Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1352: : Siege

The words of Lu Bu reverberated constantly above the city. Many generals looked at Lu Bu curiously. After listening to Lu Bu’s words, Jiang Qi’s expression changed drastically. Lu Bu’s words placed him on the opposite side of the lieutenant generals. Hou may be nothing to the generals in the army, they will not be impulsive because of Lu Bu's promise, but for ordinary soldiers, it has a fatal temptation.

A group of arrows about the treatment of the soldiers received by the lieutenant generals of the Bingzhou army and the status quo of the people under Lu Bu's rule were thrown into the city by thunderbolt carts.

Pingyuan City, there are three gates with Lu Bu's soldiers and horses, Pingyuan City has been surrounded.

"General, look at the things written on these papers." The lieutenant ran quickly.

Jiang Qi's expression changed a lot after reading it. Regardless of whether the things on the Jin paper were true or not, once it spread in the city, it would be extremely detrimental to resisting the enemy's offensive. Some soldiers even looked at Jiang Qi with different gazes. Some people doubt it, and some people believe that they believe in Jin Hou's promise. The respect for Lu Bu in the hearts of some generals is higher than that for Yuan Shao. This is the effect brought about by absolute force.

What kind of treatment Lu Bu's army has, the generals under Yuan Shao have naturally heard of it, but the news they usually get is not as detailed, and even if someone knows it, they dare not easily spread it in the army. This is shaking the military's mind. Guilty.

"The order is to collect all the Jin papers. Anyone who dares to discuss in the army should deal with it carefully and never tolerate it." Jiang Qi ordered.

Even though Jiang Qi's actions were fast, the content on the Jin paper was spread in the army at an extremely fast speed through the mouths of literate people, and Lu Bu's shouts in the city were also spread in the army.

"If you are allowed to enter the city, how sure can you convince Jiang Qi?" Lu Bu cast his gaze to Lu Kuang.

Lu Kuang's expression was slightly stagnant, and he clasped his fist and said: "The lord, the final general and Jiang Qi are not familiar with each other, and from the words, we can see that Jiang Qi is a loyal and loyal person, and he will definitely not surrender easily."

"People who are greedy for life and afraid of death." Dianwei murmured from the side. Lu Kuang and Jiang Qi are both generals under Yuan Shao's command. If Lu Kuang enters the city, he will definitely gain something.

Although the voice was very soft, it was still heard by Lu Kuang, his complexion turned red involuntarily, and he did not dare to go to the city because of his fear of death.

"Since this is the case, Benhou led the army to break the plains personally, making Jiang Qi regret it." Lu Bu said in a deep voice, whether it was the equipment used for siege of the city or the number of soldiers, the army of his side was absolutely dominant. From today’s observations, we can find that the enemy’s army is nowhere to be seen. When facing an army of 20,000 of its own, it’s hard to conceal panic on the face.

Lu Bu needed not only to panic the defenders of the plains, but also to make Yuan Shao fearful. Qingzhou at this time was where Yuan Shao's foundation lies. Once Qingzhou is broken, it means Yuan Shao is homeless, as for staying. In Qinghe and Bohai County, surrounded by enemy cities, it is a strange thing to be able to last for a long time.

It was to make Lu Bu feel impatient but afraid to leave the city.

One day later, densely packed Thunderbolt cars were erected outside the city, while the Thunderbolt riders in the defending army stared at the outside of the city intently, calculating the number of steps secretly, and they could only give them a fatal blow after the enemy approached.

The enemy's thunderbolt moved and stopped at a distance of about three hundred and fifty steps from the city.

Jiang Qi, who rushed to the wall in a hurry, was shocked to see this scene. At this distance, could it be that the thunderbolt in the Lu Bu army was able to throw the boulder on the wall.

Suddenly, Jiang Qi thought that in Lu Bu's army, there used to be a thunderbolt car that could throw boulders to a distance of five hundred steps.

"It was sent to order all soldiers to avoid the city. This time it was a temptation by the enemy." Jiang Qi shouted loudly.

As soon as the words came to an end, the dense situation was overwhelming. It was the giant Thunderbolt rider from behind the Thunderbolt. In fact, after seeing the giant Thunderbolt, Jiang Qi noticed something wrong. It was only at the critical moment of the two counties confronting each other. The panic in the performance of one side's army means that it is difficult to have outstanding performance in the next battle, and no one is willing to choose to help the disciples who are no longer worthy.

There were bursts of screams from the city, and some soldiers could not bear this situation, and rushed under the city wall as if they fled, but they were greeted by Paoze's merciless slaughter.

After several deserters were killed in succession, the defenders gradually stabilized, but this kind of stability did not have much effect when the enemy’s thunderbolt attacked the city. The power of the boulder thrown by the thunderbolt was too scary. Now, in terms of real damage, the Thunderbolt may not be big, but it can weaken the morale of the enemy to the greatest extent and make the morale of the siege party even Morale is more determined The fate of an army, although the morale is invisible and intangible, it is real. A team with high morale can explode even more powerful combat power when facing a strong enemy, while an army with low morale can meet a little bit. After setbacks, it is very possible to escape. This can be seen from the defenders on the city. Although the number of troops outside the city is large, the defenders are supported by the wall. Compared with the enemy outside the city, they are not occupied. With too many advantages.

The Thunderbolt attacked the city for three consecutive days, and the arrow piles just built on the city wall were devastated by boulders.

The morale of the defending army dropped to the lowest point. There was a letter about Lu Bu who ordered people to throw into the city. Although the army strictly forbidden to discuss the contents of the Jin paper privately, the effect was not good. This is related to the lives of soldiers. It's impossible for them not to take care of the big things.

Just when Lu Bu led the army to attack the plain, Yuan Shao in Ganling City also got the news. When he learned that Lu Bu personally led the army to attack the plain, Yuan Shao felt even more shocked. Based on Lu Bu's greatness and his army It’s not difficult to take down the plain, but the plain is the retreat for your army. If it is occupied by Lu Bu, it is almost impossible to seize it from Lu Bu. How strong is Lu Bu’s army? The generals had a sober understanding, and no one wanted to face the army led by Lu Bu, especially when Lu Bu led the army in battle, these soldiers were even more crazy. This is also where Yuan Shao and Cao Cao fear Lu Bu.

"My lord, now that Lu Bu is leading the An army to attack the plains, the army is bound to be empty. The lord still needs to lead his troops and horses in a battle to attack the morale of the enemy. Why can't you break the enemy." Feng Ji said.

(End of this chapter)

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