Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1364: : Changes in Qingzhou

After learning of this shocking change, the families in the city went to the army to visit Dianwei. Dianwei’s identity was enough to move the family. As long as Dianwei’s trust could be obtained, the Heshou family could not rise in the future. As for the resistance at this time They didn’t think about it, but they were rejected. Not only did the generals in the army have no confidence in Yuan Shao’s leadership of this battle, but also the family, but Yuan Shao insisted on going his own way. After breaking through Qinghe and Bohai County, he fell into the current danger. In the environment.

Dian Wei was happier for the good expressions of these aristocratic families. There was no other reason. The main reason was that Lu Bu had a bad reputation in the middle of time, so that Dian Wei had a lot of complaints against the aristocratic family. The more kind, even so, Dian Wei did not relax his vigilance.

Lu Bu was overjoyed after receiving the news sent by Dianwei. He didn't expect that after occupying Gaotang, he would be able to achieve such a big gain. If Jinan County could be occupied, it would be absolutely fatal to Yuan Shao. He even saw it. When he arrived, Yuan Shao looked uneasy sitting and lying down.

"Send the command to the army and continue to attack the plains." Lu Bu immediately ordered.

After seeing this scene, the defender of the plain, Jiang Qi, directly opened the city gate and took refuge in Lu Bu. Under the successive attacks of the enemy, the defenders in the city did not suffer a lot of damage, but the threat from the enemy’s thunderbolt car The morale of the defenders was low, and there was no war intent to speak of, and after the enlistment led the army to defeat Lu Bu, it meant that they had no support.

Although Jiang Qi was grateful to Yuan Shao, he didn't want to die just there. He wanted to do more.

Jiang Qi opened the gate of the city to take refuge. To Lu Bu's surprise, after all, there are still more than two thousand defenders in the city. Although there are more than 10,000 troops outside the city, it is not easy to break the plain in a short time. Jiang Qi’s refuge gave Lu Bu greater confidence in the next war.

Yuan Shao attacked Jizhou with the plain as the rear, and he attacked Qingzhou with the plain as the rear.

After entering the city to comfort Jiang Qi, Lu Bu unceremoniously seized control of the city's army. Only with sufficient strength in his hands can he have absolute sovereignty in the city.

After the plain was seized by Lü Bu, it caused a lot of turmoil in Pingyuan County. The plain was a heavy city, and it was Yuan Shao's strong support for attacking Qingzhou. After falling into Lü Bu's hands, it meant that the Qingzhou army was really in danger. Instability is absolutely fatal to a large army, but Lu Bu's attack directly attacked the rear, but it made the Qingzhou army somewhat helpless.

Fifteen thousand troops came towards Gaotang, and the rest were stationed in the plain city. As long as the plain was firmly in control, the Qingzhou troops could be shaken. What was unexpected by Lu Bu was that after occupying the plain, There are actually three cities showing good wishes, expressing their direct willingness to be attached.

Five days later, the army gathered in Gaotang. After supplementing the grain and grass, they came towards the Dongping Mausoleum, and in one fell swoop, the Dongping Mausoleum was broken.

The change in this battle was so fast that Yuan Shao felt dizzy. Just two days after he learned the news of the loss of Pingyuan, Gao Tang was lost.

Guo Tu worried: "Lord, now Lu Bu has 20,000 soldiers and horses in his hands. If the Dongping Mausoleum is captured, Qingzhou will be turbulent and the military will be unstable."

Yuan Shao didn't seem to wake up from the successive changes. His expression was a little dazed. Qingzhou is now his root. If Qingzhou is lost, he will not last long in Jizhou and go out of the city to fight the enemy forces. It is because Yuan Shao doesn't have such thoughts. It was the soldiers in the army whose morale was low. When they raided the enemy, the failures of the cavalry and the first dead soldiers had a great impact on the army.

"Lord, the subordinates have found out that Zhao Qiang, the lieutenant who first ascends to the dead, has contact with the enemy." Feng Ji whispered.

Guo Tu's expression condensed slightly. Unexpectedly, at this time, Feng Ji was still investigating the lieutenant of Xian Deng's death. Could it be that Feng Ji couldn't see that Qingzhou is already in danger. If it is not handled properly, the army will face it. The ones will fall apart.

The haze on Yuan Shao's face grew thicker, and he coldly snorted: "You dare to betray the prince and are involved in the enemy army. If these people don't deal with it, how can you convince the soldiers in the army to behead Zhao Qiang and show them to the public."

"Here." Feng Ji arched his hands, and then said the scene he had encountered among the dead soldiers in Xiandeng.

At the beginning, when he heard that Ju Yi trained soldiers in this way, he would definitely praise him, but now hearing how arrogant Ju Yi is, Yuan Shao's expression sank for no reason, "Can this person explain to others?"

Feng Ji instantly understood the meaning of Yuan Shao’s words, "Master, this person never speaks. When he first went to the barracks of the dead, General Ju Yi took good care of this person. If it weren’t for the master’s order, his subordinates were very likely. Even the barracks of the first deceased can't get out."

"Let Ju Yi come to see the Lord." Yuan Shao beat the The succession of things made Yuan Shao exhausted, and Ju Yi's deputy had actually taken refuge in the enemy at this critical moment. If that is not the case, How can the army fail.

"Here." The soldiers outside the account clasped their fists and left.

Guo Tu stepped forward and said: "Master, at this moment, it is the most critical moment of the battle with the enemy. If you blame the generals in the army, I am afraid that the military will be shaken. General Ju Yi has made great achievements. The elite of our army."

"What can elites do? If it weren't for Ju Yi's lieutenant to betray the army, how could there be the situation as it is now, Ju Yiping was always arrogant in the army and defiant." Yuan Shao snorted coldly.

The corners of Guo Tu's mouth moved, and he didn't say anything to persuade him. It can be seen that Yuan Shao was not because of this incident, and he had also heard about Ju Yi's role in the army.

"Can Simpi be abnormal?" Yuan Shao asked. Deep down, he was suspicious of Simpi, but there was no evidence.

Feng Ji said: "Master, Simpi did not leave the camp for half a step that night. It is impossible to have the opportunity to contact other people."

Guo Tu's brow furrowed deeper. He has a deep understanding of Feng Ji. He can say that he can do everything for his own benefit. The degree of greed is greater than that of Xu You, and Xin Pi is absolutely certain. A certain price was paid, otherwise Feng Ji would not speak for him in front of Yuan Shao.

"Speaking of which, I was wronged by George that day." Yuan Shao's expression eased slightly.

"General help!"

Ju Yixun looked at it, but saw two soldiers in the army, carrying Zhao Qiang with blood all over his body, walking outside, if it weren't for being very familiar with Zhao Qiang, he couldn't even tell that this was the past. The first lieutenant among the dead. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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