dared to ignore the energy contained in this silent army.

In the front of the battle, Lü Bu slowly stepped forward, followed by important generals in the army. Zhang Liao, Dianwei, Zhao Yun, Zhang Yun, Zhang Yan, Ji Ling, and Pound were among them, but the most outstanding ones were It was Lu Bu, who looked mighty and mighty under the background of Chituma.

"Where is Yuan Benchu, go out of the city to answer!" Lu Buyun shouted vigorously.

Answering before the formation is a common occurrence when the two armies are at war. It is more to make your own army famous, so that your soldiers can feel that they are the righteous side, and this is also the army. Before the expedition, the coach will tell the soldiers the reason for sending troops.

Yuan Shao got the news before Lu Bu arrived outside the city.

The city gate slowly opened, and the 10,000 Qingzhou Army opened its position outside the city, but regardless of the momentum displayed by the soldiers or the speed of the formation, there was a big gap compared with the Union State Army. Some soldiers, even more It seems a little flustered.

Looking at Lu Bu in front of the battlefield, Yuan Shao led the generals in the army forward.

"Lv Fengxian, Benhou is the Jizhou Mu of the Han Dynasty, but you invaded Jizhou for no reason before. What is the reason?" Yuan Shao asked first.

Lv Bu laughed and said: "I haven't seen it for a long time, but Benhou was the first to get his hands on him, but he didn’t know what to say. Benhou was in charge of Jizhou, but the imperial court made an order. Is there any imperial decree in your hand?"

Yuan Shao's complexion condensed. Yecheng was rushed too quickly. At such a critical moment, Yuan Shao would naturally not think about taking away the will issued by the court.

"In this way, there is no imperial decree in the original hand. The prince was ordered to govern the land of Jizhou, but you have invaded the city under the prince's rule for no reason and plunged the people into the flames of war. What is the reason?" Lu Bu shouted.

Yuan Shao's complexion turned red, and Lu Bu retorted with his talented words, which made him feel aggrieved.

"Hmph, Fengxian's methods are brutal. The soldiers and civilians in Jizhou are overwhelmed. They hate Fengxian even more. Otherwise, how could the prince regain Qinghe and Bohai so easily." Yuan Shao said coldly. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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